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The Microsoft-University of Valencia Chair in Privacy and Digital Transformation analyses the ethics of artificial intelligence

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • June 8th, 2021
Chair of Privacy and Digital Transformation Microsoft-University of Valencia.

The CafeterIA, a space for online meeting and debate on digital transformation in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), analyses this Wednesday, June 9, the principles of ethics in the development and use of AI. The debate, from 6 pm, will analyse this issue from a triple perspective: ethical-legal, research and business. The event is organised by the Chair of Privacy and Digital Transformation Microsoft-University of Valencia.

Participants are experts in analysis, doctrine, and advice on regulatory processes. Mónica Arenas, Professor of Constitutional Law and Delegate for Data Protection at the University of Alcalá, will take part; Vicente Domingo García, Professor of Ethics at the Universitat Jaume I in Castellón and director of the “Observatory of Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility of the Valencian Community”; Ulises Cortés, professor and researcher at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and director of International Relations with Latin America and head of the High Performance Artificial Intelligence area at the National Supercomputing Centre in Barcelona; and Ester de Nicolás, Global Director of AI Marketing and Innovation at Microsoft.

The European Union has developed in the last two years an intense activity in ethics in the development and use of Artificial Intelligence. Thus, the publication of the Ethical Guidelines for Reliable AI by the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence marked a particularly significant milestone. These guidelines invoke essential values, the so-called principles of respect for human autonomy; damage prevention; equity; and explicability. In addition, they propose an ethical impact assessment focused on seven pillars: human action and supervision, technical soundness and security, privacy and data management, transparency, diversity, non-discrimination and equity, environmental and social welfare, and accountability.

On the other hand, the European Parliament first, and the European Commission later, have promoted normative proposals that could underline ethical principles and incorporate those that by their nature can be expressed through normative mandates. In addition, they would place risk analysis and risk management at the centre of regulatory compliance.

From another point of view, it is significant to know the approach to these principles from the research. The University’s AI research teams often face the need to determine the ethical and legal requirements of their activity, and in no less cases the need to assess the ultimate meaning and viability of a certain research from the point of view of values.

Finally, the business world incorporates this type of impact assessment into its practices and must develop governance models that make it possible to meet the objectives of the business with an approach necessarily delimited by the guarantee of rights.


Online meeting

CafeterIA is an interdisciplinary meeting space open to address aspects of relevance to the objectives of knowledge promoted by the chair in relation to digital transformation and Artificial Intelligence. This activity seeks an agile online format for the dissemination of knowledge and scientific debate. It lasts approximately 45 minutes and has speakers who talk about an issue of interest with which they are professionally related from different points of view (research, business or administration). In addition, it is a meeting space open to dialogue and interaction with the audience.


Link of the meeting:


Relevant documents in this session:

▪ Ethical Guidelines for Reliable AI by the High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. Check it out here.

▪ Proposed Regulations establishing harmonised rules on artificial intelligence. Check it out here.

▪ Complementary documentation. Check it out here.