From the United Nation, they try to answer this question: Why so many International Days? What are they for?
The answer is given by the most representative organism of the Organisation, the General Assembly, in many of the resolutions on which a date is designated as an International Day.
For example, in the one that indicates that the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which is celebrated each 25 November, the General encourages to develop «activities addressed to raise public awareness» regarding this issue.
Sensitising, educating, calling attention, noting that there is an unsolved problem, an important and pending matter in society, in order to make the governments and states to act and take action, or to urge citizens to demand this to their representatives.
Let’s see which are the Internacional Days related to equality:
23 de maig: Dia Internacional per a l'Eradicació de la Fístula Obstètrica
19 de juny: Dia Internacional per a l'eliminació de la violència sexual en els conflictes
23 de setembre: Dia Internacional contra l'explotació sexual i la tracta de persones
25 de novembre: Dia Internacional per a Eliminar la Violència Contra les Dones