What are Equality Plans?
Article 46. Concept and content of equality plans in business.
1. Equality plans in business are a package of measures adopted after a diagnosis of the situation that are aimed to achieve equal treatment and opportunities between women and men and eliminate gender-based discrimination inside the business. They will set particular objectives, strategies and practices needed, as well as efficient tracking and evaluation systems.
2. In order to achieve their objectives, equality plans can consider, among others, the subjects on employability, professional classification, promotion and training, retributions, adaptation of working time to favour labour, personal and familiar conciliation, and sexual harassment and harassment based on sex prevention.
3. Equality plans will have to consider the whole of a business, without damage of special actions performing suitable according to particular work centres.
ORGANIC LAW 3/2007, 22 March, for the effective equality between women and men. («BOE» 71, de 23-3-2007.)