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Research Group on Human Rights and Globalisation - Derglo


This group, which is now applying for access to the register of research groups, has been developing for decades, based on the pioneering studies and research in the field carried out by Professor Jesús Ballesteros, several lines of research, prolonged and updated over time, on various facets of human rights, In recent years, these have focused specifically on issues related to international justice, with special attention to the challenges of peace and sustainable development, the most recent results of which are the following funded research projects, in addition to a significant number of publications and monographs in prestigious publishers and scientific journals: 

  • Prometeo Phase II project. Reference: PROMETEO II/2014/080. (From 1-1-2014 to 31-12-2017) The role of law in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. Grants for research groups of excellence.
  • Global Justice Programme (Diké). Grants to research groups for the constitution and accreditation of ISIC (Higher Institutes for Cooperative Research) networks of excellence. Reference: ISIC/2012/017 (From 1-1-2012 to 31-12-2015).
  • PROMETEO Programme for research groups of excellence. Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government). From 1-I-2010 to 31-XII-2013. Human rights, sustainability and peace. Main researcher: Jesús Ballesteros.
  • The MEC R+D+I Research Project, directed by Dr. J. Ballesteros: Globalisation and International Justice: human security, peace and sustainable development (SEJ-2007-67270/JURI).
  • The Generalitat's R+D+I project (2007-2008) directed by Dr. Encarnación Fernández: States in crisis and international justice (GV/2007/061).
  • The R&D&I project funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (Valencian Government), directed by Dr. Pilar González Altable: The theory of democracy in the face of contemporary challenges; civic competence and globalisation (GV00-158-08).

This research group also constitutes the core of professors responsible for a doctoral programme that has a long history dating back to 1989 with the doctoral programme entitled "Derechos humanos, ética y democracia" (Spanish for Human Rights, Ethics and Democracy). This programme was followed by "Human Rights and Current Problems" (an international programme in collaboration with the University of Palermo and with a mention of quality); at present, Professor Ballesteros himself directs the PhD programme entitled  "Sostenibilidad y Paz en la era posglobal" (Spanish for Sustainability and Peace in the post-global era)

The formal constitution of this group responds to an increasing demand for specialised studies and work, with a practical orientation, in the field of human rights, peace and sustainable development, which contribute new lines of action and suggest effective mechanisms for the protection and guarantee of rights in different fields in the face of the new challenges facing society. 

There is a broad social awareness of the need to deepen the idea of the indivisibility and interdependence of human rights, as a response to the terrible scourges (wars, underdevelopment and the indiscriminate and savage exploitation of natural resources) that plague humanity. Society demands to assume the perspective that gives primacy to the full realisation and fulfilment of all rights for all human beings (not only those of the first world) and to put the emphasis not only on economic growth but on a truly human and sustainable development (centred on the satisfaction of people's basic needs). From this perspective, it is possible to contribute to peace-building at the local level (countries devastated by conflicts of all kinds) and at the global level. In other words: peace, development and the realisation of rights can only be achieved together.

Goals CT
  • Analysis of the process of building European political unity in the recognition of diversity and respect for human rights.
  • In-depth study of new technologies in all their fields in order to face the ethical, political and economic challenges they pose.
  • Analysis of the debate on the gender perspective and women's rights, particularly in the drafting of legal standards.
  • Articulation of responses to contemporary challenges to the liberal democratic model, analysis of values, justice, freedom and participation.
  • Analysis of the current challenges posed by international relations in order to achieve the protection of human rights and peace.
Research lines
  • Human rights and techno-power

    The main challenge of law is the defence of the human being against the uncontrolled power of technology in various fields: ecology vs. anthropocene; finance vs. speculation and tax fraud; bio-law vs. transhumanism; the right to privacy and non-manipulation vs. GAF (Google, Amazon and Facebook)

  • Human security and planetary sustainability in the post-global era

    UN concept to displace the concept of national security, which affects quality of life and not weapons potential, and GDP, which focuses on increasing computable operations. Its sustainability depends on subordinating finance to the real economy and this to human capabilities.

  • Personalism and Cosmopolitanism

    During the 20th century, communitarian personalism, a philosophical horizon and a movement for action, has made a valuable contribution to the development of this tradition of humanism and to the process of building European political unity in recognition of diversity and respect for human rights.

  • Political Philosophy: Justice, Democracy and Participation

    This line of research will focus primarily on contemporary challenges to the liberal democratic model, analysing essential values such as justice, freedom, human rights and addressing issues such as political participation, contemporary theories of justice.

  • Equality, gender and non-discrimination

    Study of the current situation of women's rights from a gender perspective: formal and material equality in the exercise of rights; integration of equality with difference; analysis of the co-responsibility model; debates around gender identity.

  • Philosophy of Peace and International Relations

    Analysis of the major challenges facing IR: failed states, new wars, asymmetrical wars, serious and systematic violations of human rights, refugee crises; and the positive concept of peace, which is not merely the absence of war, but includes justice and respect for human rights.

  • PDI-Contractat/Da Doctor/A
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Coordinador/a de Programa de Doctorat
  • Director/a Titulacio Master Oficial
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  • PDI-Contractat/Da Doctor/A
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  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
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  • PDI-Emerit/a Universitat
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  • Doctorand.
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  • Alumn.-Servei de Formacio Permanent
  • Secretari/a Comissio Estatuts
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  • PDI-Catedratic/a d'Universitat
  • Director/a de Departament
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Non-UV research staff


  • Iván Gimeno Polo - UVEG-Valencia.
Associated structure
Contact group details
Human Rights and Globalization (Derglo)

Tarongers Campus

Edificio Departamental Occidental. Av. dels Tarongers, s/n

46022 València (Valencia)

+34 963 828 828


Contact people
  • PDI-Contractat/Da Doctor/A
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