Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives
The power of words "El poder de las palabras", on the work of the philosopher, philologist and Hellenist Barbara Cassin.
Led by:
Maite Larrauri Gómez. Philosopher and feminist writer
With the collaboration of:
Dolores Sánchez. Historian:
Mercedes Madrid. Hellenist
17, 24 and 31 January 2024
Days: 7, 14 and 21 February 2024
Time: 18:00 to 20:00
An analysis of the J.L. Austin’s (author of How to do things with words) thesis, shared by Barbara Cassin, allows for an explanation of what linguistic performativity entails. Barbar Cassins offers a lecture on the history of philosphy according to which the first philosophers of performativity were the sophists.
The linguistic shift of philosophy had one of its mos lucid beginnings in Nietzsche’s essay “Truth and falsehood in an extra-moral sense”. The Nietzschean influence on Foucault’s theory of history opens up historical territory to linguistic performativity.
Barbara Cassin raises the importance of performativity in life and in political conflicts. Her work on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa bears witness to this.
Registration: https://links.uv.es/5xHl07F
*Limited space, in order of registration
Date From 7 november 2023 to 21 february 2024. 24h. Every day.
Aules Seminari. Centre Cultural La Nau
Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives del Vicerectorat de Cultura i Societat de la Universitat de València.
Contact escola.pensament@uv.es