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    Types of Family Businesses: Implications for their strategic behavior.

    Guillén Gorbe, Tomás (Grupo IFEDES) Escribá-Esteve, Alejandro (CEFUV - Universitat de València / Ivie)

    Valencia , 2022. Recurs electrònic

    What types of family businesses are there? What implications do the specific characteristics of each type in its strategic behavior? This research note addresses these questions. The full study is published in Guillén Gorbe, T., & Escribá-Esteve, A. (2021). Heterogeneity in Family Firms: exploring governance configurations and their effect on strategies. Harvard Deusto Business Research, X(1), 26-52.


    (2022). Recurs electrònic

    It is said that start-ups are born with the support of one or more of the so-called 4 "F" (Family, Friends, Funds and Fools). Entrepreneurship by members of the same family (siblings, cousins, married couples or ascendants/descendants) is a very common phenomenon, but little analyzed and understood. People often talk about the idiosyncrasy of the family business in established companies, already in processes close to succession in management, or even in second and successive family generations. But what is so special about embarking on a new business venture with other family members? What does it bring and what does it mean to work with family members in the initial stages of a business...

    It is said that start-ups are born with the support of one or more of the so-called 4 "F" (Family, Friends, Funds and Fools). Entrepreneurship by members of the same family (siblings, cousins, married couples or ascendants/descendants) is a very common phenomenon, but little analyzed and understood. People often talk about the idiosyncrasy of the family business in established companies, already in processes close to succession in management, or even in second and successive family generations. But what is so special about embarking on a new business venture with other family members? What does it bring and what does it mean to work with family members in the initial stages of a business project? At this breakfast we will learn about the experience of two young, technology-based companies founded by members of the same family: Aerox and VisualNAcert. Raúl Cortés (Aerox) and Mercedes Iborra (VisualNACert) will tell us about their entrepreneurial experience with their brother and sister, respectively. Two cases of members of business families and entrepreneurs, materialized in two new companies that are showing excellent results and great growth prospects.

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    EL PODER REGENERADOR DE LA EMPRESA FAMILIAR: La transmisión de los valores de la empresa familiar a las nuevas generaciones

    Con la colaboración de: - Universidad de Jaén - Universitat de València Cátedra de Empresa Familiar de la Universitat de València (CEFUV) - Universidad de Extremadura

    (2022). Recurs electrònic

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    Workbook 8/2022: The shareholder perspective in Family Firms: a proposal for good practices

    Raúl Aznar (Aznar Patrimonio) Alejandro Escribá-Esteve (CEFUV)

    (2022). Recurs electrònic

    Quaderns de Treball CEFUV.

    The main objective of this booklet is to offer guidelines that serve to value the shareholder's perspective, and establish effective control mechanisms in the family business without undermining the work of the managers, and intensifying communication between the property and the family business.

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    ANÁLISIS 02 OBSERVATORIO GECE: competitividad y resiliencia empresarial: relación con las estructuras de propiedad y gobierno en las empresas valenciana.

    Carlos Albert (Ivie y Universitat de València) Alejandro Escribá (Ivie y Universitat de València)

    (2022). Recurs electrònic

    Solo un 17,3% de las empresas valencianas dispone de consejo de administración, frente al 20,8% de media en España

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    Workbook 7/2022: The employability of students in family firms. An assessment of student's competences and guidelines for improvement

    Pilar González Navarro. Universitat de València Lucía I. Llinares Insa. Universitat de València Rania Hakmi. Universitat de València Alejandro Escribá Esteve, Univesitat de València

    Valencia , 2022. Recurs electrònic

    Cuadernos de Trabajo CEFUV.

    Family firms are the largest economic structure in Spain and the most important in terms of job creation. Their culture and values make them peculiar, as well as the labor relations established within them. This workbook analyzes the employability of university students in this context. The results obtained show that the students possess some of the employability skills for obtaining and maintaining employment, that may help them to be part of the social capital of the family business. These skills may also help them add value to the family business by integrating part of those resources called familiness that have been associated with business success. However, the results also show that...

    Family firms are the largest economic structure in Spain and the most important in terms of job creation. Their culture and values make them peculiar, as well as the labor relations established within them. This workbook analyzes the employability of university students in this context. The results obtained show that the students possess some of the employability skills for obtaining and maintaining employment, that may help them to be part of the social capital of the family business. These skills may also help them add value to the family business by integrating part of those resources called familiness that have been associated with business success. However, the results also show that there is still a long way to go, and the areas for improvement are analyzed in which they should work to have more chances of success in their integration into the workforce of a family business.

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    Family Businesses as a potential employer.

    Sara Cardona; Alejandro Escribá.

    (2022). Projecte fi de grau

    Data about the family firm as an employing entity.

  • CEFUV Report 2021

    Chair of Family Business at the University of Valencia

    (2022). Recurs electrònic

    Report of activities of the Chair of Family Business of the University of Valencia during the year 2021

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    Análisis 01/2022: Motores de la Recuperación: Caracterización y Rasgos de las Empresas Valencianas de Alta Competitividad y Crecimiento.

    (2022). Recurs electrònic

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    El difícil paso de planificar la sucesión: ¿Qué papel juega una mayor diversidad de perspectivas?

    Ana Botella (Universidad de València) Cynthia E. Clark (Universidad de Bentley) Patricia Gabaldón (IE Business School) Alejandro Escribá (Universidad de Valencia e IVIE)

    (2021). Recurs electrònic