09:00 - 20:00
Pedagogial transition: sciencie, experience and freedom
Pedagogical Transition is an exhibition that explores the mobilisation of a new democratic culture through science classrooms. It focuses on...
10:00 - 14:00
Propostes ecofeministes per a una València Verda
Jornada Propostes ecofeministes per a una València Verda Conferència Ecofeminisme per a una altre futur...
10:00 - 14:00
Freedom, freedom. The seventies in Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection
The collection of the married couple Carmen García Merchante and Jesús Martínez Guerricabeitia, which focuses on the...
10:00 - 20:00
Manuela Ballester. Painting against all odds
From Valencia to the German Democratic Republic, passing through Mexican exile, she lived between brushes, murals and personal struggles. A...
16:00 - 20:00
Freedom, freedom. The seventies in Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection
The collection of the married couple Carmen García Merchante and Jesús Martínez Guerricabeitia, which focuses on the...
17:00 - 21:00
Art, pain and commitment. Women in the Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection
According to its curators, Rafael Gil and Mariángeles Pérez, this...
18:00 - 19:30
La influència del pensament polític clàssic en l’actualitat
Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives Cicle de Conferències El món clàssic en la realitat...
18:00 - 20:00
Cicle de pel·lícules La IA en el cinema El jovencito Frankenstein Mel Brooks....
18:00 - 19:30
AlumniUV: The novel Arcís and the musical angels of the Valencian Cathedral
24 April from 18:00 to 19:00 in the Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Geography and...
19:00 - 20:30
Tras el final, de Serge Lamothe
Cultura als Campus Presentació de la traducció i trobada amb l'autor Tras el final de Serge...
19:00 - 20:30
La lengua incompleta, by Guadalupe Sáez
La Nau Theatre La lengua incompleta by Guadalupe Sáez Directed by Kika Garcelán. Performed by La família...
The Visual Arts Classroom has created a new cycle called “Sorolla Year” that will initially last until May 2024 Cycle programming [+]...
Program of activities organized by the Narrative Classroom from February to June 2024 Narrative Classroom Programming [+]...
UV Collaboratory: 2nd Intergenerational Meeting UV. 2 ECTS credits. Open for enrolment
The Universitat de València joins the celebrations for the “European Day of...
Spring Concerts The Music Club of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society of the...
From manuscripts to impact journals – scientific publications
Through this course, students will gain the ability to present and publish research papers in scientific publications, as well as...