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Hands holding several flags of the European Union
Citizens as users of services of general interest

Conference given by MªJesús Garcia from the Department of Administrative Law of the Universitat de València and member of the Jean Monnet Chair for Services of General Economic Interest in the framework.

The term Services of General Interest includes sectors such as telecommunications, banking, postal services, water, gas and electricity supplies, transport and any other economic activity that is declared to be of general interest by the state. The type of activities included in this area and considered as basic services means that we are all recipients of these activities as consumers, or users of them. These activities respond to the basic and essential needs of the community, which is why the supply of and access to these services must be guaranteed for the population.

The conference is aimed at the general public, citizens and users of these services.


Date 9 november 2022 at 19:00 to 20:30. Wednesday.


Centre Internacional de Gandia (C/Tossal, 8)

Organized by

Centre Internacional de Gandia de la UV

Jean Monnet Chair for Services of General Economic Interest in the framework.

