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Conferencias Unisocietat Gandia
Unisocietat conferences in Gandia

These conferences, open to general public, are organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial and Society inside the Unisocietat programme.

Planning for the Autumn/Winter season:

23th October 2019

“Republicans vençuts: dels camps de refugiats francesos a Mauthausen-Gusen (1939-1945)” (Defeated republicans: from the French refugee camps to Mauthausen-Gusen (1939-1945)). Marc Baldó Lacomba. Full university professor of Modern and Contemporary History of UV.

20th November 2019

“Els aliments influixen en els nostres gens. Consells d’alimentació i hàbits de vida saludable” (Food influences our genes). Federico Pallardó Calatayud. Full university professor of Physiology of UV.

22th January 2020

“He pensat ja on viure quan siga major? Cohousing, cohabitatge, habitatges col.laboratius” (Have I thought where to live when I grow up? Cohousing). Sacramento Pinazo Hernandis. Full university professor of Social Psychology of UV.


ScheduleFrom 23 october 2019 to 22 january 2020. Every day at 19:00 to 20:30.


Centre de Gandia de la UV

Organized by

Vicerectorat de Projecció Territorial i Societat


