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Drawing by Estellés
Estellés als cors

Choir Concert. Centre Cultural La Nau


Estellés at La Nau: Centenary of his birth (1924–2024)

‘Estellés als cors’

With the participation of:

Gregorio Gea Choral Society (Benimaclet)

L’Eliana Choir School

InCrescendo Choir

Pequeños Cantores de Valencia

Pi de l’Anell Choral Society (Societat Renaixement Musical de Vinalesa)

Valencian Children’s Choir: Gatapata and Barcavella choral societies

Veus Juntes Choir School (Quart de Poblet): Gallarda Choral Society

Veus del Túria Choir

Choral Society of San Antonio de Benagéber

Santísima Trinidad Choir (Valencia)

Manuel Palau Choral Society

SEELE Choir (Deutsche Schule Valencia)

‘Estellés als cors’

September 2024 will mark the centenary of the birth of Vicent Andrés Estellés, one of the most important poets in Valencian literature. In order to make up for the considerable lack of choral literature on his poetry, we have composed and recorded a double work with 23 choirs and a plectrum orchestra. Nearly 500 singers from all over the Valencian Country took part in this double work, which has resulted in the publication of a book by the Alfons el Magnànim Institute (Valencia Provincial Council) containing the 11 new original and unpublished scores and a monographic CD of the sung pieces, which we will perform in the concert.

Estellés was the people’s poet – now the people will sing to him.

Let’s celebrate 100 years of Estellés!

Free entry, limited capacity

Program [+]


Date 28 september 2024 at 12:00 to 13:00. Saturday.


Claustre. Centre Cultural La Nau

Carrer de la Universitat, 2

València (46003)

Organized by

Servei de Cultura Universitària UV. Depatament de Filologia Catalana UV.

