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Deconstruir los géneros desde la educación

Valencia Thinks Global. We imagine the future. Online

Deconstructing gender from education


Marina Subirats, Professor Emeritus of Sociology UAB

Talks with:

Capitolina Díaz, Professor of sociology UV (retired)

Antonio Ariño, Vice-Rector of Culture and Sport UV

We are at a very interesting moment as regards the transformation of the female and male profiles. The trans debate and the possible solutions that are being offered may favour a consolidation of the genders, or, on the contrary, their abolition, which is what has always been suggested by feminism. This is not an academic debate, but one which is strongly rooted in society. In this new session of Valencia Thinks Global, where the sociologist Marina Subirats will talk with the also sociologists Capitolina Díaz and Antonio Ariño, UV Vice-Rector of Culture and Sport, all these issues will be addressed, as well as the role played by education in them. 

YouTube Channel of La Nau Cultural Centre


Date 14 december 2020 at 19:00 to 20:30. Monday.



Organized by

Nau Digital-Observatori Cultural, Fundació General de la Universitat de València i Institució Alfons el Magnànim.

