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Agri-food Cooperatives in Spain: current situation and future challenges in the legal, fiscal and accounting areas

The Chair for Agri-food Cooperatives of the Universitat de València will be giving an online conference as part of the CIDES activities, within its series of seminars for university students.

On 9 December, the conference entitled ‘Agri-food Cooperatives in Spain: current situation and future challenges in the legal, fiscal and accounting areas’ will be held. This activity is part of the series of seminars given by the Chair, in collaboration with different universities in Spain during the 2020-2021 academic year.

The activities carried out by the Chair include seminars for students, which aim to disseminate the virtues of the cooperative model in general, and  the agri-food model in particular, among university students. The aim of these seminars is to increase the number of young people who see agri-food cooperativism as an ideal area for developing their professional career, either in the academic or technical level. Thereby, it is complemented by the Award for the Best Academic Work (Final Degree Project, Final Master’s Project or Doctoral Thesis) to encourage undergraduate or postgraduate students in legal, accounting or fiscal subjects to receive specialised training in this area.

The seminars are carried out in collaboration with different national universities. During this third year of the Chair, a seminar was held on 19 October at the Universidad Jaume I in Castellón, and other seminars are scheduled at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, the Universitat de les Illes Balears, and the Universitat de València. In the case of the Universidad de Almería, the event will be held on 9 December at 10 am, in online format. It will be introduced by Carlos Vargas Vasserot, Professor of Commercial Law at the Universidad de Almería and Director of CIDES, followed by a presentation of the Chair by its Director, Professor Pilar Alguacil of the Universitat de València. The main point will be the conference entitled ‘Agri-food Cooperatives in Spain: current situation and future challenges in the legal, fiscal and accounting areas’, given by Tomás Rojas Pacheco, director of the Financial, Fiscal and Internal Management Area of Agri-food Cooperatives Spain. This activity is addressed to students and former students of the Universidad de Almería within the framework of CIDES’ activities, as well as the rest of the academic community and other interested people.


Date 9 december 2020 at 10:00 to 14:00. Wednesday.



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