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Alfonso de la Torre sitting in front of a bookcase with books
I Contemporary Glass Conference 'Recalling Vicointer’83'

I Contemporary Glass Conference

'Recalling Vicointer’83'

Keynote conference

‘Vibra aún cristalina sonora’

(A reflection on glass in Spanish contemporary art)

given by Alfonso de la Torre

Theorist and Art critic

Limited capacity

Confirmation of attendance:

Author of the image: © Carlos Schwartz





























































I Contemporary Glass Conference

“Recalling Vicointer’83”

Keynote conference

‘Vibra aún cristalina sonora’

(A reflection on glass in Spanish contemporary art)

given by Alfonso de la Torre

Theorist and Art critic

Limited capacity

Confirmation of attendance:


Date 28 february 2022 at 19:00 to 20:30. Monday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Vicerectorat de Cultura i Esport UV

Col: Museu Nacional de Cerámica González Martí. Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. MuseoCerralbo.



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