General FoundationMusical Activities DepartmentUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Scrabble pieces
La fàbrica de les paraules

Theatre at La Nau

XXV Anniversary of the UV University Theatre Festival

La fàbrica de les paraules

Based on the story written by Agnès de Lestrade and Valéria Docampo.

By Theatre and Dance Workshop Level 1 of the UV

Professor: Jorge Picó and Christine Cloux

Theater tickets can be booked in advance at la Tenda de la Universitat (UV shop) at La Nau, and at the University campus, or on its website ( Tickets €2


ScheduleFrom 12 may 2022 to 13 may 2022. Thursday and friday at 19:00 to 20:30.


Sala Matilde Salvador. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Aula d'Arts Escèniques, UV.

