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musician and artist
Prior consent, credit and compensation – The key aspects for responsible use of generative AI in artistic creation

Wednesday 12 June 2024, 18:00 Palmireno Hall Faculty of Geography and History of the Universitat de València




Ainara LeGardon, musician, artist and specialist in intellectual property.


Moderated by:

Luis Demano, illustrator, graphic designer and member of the Associació de Professionals de la Il-lustració Valenciana - APIV.


Ainara LeGardon, musician, artist and specialist in intellectual property.

Marelisa Blanco, lawyer and cartoonist, CEO of Akme.

Faced with the onslaught of generative AI and the lack of tools to control its level of intervention in artistic creation, the cultural sector has sounded the alarm and is beginning to organise itself to protect its rights. But will it be soon enough? The picture is complex, not only because of the confusion over whether or not AI-generated material is protected by intellectual property rights and who should own it, but also because of the way in which technology companies have developed their applications: taking copyrighted works without seeking prior consent, without giving due credit and without compensating the creators.

Photos Ainara LeGardon: Rafa Rodrigo.

Photos Luis Demano: Daniel Garcia-Sala.

Photos Marelisa Blanco: ceded by Marelisa Blanco

Free entry. Registration required at


Date 12 june 2024 at 18:00 to 20:30. Wednesday.


Palmireno Hall

Av. Blasco Ibáñez 28

València (46010)

Organized by

Cultural Observatory UV with the support of the Faculty of Geography and History of the UV.



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Price: 0€

Departure date: 24/05/2024

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