Citizens are becoming more interested in the entrepreneurship phenomenon every day. Therefore, the next edition of the Gandia Summer University will present two informative seminars on this topic, one of them organised by UVemprén.
Citizens are becoming more interested in the entrepreneurship phenomenon every day, as can be seen in the public discourse and the media. This is reflected in the adaptation of the secondary and post-secondary curricula to provide young people with entrepreneurial knowledge and skills. The entrepreneurial ability to change lives, as a source of employability and shared wealth, is for everyone. Therefore, the next edition of the Gandia Summer University will include two seminars on this topic.
The first seminar is titled ‘Social entrepreneurship as a backbone of the territory.’ This informative seminar, organised by Uvemprén, is aimed at the general public, not only to promote social entrepreneurship as a different way of doing innovative business, with a focus on social and environmental issues, but also aims to be a meeting point for presenting social innovation projects supporting the territory to society. The events will last 5 hours and will consist of a panel discussion on social entrepreneurship experiences with the aim of promoting best practices in the territory, as well as a workshop on social entrepreneurship ideas through the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology. Registration is now open and can be completed online via website. The training activities will take place at the URBALAB facilities in Gandia on 16 July.
The second informative seminar is led by Joan Ramon Sanchis Palacio, Head of the Department of Business Management of the UV, and is titled ‘Entrepreneurship and sustainability: designing, testing, and scaling sustainable business models.’ The objective of the seminar is to offer a specific methodology developed by teaching staff based on the framework of Corporate Sustainability to design, test and scale sustainable business models. The methodology combines the use of different sustainability-based tools, such as the Priority Matrix to prioritise the key stakeholders, the value that will be created for each of them and the design of a three-fold proposal of initial value, the Sustainable Lean Start-up and the Delphi method as a forward-looking technique to test the triple value proposition, and the Triple-Layered Canvas to scale and design the sustainable business model. The seminar will also be held at the URBALAB headquarters in Gandia on 17 July.