The General Foundation of the Universitat de València, in accordance with its instrumental nature to the service of the Universitat de València, meets a correct transparency policy as well good government. They are both well-founded on the principles of good practice, which bring life and content to the institution and the activity it develops within its policy areas.
Because of that, on the date of December 18th 2014, the Patronat of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València passed the Codi de Bon Govern i Bones Pràctiques (The Code of Good Governance and Good Practices), revised and updated by means of an agreement dated March 26 2019, which includes the main national and international recommendations in good government of non-profit organisations and principals of foundational social responsibility.
Some of the things included in good practice are the compliance of autonomic and state laws; the consistency of a body which takes identifiable decisions, as well as its members; the commitment of their mission and objectives; the promotion of organisation and efficient work and the guarantee of a correct compatibility in accordance with the current regulations about transparency; the follow-up and periodic evaluation of their action plan; and the transmission of knowledge and experiences through different projects and programmes.