08:00 - 00:00
UVocupació: oferta formativa online amb crèdits (2n quadrimestre)
UVocupació, el servei d'inserció professional de la...
09:00 - 14:30
Health Sciences Area. Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum 2021
The Virtual Forum for Employment and Entrepreneurship in Health Sciences...
09:30 - 19:00
XX Employment and Entrepreneurship Fair
The 20th Employment and Entrepreneurship Fair of the Faculty of Economics is here! With a slight modification...
18:00 - 19:30
La Nau Theatre Antígona eterna (Eternal Antigone) By Sophocles; Komos Group. Directed by Miguel Navarro. After...
18:00 - 19:30
'El oficio de escribir: aventura y conjetura'
Conference El oficio de escribir: aventura y conjetura (The writing trade: adventure and conjecture) In charge of Felipe...
Escola Coral La Nau. Obert el període de preinscripció
L’Escola Coral La Nau, per a xiquets i xiquetes des dels 4 anys, ha obert el període de preinscripció de nous alumnes per al...
Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection: 2021 Courses
The Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection...
Virtual Employment Forums and Entrepreneurship. February - May 2021
The Universitat de València celebrates, from February to May, the virtual Employment and Entrepreneurship Forums, a meeting place for UV...
Virtual exhibition 'Women of the Congo. Isabel Muñoz'
The Martínez Guerricabeitia Collection (CMG), registered in the General Foundation of the University of...
ACTIVA CULTURA is a call for students of the faculties and schools of the UV in order to promote artistic and...
00:00 - 14:00
Public art / public university exhibition. Open inscription.
A new edition of the Public art / public university exhibition is being organised and it’s intended for visual artists of any age who are...
Call for applications Capacitas 2021. The registration period is now open
Do you want to acquire skills, tools and resources to help you improve your employability?
Registration at Inserta programme for UV undergraduate students is now open
Are you a 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student at the University of Valencia...