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Art, creativity, education and digital environments

Educational, creative and artistic applications in different types of environments, including digital environments and the use of ICTs.

Adapting the process to new legal conflicts

The constitution of legal relations through the information society, telematic communications and the existence of conflicts whose agents operate exclusively in the digital sphere, requires that the means of protection of the subjects involved in this conflict be adapted to the same.

Advanced information management and exploitation systems

Systems for the collection, processing and statistical treatment of data. Advanced database management applications. DWH design and implementation. Re-engineering of systems and client/server architectures. Data modelling. Document management. Multimodal systems. Hospital management.

Aprenentatge automàtic

Desenvolupament de tècniques d'aprenentatge estadístic: xarxes neuronals, models gràfics, màquines kernel, tècniques de classificació, regressió, agrupament i visualització (manifold learning), aprenentatge actiu, semisupervisat, relacional, Bayesià, estructurat, i causal.

Archaeology, social science didactics, education, museums and teacher training

Training in the teaching of social sciences for preschool and primary school teachers, for secondary school teachers, for university teachers and for educators in museums and heritage and other informal areas. To train educators and generate cultural criteria for application in institutional settings between archaeology, anthropology, education and cinema.

Art and arts teacher training

Training in the arts for preschool and primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, university teachers, museum and heritage educators and other informal areas.

Art, visual culture, education in sensitivity and creative aesthetics

Generate theoretical activity and experiences from art and visual culture.

Atmospheric correction

Development of correction methods for atmospheric disturbance in the data provided by artificial satellites.

Auditoria, gestión y estandarización de proyectos ITS y TIC

Technical audits of ITS and ICT systems. Secretariat and management of European projects. Representation of the administration in standardisation and normalisation committees. Translation and evaluation of standards. Traffic and transport, ITS and ICT consultancy studies.

Augmented reality

Research in the field of Augmented Reality, where real world information is increased with synthetic information. Augmented Reality systems require position locators, creation of synthetic information (usually 3D environments), and systems that integrate the real world with the synthetic one.

Autonomous control and navigation

Development of automatic control algorithms for robotic systems and autonomous driving of vehicles in unstructured environments, using artificial intelligence techniques.

Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Analysis

Development of multivariate dynamic models and their analysis by Bayesian mehtodology, using MCMC simulation methods. Incorporation of spatial dependencies into the temporal structure of the models. Design and implementation in R of algorithms for their analysis, estimation and prediction.

Big Data

Large database analysis in which there are three characteristics that make them special: growth velocity, variety in the data classes and volume.


Analysing the branding process. Notoriety, image, loyalty, brand value, trust, commitment, involvement, sustainability, anthropomorphism.

CMOS vision sensors

Design of integrated circuits for vision, especially application-specific selective gear-guided vision and cameras.

Calibration / validation

Calibration of remote sensing satellites by carrying out in situ measurements simultaneously with passing satellites. Implementation of in situ measurement stations in different parts of Spain (Doñana Natural Area, Almería, Barrax, etc.) and the world (Peru, Chile, etc.). Validation of algorithms.

Cardiac elctrophysiology

The research group works on the modelling and multiscale simulation of the activation process of cardiac tissue, in order to characterise and predict different pathologies. The group has high-resolution simulation software that allows fully synthetic electrocardiograms to be reproduced, with the possibility of simulating different pathologies. Another active line of work in this field is the estimation of the cardiac conduction system using analysis of data acquired during surgical practice.


Collaborative Augmented Reality (CAR)

This research line aims to improve the performance of Collaborative Augmented Reality (CAR) systems and applications, building on the group’s previous experience in Distributed Virtual Environments.

Colorectal cancer and new therapeutic developments in solid tumours

Molecular characterisation of colorectal cancer by liquid biopsy based on the analysis of ctDNA and CTCs. Application of radiomics in prognostic assessment. Study of the mechanisms of resistance to standard and targeted therapy and identification of new therapeutic targets. Development of clinical trials with drugs directed against potentially targetable alterations.

Compositional data modelling

Development of models with compositional data. In environments such as biology, economics or geology, it is common to work with data vectors whose components reflect the relative contribution of different parts in relation to a total, obtaining compositional samples. Work will be done on the progress of statistical modelling of compositional data, its application and its mathematical foundations.


Analyse different communication processes both at a business level, adopting an integrative perspective (integrated marketing communication) and focusing on the consumer, and at an interpersonal level, focusing on expressions that go beyond verbal elements (non-verbal communication).

Constitutional tax law

Analysis of the requirements of constitutional adequacy of the rules making up the tax system and verification of the consequences of the declaration of unconstitutionality of a tax rule.

Consumer behaviour

Study the impact of communication on consumer behaviour. Analyse the proactive role of the consumer in the development of communication strategies. Special focus on the tourism sector (tourist behaviour) and the education sector (student behaviour).

Creativity, education and psychology

Train educators and generate cultural criteria for application in institutional settings between creativity, psychology, educational practices and teacher training.


Investigate the impact of national culture on communication and consumer behaviour from a cross-cultural perspective. Adopt an intercultural dynamic in the development of different teaching innovation methodologies.

Customs law

Analysis of the mechanisms of taxation on incoming and outgoing products and services.

Data protection and privacy on the Internet, in the face of open government and transparency

Administrative information on the Internet, transparency, active advertising, right of access and its limits, especially with regard to data protection and privacy.

Delimitation and scope of Article 24 of the Constitution, with special attention to the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court

Article 24 of the Spanish Consitution is the article most frequently invoked in constitutional appeals, which contains the most important list of fundamental rights of a procedural nature in our legal system, and a study that updates its complex content in the light of case law is essential.

Delimitation, scope and nature, if any, of the right to effective remedy

Lately, the existence of a supposed fundamental right to effective protection has been asserted, based on Article 24.1 of the Spanish Constitution. A rigorous study is necessary in order to reach a conclusion in this resepct, which makes access to the process compatible with other complementary instruments.

Development of 3-D simulation-based e-learning platforms

E-learning platforms design (that include simulation), based on web technologies. Use of Moodle and SCORM, as well as of simulation technology based on HTML-5, OpenSceneGraph for web and Unity-3D in order to implement 3D virtual environments executable from the browser.

Development of advanced web applications

WEB systems for access to databases. Semantic WEB, Ontologies and metadata. RDS dissemination systems and DATEX protocol data exchange systems. Development of WEB services. Mobile applications. Electronic forms, payment services and secure information processing.

Digital policies and the politics of digital

The regulation of digitisation processes in politics 
The different ideological conceptions linked to digitisation policies in the various public administrations and their political impact.
The impact of digitisation on the elaboration and evaluation of public policies.
Digitalisation and transformations in the functioning of political systems (representation, transparency, integrity, accountability).

Digital transformation of political groups

Impact of digitalisation on political groups: digital transformation of the organisation (digital platforms, financing, decision-making, programme development, integration of members); changes in the forms of communication and representation; adaptation of the forms of digital participation of members, changes in the forms of representation based on digital tools.

Disease mapping

Development of Bayesian hierarchical models for the study of the geographical variability of diseases and their temporal evolution with the aim of aiding decision-making and the development of surveillance programmes.

Fluid simulation

The CoMMLab group uses computational fluid mechanics techniques applied to different fields. In biomedical engineering, the group uses fluid models for the simulation of the vascular system, especially in large vessels, to analyse and predict pathologies such as aneurysms. In the field of computer graphics, non Newtonian fluid models are developed with applications mainly in interactive simulation (Virtual Reality, Videogames, ...) and in simulations for physics-based animation and special effects.

Freedom of expression and information on the internet and hate speech

Analysis of the projection of freedoms on the net and social networks, judicial guarantees, limits, special focus on hate speech.

GPUs-based computing

Integration of high performance computing systems based on parallel processing on single or multiple GPU cores. Development of shaders for highly realistic graphical apps.


Include a gender perspective in consumer behaviour studies. Integrate the gender-based approach in teaching innovation.


GEOPORTAL ( providing historical (since 2007) and real-time (less than 5 hours) products of the SEVIRI and MODIS sensors.

Graphical apps development for mobile devices.

Graphical apps development for mobile devices and PDAS. Includes both android and IOS apps. Features cloud computing.

HR strategy and entrepreneurial behaviour

In this line, we analyse how HR policies and practices can contribute to generating entrepreneurial behaviour in organisations, both at intra-organisational (intrapreneurship) and managerial (entrepreneurship) levels.

HR strategy and innovative behaviour

In this line we study how HR strategy and practices can facilitate the development of innovative behaviour in employees and the role that intermediate variables such as creativity or knowledge sharing, among others, can play in this relationship.

HR strategy and knowledge management

In this line we intend to study the way in which HR strategy and its associated practices drive and condition knowledge management processes in the organisation.

High-performance computing for computational genomics

Developments in high-performance computing, using advanced computer architectures, for the processing and analysis of methylation in genomic data produced by Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).

IT security, data protection and privacy

Security analysis of computer systems, vulnerability detection, cryptography and secure communications. Mechanisms for the protection of personal data, traceability of information, privacy and security-oriented design. Data anonymization. Security audits. International regulations.

Image processing

Non-linear, data-dependent approximation techniques are used in a multi-resolution environment for the compression of strongly gradient signals in applications such as image restoration, disparity calculation or optical flow.


Examine the implementation of innovative practices in sectors such as tourism and education. Emphasis on teaching innovation. Analysis of the use and impact of new information and communication technologies (social networks, apps, smartphones, artificial intelligence, etc.).

Instruments for civil justice in mass litigation. In particular, representative actions and the witness-procedure regimes

The creation of legal relations in a standardised way, which is in turn a consequence of mass industrial production, generates conflicts in relation to a multiplicity of people who are affected by a common cause. The civil justice system must articulate mechanisms that allow it to provide legal protection to the citizen without undermining due process, while optimising the resources available to it to respond to this mass litigation.


The research covers both the insurance contract, insurance distribution and supervision of insurance companies.

Integration of the Immersive real-time simulators for operators training

Development of simulator-based instructional systems. The hardware, instructional designs, dynamic models of simulation objects and 3-D scenarios.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

We are currently working on forms of knowledge representation that allow the supervision of the students tasks resolution, as well as the incorporation of affective support through the detection of emotions by means of typical techniques within the field of computer vision

Intelligent data analysis

Application of automatic learning techniques for problems with prediction, classification and recognition of patterns or trends.

Intelligent human-robot interaction systems

The main objective is to learn the basic principles for carrying out tasks of various kinds (driving vehicles, handling objects, surface treatment, etc.), to predict human intentions in situations where there is shared control and to provide personalised assistance.

International legal cooperation

This kind of cooperation is necessary in a globalised world. To this must be added the areas of political and ecnomic integration, such as the EU. The free movement of people and goods and effective international judicial protection make cooperation between states essential.

International tax law

Analysis and examination of the rules and models governing the international taxation of income and value added taxes, in particular double taxation conventions and anti-abuse rules.

Investment portfolio selection models

Development of portfolio selection models, in which uncertainty about performance is described by possibility and credibility distributions. Multi-objective analysis of the selection problem, seeking approximations to the Pareto front using evolutionary algorithms.

Large-scale multi-agent systems

Development of multi-agent simulation systems applied to social and healthcare systems, so that they can simulate not only the individual behaviour of each agent, but also the global behaviour of the system as an addition of individual behaviour.

Location, transaction and mobile communications systems

Electronic toll collection systems and mobile vehicles. Satellite and telephony location systems. GPS and GSM applications. V2V, V2I and I2V communication systems. Bluetooth, RFID and WIFI detection systems. Cooperative systems. Dynamic navigation.

Machine learning

In addition to the experience acquired over the years by the members of the group in different areas of simulation, mainly in bioengineering and mechanical engineering, recent advances in machine learning have been assimilated by the group as another way of exploiting the results of its simulations. The group has applied these techniques to the development of pedestrain models applied to crowd simulation. It also allows a further step in transferring the results of the simulations to new medical and industrial sectors (i.e. predictors of ectopic foci, aneurysms, arrhythmia detectors, etc.).

Monitoring systems, control and advanced representation of traffic flows

Traffic monitoring, vehicle magnetic fingerprint identification systems, DAI systems, applications for route and/or time optimisation, travel times, O/D matrices, GIS applications, geographic data representation and virtual simulation. Emergency management plans.

Multi-temporal monitoring

Use of time series of satellite images from 1981 to the present to study the Earth's surface dynamics.

Multimodal interaction systems

Development of human-computer interaction technologies making use of different communication channels between user and computer.

Natural Language Processing

Extraction of structured information and knowledge from the analysis of free texts and a priori unstructured information.

Networks and Telecommunication Systems

This line of research focuses on the development of new network architectures and protocols, as well as on the creation of advanced telecommunication systems to improve communications between users. This work includes the development and implementation of our new services, technologies and network architectures centred on enhancing the quality of the final user’s experience.

Neurociència Visual

Desenvolupament de models i tècniques per al processament de dades en neurociència visual: manifold learning, independització, tècniques estadístiques de codificació òptima, de gaussianització, aprenentatge en varietats, estimació i inversió de models, interpretabilitat i causalitat.

Neutrino physics at the DUNE experiment

Physics of neutrino and astroparticle oscillations with liquid argon detectors (DUNE experiment).

Neutrino physics at the NEXT experiment

Search for neutrinoless double beta decay in the Xe-136 isotope with gaseous xenon detectors (NEXT experiment).

New approaches to digital education and the use of social media for sustainable education

Digital humanities and education with digital formats provide us with many opportunities to improve many aspects that can be changed by digital technologies.

Numerical methods for equations of hyperbolic type

Numerical methods for partial differential equations are designed and analysed for use in fields as diverse as gas dynamics, both compressible and incompressible, sedimentation of polydisperse suspensions, flows in porous media, charged particle dynamics, etc.

Parallel computing and Distributed systems

The line focuses on the application of high performance computing techniques, and the development and optimisation of distributed platforms within the cloud computing paradigm, for Big Data, multimedia applications and intelligent systems problem solving.

Parameter estimation from satellite data

Development of algorithms to estimate physical and biophysical parameters from satellite data, such as temperature, albedo, reflectivity, land surface emissivity, thermal inertia, evapotranspiration, atmospheric water-vapour content.

Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision

Recognition and machine learning techniques applied to linear and nonlinear models. Continuous Distance Learning. Heterogeneous and multi-dimensional data mining, with special emphasis on image analysis and recovery and the processing of audio and video signals.


Study on pensions and their viability.

Process and means complementary to jurisdiction

This line of research will deal with complementary means -mediation, arbitration and conciliation-, from a strictly procedural perspective. Firstly, it will analyse their compatibility with the right to judicial protection, their inclusion in the different processes and their impact on them.

Process optimisation

Development of reinforcement learning models and dynamic programming for cost reduction, the improvement of important parameters and the increase of efficiency.

Processament d'imatges

Desenvolupament de models i tècniques per al processament de dades en neurociència visual: manifold learning, independització, tècniques estadístiques de codificació òptima, de gaussianització, aprenentatge en varietats, estimació i inversió de models, interpretabilitat i causalitat.

Processament de gran volum de dades

Processament de grans bases de dades i imatges d'alta resolució temporal, espacial i espectral. Els nostres col·laboradors (ESA, NASA, EUMETSAT, Google, DigitalGlobe) proporcionen accés a grans volums de dades a processar en temps real mitjançant tècniques de paral·lelització, clústers, i algorismes.

Quality, strategic process and organisational results

In this line we analyse the application of different quality management approaches, models, systems and techniques, and how they affect the process of shaping business strategy and, as a consequence, organisational results.

Quantum machine learning

Use of formalism of quantum mechanics to improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. Use of machine learning for the description and extraction of quantum phenomena knowledge.

Recommender system

Development of product recommendation engines based on the characteristics of the customer and management of personalised promotions.

Robotics and control

Design of robots, vehicles, sensorisation. Design of closed-loop control architectures.

SMEs, HR practices and innovation

In this line we analyse how different HR practices can contribute to innovation outcomes for small companies.

Signal capture and processing

Development of equipment and algorithms custom-made for their aqcuisition and signal processing. 

Signal processing (Sound)

Advanced methods for the capture, analysis and synthesis of acoustic signals, including musical and voice processes, acoustic simulation of rooms, 3D reproduction methods and intelligent monitoring of acoustic environments.

Simulation and visualisation of complex behaviours

Simulation models for animation of complex behaviours in interactive graphics applications, including physical behaviours (fluids, granular systems, etc.) and behaviours based on artificial intelligence (reinforcement learning, etc.).

Specific architectures and FPGAs

Design of application-specific architectures using FPGA. Specific computer vision architectures.

Sustainable HR policies and practices and organisational results

In this line we analyse how the design and implementation of sustainability-oriented HR policies and practices can contribute to improving organisational performance and, at the same time, to achieving sustainable competitive advantages.

Teledetecció i geociència

Aplicacions en tractament de senyals i imatges de teledetecció: estimació de paràmetres biofísics i variables de fluxos, inversió de models, segmentació d'imatges, detecció de canvis i anomalies, fusió d'imatges i multiresolució, restauració, causalitat i atribució, rànquing.

Virtual reality

Research in the interaction paradigm based on immersive virtual environments where the user is isolated from the environment and introduced in a synthetic environment in order to perform a training or live a different experience. Includes use of specific devices.

Visual Culture and arts education

Development of visual culture and arts education for both children and adults, promoting the relationship with other fields of study.


Study of welfare issues that go beyond the above, such as dependency or annuities.