Series to promote debate on the future of Europe as a common space of cultural and social exchange
With the objective of promoting debate on the future of Europe as a common space of cultural and social exchange, the Universitat de València organises from 1 to 20 December a new series of the European December dedicated this year to strengthening the relationship between the cities of València and Bologna.
In order to do so, a programme has been prepared filled to the brim of debates, panel discussions, conferences, theatre, literature, music...
- Opening act: Europe 2024, a compromised future. Conference organised by José Luis García Delgado, full university professor of Applied Economics Thursday, 3 December, 12:00. Faculty of Economics of the Universitat de València Graduate Hall. Magistral Conference Manuel Marín. Registration for the certfied students
- Theatre: Qui sóc jo quan ningú em mira?, by Escena Erasmus of the Universitat de València. Wednesday, 4 December, 19:00. El Musical theatre. Free entry with downloadable invite here
- Radio: Un día en Bolonia. Thursday, 10 December, 19:00. Radio Malva 104.9FM
- Cofee with projects: Network of the European Union in the Valencian Community. Wednesday, 11 December, 11:00. Faculty of Economics of the Universitat de València Graduate Hall. Limited capacity with free invitation through cde@uv.es
- Literature: Current italian literature. Veronica Raimo, conversing with Santiago Lemoine, bookseller, y Noemi Neri, journalist. Wednesday, 11 December, 19:00. La Batisfera Café and Bookshop Free entry
- Book presentation: Amar Europa: dietario de vivencias europeas, by Josep M. Jordán Galduf. The philosophist Adela Cortina and the economist Francisco Pérez (IVIE) will be talking with the author. Thursday, 12 December, 12:00. Faculty of Economics of the Universitat de València Classroom Manuel Sánchez Ayuso (first floor). Free entry
- Panel discussion: Bologna Children's Book Fair. With the participation of Ajubel, Oliveiro Dumas y Marta Pina, illustrators. Moderated by Begoña Lobo, editor at the Media Vaca. Saturday, 14 December, 19:00. Kiosk Media Vaca (Salamanca street 49, València). Free entry
- Panel discussion: Ciao Italia: Italy in València, València in Italy. Josep Vicent Boira, geographist, Ivano Magazzu, project manager, and Valentina Cristini, architect. Moderated by Noemi Neri, journalist. Thursday, 19 December, 19:00. Cultural centre l’Escorxador from El Cabanyal. Free entry
- Music: Christmas Concert by the UV Philharmonic Orchestra. Hilari Garcia Gázquez, conductor. Plays by Tchaikovsky, Wladteufel, etc. Friday, 20 December, 1:00 a. m. Charles Darwin Hall from Burjassot-Paterna Campus. Free entry, limited capacity.
- Exhibition: 10 years of posters of the #DesembreEuropeu #EuropeanDecember From 3 December 2024 to 22 January 2025. La Batisfera Café and Bookshop
Date From 3 december 2024 to 20 december 2024. 24h. Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday.
Faculty of Economics of the Universitat de València
Av. Tarongers, s/n
València (46022)
Universitat de València
UV General Foundation
European Documentation Center
With the participation of:
Office of the Vice-Principal for International collaboration y Multilingualism
Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
Faculty of Economics – UV
In collaboration with
Delegation of the Valencian Council for the European Union and external relations (GVA)
Valencia City Council
Europe Direct Office in València.
Contact cde@uv.es