Survey for the teaching and research staff (PDI) and administrative personnel (PAS) of the Universitat de València
The Universitat de València has a valuable track in the application of digital tools to research and teaching in humanities. In addition, our social and technological environment is moving at an increasingly rapid pace, and changes as profound as the generalisation of the Artificial Intelligence and online teaching tools (to name just two examples) imply radical changes for any university institution.
Digital humanities are part of these processes, and the UV is well placed to participate from a leadership position. Thus, a team coordinated by the Offices of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society, Research, Lifelong Learning, Educational Transformation and Employment has launched a participatory diagnostic process aimed at the teaching and research staff (PDI) and services and administrative personnel (PAS) of the centres and services most directly related to humanities and ICT.
The aim of this diagnosis is to gain a better understanding of the human and material resources available at the Universitat and to gather proposals for new initiatives in teaching, research and transfer. The first phase consists of a short survey which you are invited to complete by 10 February. The survey is available at:
The results will form the basis of a first report that will be published at the end of February and will serve as a tool for the working groups that will take place in March.
We invite you to complete this short survey, which will also serve as a tool for strategic reflection. Thank you in advance for your information and suggestions. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to vicerec.cultura@uv.es.
Date From 12 january 2024 to 10 february 2024. 24h. Every day.
Universitat de València.
Contact vicerec.cultura@uv.es