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Research in Psychology of Work, Organisations and Human Resources has undergone great development in recent decades and addresses challenges of great scientific significance and of unquestionable practical and professional importance. This area of psychosocial research covers a wide range of issues and topics.

The PSYCHOLOGY OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR research group, based on a long history of research, focuses its research on the study of four basic aspects of this area of scientific research. On the one hand, it focuses on the study of two fundamental components for people and organisations: well-being at work in its different facets and effective performance that contributes to the results of the organisation. Secondly, and as a complementary activity to the previous one, the psychosocial factors of occupational and organisational health are analysed. This line of work has an important development in the analysis and prevention of psychosocial risks in organisations. A third line of work addresses the issue of human capital in organisations.

In particular, the main issues deal with the integration of young people into the labour market, unemployment and their career development. Finally, the analysis of the collective behaviour of work units is investigated. The study of group behaviour and relevant psychosocial aspects aims to contribute to the psychosocial understanding of structural and processual phenomena of work units and their outcomes for the members, the group itself and its constituents (stakeholders).

Goals CT

The general objective of the group is to promote quality, relevant and rigorous research on individual and collective behaviour in organisations. Specifically, and given the vast field of existing topics in this area, this group focuses its objectives on the following:

  1. To investigate the main aspects related to the well-being of people at work and their productivity and performance, paying attention to individual and social aspects.
  2. To investigate the main phenomena relevant to the analysis and prevention of psychosocial risks at work such as work-related stress and the factors of positive psychology related to this issue.
  3. To investigate the main processes of human capital management and development in organisations and the strategies for its development and career enhancement of people, especially young people.
  4. To investigate the group processes that affect the design, operation and results of work units and groups in organisations.
Research lines
  • Psychosocial factors of occupational health

    This line of work is a complementary development of the line described above. It stands out as a differentiated line because it deals with a very important technological field of organisational behavioural psychology, paying special attention to R&D for the analysis and prevention of psychosocial risks in organisations. Phenomena such as stress and psychosocial risk factors at work are investigated. Attention is also paid to various positive aspects of occupational health such as engagement, flow, and other related aspects. Finally, psychosocial interventions to prevent psychosocial risks at work are developed and evaluated.

  • Psychosocial analysis of organisational units

    The study of group behaviour and work units makes a significant contribution to the psychosocial understanding of the structural and processual aspects of these units and the results they produce for their members, the unit itself and its constituents ("stakeholders"). Phenomena such as the climate and culture of these units, the leadership and interaction between their members and the various cognitive-affective-emotional phenomena at the group level are the main aspects investigated in this line of work.

  • Human capital, employability and career development

    This line focuses on the study of the incorporation of human capital into organisations (the integration of young people into the labour market), the waste of human capital due to unemployment or over-qualification and strategies to improve the career development of individuals. These questions require basic, often interdisciplinary research, and at the same time are of great practical, personal and social relevance. Therefore, in our research we have set up observatories on young people's entry into the labour market and strategies for career development in the early stages of their careers. In this area we not only analyse processes related to employment, but also self-employment and entrepreneurial behaviour and initiatives.

  • Well-being and job performance

    This line of research pays special attention to the study of employee well-being and its relationship with performance and productivity at work. It therefore investigates two fundamental components of the relationship between people and organisations: the well-being of people at work in its different facets and also their effective performance that contributes to the results of the organisation. Special attention is paid to the synergies and antagonisms between well-being and performance and to the antecedents that affect these two aspects of organisational behaviour and their interactions. The research is conducted from a multilevel, longitudinal approach, paying special attention to the most relevant antecedents of the different combinations of well-being and performance.

  • PDI-Emerit/a Universitat
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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Associated structure
Institute for the Research of the Psychology of Human Resources, Organisational Development and the Quality of Daily Life
Contact group details
Psychology of Organizational Behavior (PsyCOR)

Blasco Ibáñez Campus

Av. Blasco Ibañez, 21

46010 València (Valencia)

+34 963 864 689


Contact people
  • PDI-Emerit/a Universitat
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