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L'Escola Moderna. El Moviment Freinet Valencià (1962-1977)

Book cover. A girl, a boy and an adult playing

Discussion on the occasion of the publication of the book by Alfred Ramos. EEPLLV. Centre Cultural La Nau

Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives (European School of Thought Lluís Vives)

Discussion on the occasion of the publication of the book
L’Escola moderna. El Moviment Freinet Valencià (1962-1977) (Modern school. The Valencian Freinet Movement (1962-1977)

With the participation of:
Alfred Ramos. Author of the book, researcher and teacher of the MCEP-PV
Carme Pinyana i Garí. Head of Editions of the UJI
Carmen Agulló Professor of Comparative Education and Education History of the Universitat de València
Mercé Viana. Writer and teacher of the MCEP-PV
Manolo Civera. Researcher and teacher of the MCEP-PV

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