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The Erasmus Scene of the Universitat de València sets up the Teatro Real in Madrid

  • UV General Foundation
  • December 11th, 2019
The audience stands to celebrate the performance of Erasmus Valencia Scene at the Teatro Real de Madrid.
The audience stands to celebrate the performance of Erasmus Valencia Scene at the Teatro Real de Madrid.

The European theatre project Erasmus Scene of the Universitat de València, in its tenth anniversary, set up the Teatro Real de Madrid after its performance on the occasion of the Annual Day of Diffusion Erasmus + 2019 last week, organised by the Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE, Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education) and which brought together more than 1,200 participants who made visible the work done in Erasmus + by schools and universities.

Theatre and music were an essential part of the whole session, especially with the representation of the students of Erasmus Scene of the piece written and directed intentionally by the co-directors of the project, Daniel Tormo and Josep Valero, under the title Generación Erasmus (Erasmus Generation).

The day was presented as follows: “Erasmus+: el programa que ofrece experiencias de vida a millones de españoles y europeos” (Erasmus+: the programme that offers life experiences to millions of Spanish and Europeans) and addressed innovation, employability and entrepreneurship in Erasmus+ as central themes, bearing in mind that Spain is a reference at European level in the Erasmus+ programme in all educational sectors.

(Dis)placement: Una historia de desplazamientos, from 11th to 13th in La Nau
Within the framework of the activities programmed within the cycle ‘Desembre Europeu’, the Erasmus Scene of the Universitat de València will stage the play (Dis)placement: Una historia de desplazamientos (A history of displacements), which will be performed at the Sala Matilde Salvador of La Nau Cultural Centre on 11th, 12th and 13th December, at 7 p.m.

It is a story about the climate crisis, a tale of birds and people full of poetic images, satire and music that poses common problems for all living beings who inhabit this world known as Earth.

This exhibition of the acting training workshop, directed by Josep Valero and written on purpose by the young Bulgarian dramaturge Martina Novákova, who was an actress of the Erasmus Scene in 2014-2015, continues with the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the European theatrical project Erasmus Scene of the Universitat de València, and thus joins for the second consecutive year the cultural activities of the 'Desembre Europeu' in Valencia. 

European Theatre Project of the Universitat de València
The Erasmus Scene is a cultural project of the Universitat de València, a pioneer in Europe, which this year celebrates its tenth edition and which aims to take advantage of the creative potential of Erasmus students and locals to put it at the service of the construction of a European identity, critical and free, through the performing arts.

The final goal is to build a European network of universities that promote the creation of performances and thus have a tool of new opportunities for social, cultural and linguistic integration in the international locations of the project, recently awarded by the Associació d'Empreses d'Arts Escèniques del País Valencià (AVETID) and has already been recognized previously with the European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2011, the Young Talent Award 2018 and the European Honorable Mention for the Promotion of Heritage through Arts 2018 PEARLE Live Performance Europe. 

In addition, the Erasmus Scene project highlights the Universitat de València's strong policy of mobility and internationalisation, positioning this academic institution as the third in Europe to receive incoming students. In fact, the Universitat has already received the honorary recognition for the best Erasmus Institution in 2013. The next step is to ensure that the Universitat de València's European theatre project is integrated into the newly created consortium of European universities.