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Research on the impact of digitalisation in the workplace in Europe

  • September 20th, 2022
Cover of the work

The work commissioned by the European Parliament analyses the findings of the latest studies on this subject.

The European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs presented the study: Digitalisation and changes in the world of work. The report reinforces some of the conclusions of the Committee of Experts of the working group that prepared the Charter of Digital Rights. 

Indeed, the authors of the study, Regina Konle-Seid and Sara Danesi, point out in their conclusions that:

  • The Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of new digital business models and processes in work settings.
  • The digital divide among workers did not worsen during the first year of the pandemic. However, the digital gender gap is significant in specialised digital skills.
  • The adoption of digital technologies will not lead to large-scale loss of existing jobs. However, there is agreement on the uneven impact of the digitalisation of work among employees with different skill levels.
  • The evidence on causal effects of the digital transformation on working conditions or health is scarce.
  • Despite the fears that AI-enabled algorithmic management tools engender, there is little evidence on their occupational safety and health risks arising from digital surveillance, performance pressure and job insecurity.

The study Digitalisation and changes in the world of work can be found and downloaded by clicking on the image:
