The actions of the Area of Musical Activities are specified in three different areas:
1. Management:
The Area’s prime concern has been the technical and administrative coordination of all the activities of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Universitat de València and University Choir of València: rehearsals, performances, tours, etc. Both groups share their academic nature and their excellent musical quality. Besides, from October 2001, the Area also organises the activities of La Nau Choir School of the Universitat de València, from October 2011 the Nau Gran Choral Club UV and from 2016 the Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió de la UV.
2. Production:
he Area of Musical Activities produces exceptional musical projects aiming at promoting and disseminating Valencian music and increasing the presence of its musical groups. Among the Area’s own productions, we should highlight:
- “Cinc segles de música valenciana” (1999): a monographic concert devoted to Valencian choral music from the 16th to the 20th centuries. Recorded and released on CD, the concert was performed by the University Choir of València and the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Universitat de València. The programme included various pieces for musicological revival as well as the world premiere of the commissioned “Esperits Clars”, by the Valencian composer J.A. Orts.
- In 2000, coinciding with the celebration of the Universitat de València’s 500th anniversary, the Board hosted the 4th edition of the International Festival of University Choirs (FICU 2000, on its Spanish acronym), held on 18-23September 2000. We counted on the participation of 13 university choirs from all over the world.
- “L’adéu de Lucrècia Borja” (Carles Santos, 2001): Won the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the bull granted by Pope Alexander VI at the Universitat de València. This symphonic-choral composition was commissioned to the renowned Valencian composer Carles Santos. This work was premiered in València and Barcelona
- “Le Revenant” (J.M. Gomis, 2003): This composition was premiered in Valencia by 8 Valencian soloists, the University Choir of Valencia and the Philharmonic Orchestra of the Universitat de València, with Cristóbal Soler (conductor) and Tono Berti (stage director). Its first world recording was published in early 2004.
3. Music education:
The Board for Musical Activities programmes music training courses. From 1998 over 1,000 students approach music every year in all its forms, ranging from introductory musical courses to advanced musical interpretation courses.