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Degrowth, art and ecology


‘Degrowth, art and ecology’


Antonio Turiel. Scientific Researcher at the CSIC.

José Albelda. Professor of Art and Ecology and co-director of MHESTE.

Juan Bordera. Scriptwriter and journalist specialising in climate and energy.

Presented by:

Ester Alba. Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport, UV.

Moderated by:

Raúl Abeledo. Academic Director of the Cultural Observatory, UV.

The planet is finite and resources are limited. Can we continue to live with our backs turned to this reality and feed a system based on accumulation that has led us to the current critical situation? The global energy crisis and the climate emergency are undeniable evidence that the world and all the species that inhabit it are suffering in countless ways and in an increasingly intense manner. Despite the search for alternatives from science and technology and the growing increase in social mobilisation, no miracle solution will save us from collapse if we intend to continue growing. In this context, more and more expert voices and aware citizens are pointing towards degrowth as a solution. Changing the way we produce, the way we consume, the way we move, the way we feed ourselves, the way we interact with the planet... Is this the only way? And if so, how can we achieve the cultural revolution necessary to bring about this change of course?

The Cultural Observatory of the Universitat of València has organised this seminar with the aim of debating all these questions and also the role of art, aesthetics and humanities in the eco-social transition that many are calling for.

Face-to-face session. Matilde Salvador Hall, Centre Cultural La Nau. Registration is free but required:

Online streaming via the Centre Cultural La Nau YouTube Channel (without registration):


Date 12 april 2022 at 18:00 to 00:20. Tuesday.


Sala Matilde Salvador. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Observatori Cultural UV i Fundació General UV

Col: Ajuntament de València. Caixa Popular.

