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The University of Valencia publishes the first Insertion Itinerary Guide for an effective job search

  • UV General Foundation
  • May 3rd, 2021
Imatge de la portada de la guia.
Imatge de la portada de la guia.

The University of Valencia, through its job service, has published the first Insertion Itinerary Guide with more than a hundred specific resources and the aim of facilitating, both students and graduates of the UV, a successful job search. The document is open and free access through the UVjob website (

The purpose of the guide is twofold: on the one hand, to offer a consultation tool with which users will know the steps to follow for a successful job search; and on the other hand, to provide the identification and planning of an effective insertion itinerary.

It is aimed at the university community, in general, and at students and graduates in the job search phase, in particular. The guide proposes, through a series of interactive exercises, to start from the user’s self-knowledge or introspection (competences, training, professional experience, interests, objectives, SWOT analysis…), to reach the exploration, an activity that will allow to deepen in the labour market, the demands of employers and companies of interest to the professional.

The third part of the guide urges the user to take with the proper preparation of a CV, a cover letter and a diary to optimize the effective job search. It also offers the keys to preparing for a job interview, building a personal brand and using social networks during the job search process.

The volume ends with a section dedicated to resources, which includes an extensive and detailed directory of addresses of interest and websites of public administration and private companies; apps for job search in companies, agencies and public portals; recourses for working or doing internships abroad; information on recruitment; advice on training and employment; and specific resources for people with disabilities. In addition, you can find out all about the career opportunities for each degree.
