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Advanced human liver cell models

In this line, the main objective is to develop and improve human liver cell models in vitro so that they maintain a differentiated adult phenotype and show a pathophysiological response similar to that observed in vivo.

Ageing and Alzheimer. GSK3 as a therapeutic target

The project aims to analyse NSCs, neurogenic niches and neurogenesis with age, as well as their involvement in AD. On the other hand, the role of GSK3 in the proliferation and differentiation processes of NSCs both in vitro and in vivo will be studied, as well as its regulation as a target.

Air pollution and health line

Study of the relationship between air pollution and health effects, with multi-centre studies being carried out. Studies are also carried out to evaluate the impact of pollution on the health of populations.

Analysis of FNdeltaRGD mice

We want to find out what are the implications of removing the RGD sequence located in the 10th repeat of type III: 1) can a5ß1 integrins and av class bind to other regions of the FN or are they totally dependent on this sequence? can FN fibrillogenesis occur in the absence of this?

Analysis of thrombus obtained by mechanical thrombectomy in patients with ischaemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion

In patients with large vessel ischaemic stroke, the use of thrombectomy devices makes it possible to retrieve the occluding thrombus and make it available for analysis. The thrombus can be studied fresh, frozen or fixed for preservation and subsequent analysis. The aim is to subject thrombi to different types of analysis to obtain information on their characteristics, structure and composition, and to establish associations between the nature of the thrombus and clinical-radiological variables relating to the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of stroke. It will also help to explain the behaviour of the thrombus during fibrinolysis and/or thrombectomy, enabling research and development of more effective thrombolytic treatments and thromectomy devices.

Anatomical studies applied to interventional pain management

Anatomical studies for the improvement of different invasive therapeutic techniques and surgical approaches applied to pain interventionism.

Anatomical variants of the spine

Identification of the anatomical variants of the spinal column that can lead to the appearance of clinical symptoms such as headache, dizziness, tinnitus, vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome, etc.

Anatomy and 3D geometric morphometry of the thorax of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta

Study of the anatomy and geometric morphometry of the thorax in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta and its relationship with pulmonary pathology.

Angiogenesis and immunoregulation

Study of interrelationships between tumour neovascularisation, the presence of immunoregulatory cell populations and recurrence or progression in the tumour microenvironment.

Assessment of emotional, family and social characteristics in childhood and adolescence

The longitudinal assessment of the characteristics associated with childhood and adolescence allows the identification of healthy psychosocial profiles.

Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) are, by definition, dynamic and changing over time. This dynamism of neurodevelopmental disorders means that comorbidity with other disorders and diseases is very high throughout the life cycle, especially in adulthood and ageing. The aim of the Research Group is to study these disorders and their evolution over time, with special emphasis on techniques and methods that improve the abilities of the people who suffer from them and their family environment, so as to generate a better quality of life, promoting the general health not only of the person with a Developmental Disorder but of all the members of the family unit.


Basic research in chronic pain

Study of the neuroanatomical bases of different chronic pain syndromes and the neuroanatomical and functional mechanisms involved in mood disorders, sleep disorders and cognitive impairment associated with them.

Basic research in vision

Basic studies in psychophysics, mechanisms and models of visual processing. Physiological optics.

Bibliometrics and indicators of scientific activity

The main goal of this line is the development of bibliometric indicators useful in the evaluation of scientific activity that allow the easurement of research results and the performance of science, thus enabling public research policies to be better adapted.

Bio- and computational and theoretical chemiluminescence

Determination of chemiluminescence and bioluminescence mechanisms. Understanding of electronic structure properties necessary to produce an efficient chemical excitation. Characterisation of different mechanisms (non-catalysed, intra- and intermolecular catalysed, etc.)

Biowater and nanowater

Photophysics and photochemistry of water aggregates and their relevance to biological and nanotechnological systems.

Cardiovascular pharmacology

Identification of molecular mechanisms, new pharmacological targets and active molecules in cardiovascular pathologies and obesity.

Cell cycle regulation

Role of p38 alpha MAP kinase in the regulation of cytokinesis in hepatocytes.

Cell therapy in an animal model of multiple sclerosis. Genetic modification aimed at enhancing axonal regeneration

The project deals with the application of cell therapy with genetically modified mesenchymal cells (episomal plasmid) to treat progression and repair neurological deterioration in the animal model of multiple sclerosis.

Cell therapy with adult stem cells in cerebral ischaemia

The neuroprotective role of bone marrow stem cells in a model of cerebral ischaemia will be analysed. To this end, the cells will be stained with iron and directed to the location of the injury by means of magnetic fields in order to increase the number of viable cells in the injured tissue.

Cellular senescence as a biomaker and therapeutic target in ischaemic stroke

Brain cell senescence remains unexplored as a target for neuroprotection in stroke. The aim is to characterise brain cell senescence associated with ageing and stroke in a rat model, and to reposition a senolytic drug, Navitoclax, as an effective neuroprotectant for use as an adjunct to endovascular treatment in ischaemic stroke. The influence of gender will also be analysed.

Characterisation of cognitive, neuropsychological and brain alterations in patients with minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE)

We are better characterising the early neurological and brain alterations associated with MHE and the mechanisms that produce them in order to identify and evaluate new, earlier and more sensitive diagnostic procedures for MHE. Line funded by the ISCIII (PI18/00150).

Characterisation of the Start repressor Whi7

Our group has characterised a new important regulator of the Start transition: Whi7. Whi7 acts as a transcriptional repressor of the Start programme, collaborating with Whi5 in this function, so that, as occurs in mammals with the Rb family, the control of cell cycle initiation depends on the interplay between different repressors. The group's work aims to advance in the characterisation of the regulation and function of Whi7 and its comparison with Whi5 in different physiological conditions, which may help to understand how the action of different repressors is coordinated in the control of cell cycle initiation. In addition, the relationship between Whi7 and the protein kinase C pathway is being investigated. The fact that a member of the Rb family is mutated in almost all tumours further reinforces the importance of studying the role of these G1 repressors.

Childhood and environment line

Describe the level of exposure and pollution during gestation and early childhood, assess the role of common environmental pollutants and protective dietary factors on foetal growth and neuro-endocrine-immune development to develop health indicators.

Chronic musculoskeletal pain; from the pain mechanisms to diagnosis and treatment with physiotherapy.

The aim of this line is to investigate the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying chronic pain and to test the therapeutic efficacy of treatments targeting these mechanisms.

Clinical Psychophysics

Design and testing of devices for visual function assessment, applied to the detection and characterisation of anomalies.

Clinical, cognitive and psychosocial functioning assessment in Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder

To study the results of assessments in the areas affected in these disorders such as clinical, neurocognitive, social cognition (emotional processing, ToM, social cognition and attributional style) and their relationship with social functioning.

Clinical, histo-pathological and genetic characterisation in recurrent meningioma

The aims of this work are to establish morphological and genetic profiles of recurrent meningioma with a diagnostic and prognostic objective.

Cognitive assessment in mental disorder

To assess neurocognition and social cognition in schizophrenia, including attention, episodic memory, executive functions, emotional perception, theory of mind, attributional style and social perception.

Cognitive endophenotypes and biomarkers in schizophrenic / bipolar patients and their first-degree relatives

Molecular and genetic basis of neurocognitive alterations in patients with SMI, in order to develop biomarkers, diagnostic assessment tools and therapeutic interventions helping to improve the functional prognosis, the autonomy and the life quality of these people.

Cognitive impairment

Characterisation of cognitive impairment, its relationship with the frailty syndrome and searches for diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. Study of effective interventions to prevent or delay the progression of cognitive impairment in vulnerable people.


Pelvic floor surgery. Diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer using advanced surgical techniques. Prehabilitation of patients in colorectal surgery.

Colorectal cancer and new therapeutic developments in solid tumours

Molecular characterisation of colorectal cancer by liquid biopsy based on the analysis of ctDNA and CTCs. Application of radiomics in prognostic assessment. Study of the mechanisms of resistance to standard and targeted therapy and identification of new therapeutic targets. Development of clinical trials with drugs directed against potentially targetable alterations.

Control of DNA integrity checkpoint by protein kinase C

Yeast Pkc1 and the mammalian PKCd isoform share the same function of controlling the genomic integrity checkpoint. A parallel study in both organisms is proposed to characterise the molecular keys to this mechanism.

Control of DNA integrity checkpoint by protein kinase C

Yeast Pkc1 and the mammalian PKCd isoform share the same function of controlling the genomic integrity checkpoint. A parallel study in both organisms is proposed to characterise the molecular keys to this mechanism.

Controlled drug release

Study on the use of molecular gates in drug release. Application to different pathologies with emphasis inflammatory bowel disease.

Damage and repair mechanisms in DNA/RNA

Study of photoinduced processes that lead to the production of lesions on the DNA. Determination of photostability and photoreactivity properties of the DNA/RNA components. Function of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species, low-energy electrons and other endogenous/exogenous reactive agents in DNA/RNA damage. Damage mechanisms by photosensitisation (photodynamic therapy for the treatment of cancer).

Development and application of methods for the simulation of linear and non-linear optical spectroscopy in molecular systems

Theoretical development of methods for the precise simulation of linear and non-linear optical spectroscopy techniques and their application in molecular systems, particularly focused on the analysis of dynamic processes in the excited electronic state and the precise determination of absorption and emission intensities in condensed phases.

Development of a model for population analysis and spatial distribution in these neoplasms

This line of work is aimed at establishing models of tumour growth in GBM through the analysis of cell populations in mitosis/cell cycle and their distribution in the tumour, establishing intercellular and intratumoural spatial patterns.

Development of a model in cell cultures and xeno-transplants for the analysis of the processes of modulation of gene activity by microRNA in the processes of emigration (infiltration), angiogenesis, hypoxia, apoptosis and cell cycle.

The aim of this work is to generate experimental models to study the modulation of gene activity by transfection methods (inhibition and overexpression) of miRNAs in primary cell cultures and established Glioblastoma multiforme cell lines.

Development of cellular models from cells of patients with RRD

Immortalisation of monocytes and hepatocytes from patients with severe AATD (ZZ). Cell cultures derived from nasal ciliated epithelium by using the Air-Liquid technique (ALI).

Development of emotional competencies in childhood and adolescence

Research in emotional education focuses on the knowledge and skills (competences), which children and adolescents have and which allow them to identify their own and other people's emotions, as well as to express and regulate pleasant and unpleasant emotions.

Development of new chiral catalysts

Design and synthesis of new chiral ligands capable of forming complexes with metal ions useful as chiral catalysts (Lewis acids). Design and synthesis of new chiral organic catalysts by proton transfer, hydrogen bridge formation or phase transfer.

Development of new drugs for the treatment of relapses in alcohol consumption

Development of new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of relapse in alcoholic patients. Pre-clinical trials with D-Penicillamine, a sequestering agent of an ethanol metabolite, the acetaldehyde.

Development of new methodologies for C-C bond formation by asymmetric catalysis

Use of chiral catalysts (metal complexes and organocatalysts) in new reactions of interest in organic synthesis in which C-C bonds and stereogenic centres are generated simultaneously. Synthesis of chiral building blocks.

Direct and inverse multimorbidity in patients with complex diseases like CNS disorders, cancer or metabolic diseases.

Comprehend the unexpected associations between apparently different diseases, like cancer and certain diseases of the central nervous system.

Enantioselective synthesis of compounds of biological and pharmacological interest

Enantioselective synthesis of compounds with known or potential biological or pharmacological activity by chemical transformation of chiral products obtained by asymmetric catalysis.

Endocrine/Metabolic Surgery

Innovative diagnostic techniques in hyperparathyroidism.
Pathophysiology of patients undergoing metabolic/bariatric surgery.


The group studies the mechanisms of this enigmatic and common disease, its physiopathology and ways of early detection. It's also involved in the development  of new medication for its treatment via clinical trials.

Epigenetic regulation in the pathophysiology of rare diseases

Study of oxidative stress and DNA repair mechanisms in different progeroid syndromes and genodermatoses.

Evaluación de la utilidad del análisis de movimientos oculares para el diagnóstico temprano de MHE

We are evaluating the usefulness of eye movement abnormalities for early diagnosis of MHE. This is being addressed in collaboration with AURA Innovative Robotics, which has developed sensitive equipment for fine analysis of various parameters of eye movements.

Evaluation of the effects of rifaximin treatment and the mechanisms involved

We are evaluating the effects of treatment of patients with MHE with rifaximin on neurological, cerebral, immunological, metabolic and exosome alterations. Line funded by the ISCIII (PI18/00150).

Experimental models in mitochondrial neurodegenerative diseases

Obtaining experimental models and characterisation of the effects produced by:

  • Systemic and tissue-specific loss/gain of frataxin and paraplegia function in Drosophila.
  • Functional alterations of both proteins in humanised paraplegia and frataxin models in Drosophila.
FN-syn and FN-Hep II mice and skeletal muscle regeneration

Skeletal muscle regeneration involves the activation of satellite cells. The niche in which satellite cells live greatly increases FN expression when they are activated. We want to find out what role this FN plays

Fertility preservation

Study and improvement of ovarian tissue cryopreservation techniques, detection of occult metastatic diseases in breast cancer patients, in vitro activation and maturation, fertility preservation in leukaemia patients and uterus transplant.

Fighting the mental illnesses stigma

The esTOCma app was developed to fight against the stigma associated with mental illness in general, and OC spectrum disorders in particular, by disseminating current knowledge and the possibilities for effective treatment and recovery from these disorders.

Fragility prevention

Prevention of fragility signs in populations at risk by assessing human functions (functional and neurocognitive assessment) and by incorporating nutritional medicine studies on Omega 3.


Research on frailty sydnrome, a syndrome that appears as a response to different stressful situations and that can serve as a conceptual and experimental framework to explain some of the different pathways that lead to disability and dependence in elderly or vulnerable patients. Study of effective interventions to prevent or delay the progression of the frailty syndrome.

Gender differences in schizophrenia and other psychoses

Study of the differences that occur in socio-demographic characteristics, as well as in clinical, neurocognitive, social cognition, social functioning, response to treatment, labour market integration, etc.

Gene therapy in RRD

Genome editing and repair by using the CRISPR/Cas9 system and non-viral gene therapy techniques of the Z mutation of the SERPINA1 gene that encodes for the alpha-1 antitrypsin gene in monocytes and hepatocytes of patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

Genetics of Schizophrenia

Study of gene expression, identification of biomarkers of treatment response in schizophrenia, and characterisation of the cell response to the drug in models derived from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs).

Genomic analysis of transcription in yeast

The complexity of the phenomenon of gene expression will be better understood if techniques for measuring transcription in vivo at the genomic level are improved and genetic and genomic approaches are used to clarify the functional connections that control transcription.

Global burden of disease

Networking on the burden of disease.

Health Services Research and Public Health Interventions

The research line focuses on research in health services and technologies applied to health, and on the design, implementation and evaluation of health promotion and disease prevention interventions.

Hepato-bilio-pancreatic surgery

Pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis. 3D diagnostic reconstruction of liver and pancreatic pathology. Incidence of postoperative complications in the oncological prognosis of liver and pancreatic tumours.


The main objective of this line is to investigate the molecular mechanisms of drug hepatotoxicity. These studies are a very valuable aid in the preclinical stages of the development of new drugs, as well as to elucidate hepatic adverse reactions to drugs already on the market. They are also essential for finding new biomarkers (microRNAs, metabolites) to, for example, predict steatosis or cholestasis, which are two of the most frequent manifestations of drug-induced liver injury.

IMD transculturality

To examine transcultural variants of IMD (for its Spanish acronym, Unpleasant Mental Intrusions) with obsessive, dysmorphic, hypochondriacal and alimentary content.

Identification and characterisation of neurogenic niches in the adult mammalian brain

The overall project will identify and characterise neurogenic niches in different areas of the nervous system: the SVZ, the DG of the hippocampus, the third ventricle and the spinal cord. These niches will be analysed in different animal species from mouse, monkey to human.

Identification of biomarkers Identification and modelling of molecular and cellular events of the immune response associated with the development of MHE in cirrhotic patients

We are characterising inflammatory processes in detail to create a bioinformatic model of molecular, cellular and intercellular communication events associated with the development of MHE. We will evaluate its usefulness in predicting the onset of MHE. Funded by the Ramón Areces Foundation.

Identification of the specific mechanisms of cell deregulation that facilitate their diagnosis/prognosis

RRDs are very complex and are associated with alterations in multiple metabolic pathways. An important aspect for the RRD diagnosis, prognosis and treatment is to identify the aberrant changes that may occur in these metabolic pathways and to elucidate their connection with  the disease. In this regard, we will use high performance trials such as microarrays and mass sequencing for the analysis of biological samples from patients with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and primary ciliary dyskinesia syndrome in order to identify possible metabolic pathways involved in the development of these diseases, and with the aim, in turn, of identifying new diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers (including treatment response) and of identifying new therapeutic targets.

Implicit memory functioning in schizophrenia

Study of the functioning of the semantic memory network to specifically identify both deficits and preserved functions in schizophrenia in order to develop personalised rehabilitation plans.

In vitro fertilisation

This research line seeks to understand how ovaries in female patients undergoing in vitro fertilisation work and to improve the results by reducing complications.

Influence of the FN synergistic site on blood coagulation

Using intravital microscopy experiments in mouse cremaster muscle venules after injury, we are studying the speed of clot formation and clot stability in FN-Syn mice.

Information and Documentation in Health Sciences

Assessment of scientific activity and analysis of the sharing of raw research data in the health sciences.

Integration of omics

Integration of different omics (genomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, metabolomics, proteomics) with environmental factors for the study of gene-diet interactions in different health-disease phenotypes.

Intellectual functioning in mental disorder

Development of abbreviated versions of the classic tests used in intellectual assessment, with the aim of facilitating the assessment of intellectual functioning and the screening of patients with severe mental disorders.

Intracellular Trafficking in Parkinson's Disease

The main objective of our line of research is the analysis of the cytopathological mechanisms involved in the fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus and in the alterations of intracellular trafficking in dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease.

Liquid biopsy

Analysis of biomarkers in minimally invasive samples (saliva, blood, cerebrospinal fluid, pleural fluid, etc.), with the aim of improving diagnosis, personalising treatments and monitoring patients more closely (detection of resistance and relapses).

Mediterranean Diet and Health

Influence of the Mediterranean diet on different states of health and disease.

Metabolomic and microvascular environment characterisation of aggressive human glioma by DCE-MRI and genetic study of biopsies

The aims of this work are to characterise the microvascular environment of gliomas and to study the infiltration, migration and invasiveness of these neoplasms using DCE-MRI.

Molecular markers in oncology

Diagnostic, prognostic and/or predictive biomarkers: in lung cancer, head and neck cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, melanoma, among others, through different omics approaches (genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics).

Molecular sensors

Design, synthesis and characterisation of sensors for the detection of molecules of biological and environmental interest. Among the molecules studied are nerve gases, pollutant gases and drugs of abuse.

Morphological and molecular characterisation of exosomes. Study of their metastatic potential in cancer

Exosomes have been discussed in science as a possible route for long-distance communication, using vesicles. They contain proteins and nucleic acids. The project aims to learn more about these vesicles in blood, their morphology and molecular content from metastatic cancer.

Nanoparticle and biomaterial-based therapies with clinical application in cerebral ischaemia and cancer

Development of nanoparticles with functionalisation capacity for their application in bioimaging, anti-tumour therapy and regenerative therapy (Project developed by Vicente Herranz Pérez, post-doctoral researcher contracted by CIBERNED).

Neurobiological mechanisms involved in alcohol addiction

Our research line focuses on establishing the mechanistic basis underlying the action of ethanol on the mesolimbic system.

Neuroplasticity in psychotic and affective disorders

Study of the plasticity of the nervous system and the role played by genetic, biological and cognitive alterations in people with psychotic and affective disorders, in order to develop strategies to prevent and intervene in their functional impairment.


Study of the plasticity of the adult nervous system. Study of the estructural plasticity of interneurons in the adult brain and the role of polisialyc acid in this plasticity, the microcircuitry of the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus, both in control and in pathological (Down Syndrome, epilepsy...) conditions.

New drug synthesis

Chemical synthesis of new multi-diane compounds, in particular peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors and liver X receptors, which are regulators of lipid metabolism, glucose and cholesterol homeostasis, as well as of the inflammatory process.

New mechanisms of control of other cell cycle regulators

The group's work also focuses on the study of spatial regulatory mechanisms in cell cycle control, mechanisms that involve the control of the sub-cellular localisation of key proteins for progression in the cycle. In particular, the role of karyopherin Msn5 in the control of transcription factors (Swi6, Swi4, Mbp1, Swi1, Whi5) as well as Start cyclins (Cln1, Cln2) has been studied. Furthermore, determinants of cyclin functional specificity and the identification of new mechanisms controlling cyclin synthesis and degradation (Cln2, Clb2) are investigated.

New mechanisms of control of other cell cycle regulators

The group's work also focuses on the study of spatial regulatory mechanisms in cell cycle control, mechanisms that involve the control of the subcellular localisation of key proteins for cell cycle progression. In particular, the role of the karyopherin Msn5 in the control of transcription factors (Swi6, Swi4, Mbp1, Swi5, Whi5) as well as Start cyclins (Cln1, Cln2) has been studied. Furthermore, determinants of cyclin functional specificity and the identification of new mechanisms controlling cyclin synthesis and degradation (Cln2, Clb2) are investigated.

New molecular mechanisms in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

The main objective of this line is to better understand, from a molecular point of view, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This disease has pandemic overtones as it affects a high percentage of our population. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is a multifactorial disease, with diverse and incompletely understood aetiological mechanisms. The group is mainly investigating transcriptional causal mechanisms. We are also interested in the specific pathways leading to metabolic steatosis and steatosis caused by xenobiotics, such as drugs. From basic knowledge we hope to find predictive and diagnostic biomarkers that allow better management of this disease.

New treatment tools for the spectrum of OCDs

Design and validate new models of CBT dispensing for OC spectrum disorders, specifically Virtual Reality and mobile applications (App) to facilitate CBT dispensing and dissemination.


Nuclear receptors

Study of Retinoic Acid Related Receptors (RORs) involved in the regulation of glucose metabolism, inflammation and angiogenesis in endothelial dysfunction and angiogenesis associated with obesity and abdominal aortic aneurysm.

OC spectrum

Comparative validity of the several proposals on the disorders to be included in the obsessive-compulsive spectrum.

OCD Heterogeneity

Analyse whether the different symptomatic manifestations of OCD are:

  • Consequence of diffeent aetiopathogenic factors.
  • Respond differently to empirically validated psychological treatments (i.e., Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, CBT).
  •  They present a different comorbidity.
OCD cognitive models

To analyse the different cognitive explanatory proposals for OCD (model based on dysfunctional appraisals versus inferential confusion) in relation to the context of occurence of intrusions/obsessions, the self, cognitive variables and content of thoughts.

Oesophago-gastric and peritoneal oncological surgery

Pre-surgical gastric habilitation in oesophageal cancer surgery. Diagnosis of peritoneal dissemination of gastric cancer. Influence of genetic factors on the prognosis of gastric cancer.

Pathophysiology of Fanconi's anaemia and Friedreich's ataxia

Pathophysiology of Fanconi anaemia and Friedreich's ataxia.

Pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis

Redox signalling in the inflammatory cascade of acute pancreatitis. Role of extracellular nucleosomes in the inflammatory response of acute pancreatitis.

Pathophysiology of uveal melanoma

Development of effective therapeutic approaches that enable both therapeutic avoidance and eradication of the disease before metastasis. 

Pathophysiology, prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration

Evaluation of comparative lipidomic, metabolomic and epigenetic profiles between healthy and diseased patients.

Pharmacology and Skin Pathophysiology

Study of the modifications of skin properties by environmental and pharmacological agents and new active drugs in dermatitis and skin fibrosis.

Pharmacology of the Respiratory System and Associated Diseases

Search for pharmacological targets and active drugs in respiratory pathologies.

Photochemistry and luminescence in nanotechnology

To determine the reasons of the emitter/non-emitter behaviour of organic and inorganic molecules of interest in optoelectronics and photovoltaic devices. To improve efficiency by identifying and eliminating unwanted photochemical processes. Photochemistry of boranes and organic molecules with great pi-type conjugation.

Photochemistry in the darkness - Relation between photochemistry and chemiluminescence

Prediction of phenomena in which a chemical reaction induces a photochemical process without the use of light, and of biological, medical and nanotechnological relevance. Examples: Creation of UV-type lesions in the darkness; Activation of the vision process in the darkness.

Photoionisation processes in DNA

Molecular mechanisms that mediate the absorption of high-energy light (VUV and higher) producing the loss of one or more electrons resulting in DNA photoionisation.

Physiotherapy and secondary prevention in cardiovascular diseases

To assess the effect of therapeutic exercise and physiotherapy on cardiocirculatory function in adults and older adults with cardiovascular disease, as well as to study the effectiveness of strategies to improve adherence to a physically active lifestyle in these subjects.

Physiotherapy approach in the assessment and therapy for patients with respiratory health problems

Physiotherapy from a global perspective can improve the health of patients with respiratory problems. This line of research aims to develop new tools and implement interventions to assess the prognosis and improve the functional capacity of these patients.

Physiotherapy specialising in neurological pathology, child pathology and psychomotor development.

This line focuses on the search for assessment tools and the definition of health promotion and specialised physiotherapy intervention programmes for young children with psychomotor developmental disorders as well as for children or adults with neurological pathologies.

Primary GBM. EGFR amplification status and angiogenic/infiltrative phenotypes. Molecular networks responsible for the modulation processes of these patterns

The aim of this work is to define the phenotypic and genetic characteristics of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). To analyse the angiogenic and infiltrative characteristics of the nodular and diffuse pattern of GBM, the genetic profiles and the molecular networks responsible for these GBM patterns in relation to the EGFR receptor amplification profiles.

Professional ethics and health in physiotherapy

To analyse attitudes, professional values and other parameters related to professional ethics and health in physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and patients. To design and validate assessment tools. To study the effectiveness of innovative programmes on ethics and health in physiotherapy.

Psychological intervention in cognition in mental disorders

To evaluate the effectiveness of different programmes (e.g. IPT, EMT, INT) in improving neurocognition, social cognition and social functioning in people with mental disorders.

Psychological interventions in schizophrenia and other psychoses

Development and implementation of intervention programmes focused on the improvement of social skills, neurocognitive and social cognition training and psychoeducational programmes for the improvement of social functioning and quality of life from a recovery perspective.

Psychology of Ageing

Active and healthy ageing is a construct of growing relevance. In its psychological aspect, clinical (cognitive and emotional), functional, cultural and socio-familial aspects must be included, as well as different demographic and lifestyle variables. Among the objectives of the group is the assessment and intervention throughout the life cycle, including the optimisation of their development, both of the persons or patients involved and their family environment, carers, etc., especially in the cognitive, emotional, functional and lifestyle areas. Within frailty in ageing, the topic of cognitive frailty and the variables involved in it is of particular interest.

Psychosocial functioning in psychotic and affective disorders

To study the psychosocial functioning of people diagnosed with schizophrenia, other psychoses and bipolar disorder, at different points in the development of these mental health issues.

Quantitative ocular anatomy

Study of ocular quantitative anatomy in relation to pathologies such as dry eye, glaucoma, diabetes, ocular hypertension, corneal anaesthesia, etc.

RGE and osteoarthritis mice

FN-RGE mice express FN that cannot bind a5ß1 integrins, but does bind av class integrins. We are studying how knee cartilage evolves in these mice after injury induction.

Regulation of NSCs during the development of the cerebral cortex and their relation to neurodevelopmental diseases

In this line of work we aim to study the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the correct balance between the production and specification of cerebral cortex cells by NSCs. We also aim to understand how alterations in these processes are related to neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism by studying murine models of these disorders.

Regulation of antioxidant defence

Role of p38 alpha MAP kinase in the regulation of antioxidant defence in hepatocytes.

Role of genomic imprinting and its epigenetic regulation in neural stem cells

This line aims to study basic epigenetic regulation (focusing on genomic imprinting) in NSCs under physiological conditions, and to identify novel epigenetic mechanisms that can potentially be modulated during reactivation therapies or tumour formation.

Role of microRNAs in gene regulation of EGFR-dependent signalling pathways. MicroRNA expression patterns in GBM. MicroRNA expression profile in the angiogenic and infiltrative patterns of GBM. Prognostic value

The aims of this work are to study the expression of miRNAs in high-grade gliomas, such as primary glioblastoma multiforme, secondary glioblastomas and high-grade astrocytomas.

Skin wound healing in FN-syn mice

Our hypothesis suggests that the adhesions made by the keratinocyte with FN, which are necessarily mediated by a5ß1 integrins, are weaker. To study this, we are using microprinting of FN-syn lines of different thicknesses and distances that force the cell to withstand more stress.

Socio-health studies and indicators

To contribute to the body of knowledge on human behaviour and social interaction by collecting data of interest from different social sectors and decision-makers in the public and private spheres, as well as from research personnel.

Specialist physiotherapy for musculoskeletal injuries in haemophilia patients

Deepen knowledge of common musculoskeletal injuries in patients with haemophilia and their sequelae, as well as design and validate assessment methods. Study the effectiveness of physiotherapy techniques and protocols to improve physical function and quality of life.

Start Whi7 Repressor Characterisation

Our group has characterised a new important regulator of the Start transition: Whi7. Whi7 acts as a transcriptional repressor of the Start programme, collaborating with Whi5 in this function. So that, as occurs in mammals with the Rb family, the control of cell cycle initiation depends on the interplay between different repressors. The group's work aims to advance in the characterisation of the regulation and function of Whi7 and its comparison with Whi5 in different physiological conditions, which may help to understand how the action of different repressors is coordinated in the control of cell cycle initiation. In addition, the relationship between Whi7 and the protein kinase C pathway is being investigated. The fact that a member of the Rb family is mutated in almost all tumours further reinforces the importance of studying the role of these G1 repressors.

Stigma associated with mental illness

Study of beliefs, attitudes and discrimination towards mental illness in the general population and their relationship with knowledge and contact or familiarity with mental illness.

Study of REDOX biology in patients with RRD

Study by means of Flow Cytometry techniques of REDOX biology in patients with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Syndrome.

Study of basic developmental processes in Drosophila relevant to human health

Genetic and cellular study of developmental processes in Drosophila, such as embryonic dorsal closure and the establishment of epithelial planar polarity, used as models of processes relevant to human health such as wound healing or cell migration processes.

Study of factors regulating the quiescence state of NSCs

Study of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the maintenance and correct functioning of NSCs in the adult brain. Specifically, we aim to address the study of how quiescence is regulated at the molecular level and how quiescence-activation responds to niche elements.

Study of neurological, cerebral and biochemical alterations in patients with fatty liver disease. Molecular and cellular mechanisms

We are studying whether patients with fatty liver disease present neurological, cerebral and biochemical alterations, in order to characterise them and look for biomarkers of cerebral alterations in steatohepatitis. Funded by: Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación (Valencian Government).

Study of oligodendrocytes and their capacity for myelination during development and in the full grown adult

The aim is to analyse the myelination process during development, which are of vital importance for the induction of myelination/remyelination processes in the adulthood. In demyelination models, remyelination will be analysed using the acquired knowledge.

Study of oxidative stress and DNA repair mechanisms in different progeroid syndromes and genodermatoses.

Study of oxidative stress and DNA repair mechanisms in different progeroid syndromes and genodermatoses.

Study of the Enteric Nervous System in Parkinson's Disease

Recent studies have shown the presence of Lewy bodies within the enteric nervous system (ENS). Early onset gastrointestinal symptomatology prior to motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease has recently raised the possibility that lesions in the ENS may develop early in the course of the disease, prior to the appearance of cytopathology in the substantia nigra neurons, and thus the study of the ENS may help to understand the cytopathology of Parkinson's disease. These data and the ease of obtaining samples from patients by routine colonic biopsies have led to the use of the SNE as a study model in our line of research. Our main objective is to study the dopaminergic neurons of Meissner's and Auerbach's plexuses from both proximal and distal colon samples from a Parkinsonian rat model. The studies are carried out by means of high-resolution morphological analyses.

Study of the aetiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and development of therapies based on the neuroprotective role of mesenchymal stem cells

We will analyse the earliest effects that occur in the neurons of the spinal cord, as well as the role played by glia, with the aim of identifying the mechanisms that cause and are involved in the disease. On the other hand, a potential pathway of propagation between neurons will be studied.

Study of the cellular basis of Parkinson's disease

Study of the alterations associated with or causing the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons and their relationship with ageing and associated conditioning factors. Studies of the effects of Parkinsonism on the behaviour of NSCs.

Study of the control of translation by the evolutionarily conserved factor eIF5A and its role in pathologies

eIF5A is an elongation factor that binds to ribosomes when they get stuck during the synthesis of some proteins containing proline, glycine and charged amino acid motifs. Our group has determined that eIF5A is required for the synthesis of formins (yeast, fly and mouse), collagen (mouse and human) and human proteins that are prone to aggregation in aged cells. Our aim is to mechanistically determine the function of eIF5A, through the synthesis of its target proteins, in pathologies such as fibrosis, cancer or during ageing. Understanding these mechanisms will help in the development of specific therapies aimed at regulating eIF5A function.

Study of the microbiota in patients with cognitive impairment associated with chronic liver disease: cirrhosis and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

The aim of this study is to search for biomarkers of cognitive impairment associated with liver disease by characterising the salivary and faecal microbiota in cirrhotic patients and in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

Study of the neuroanatomical basis of pain and analgesia

Study of the neural mechanisms involved in pain processing and analgesia.

Study of the neuroanatomical basis of the analgesic effect of drugs

Study of the neural bases responsible for the analgesic action of different drugs.

Sunlight induced chemistry in the Earth's atmosphere

Determination of sunlight absorption intensities of molecules in the atmosphere. Prediction of sunlight response mechanisms. Hg cycle in the Earth's atmosphere.

Systemic inflammation

Study of systemic inflammation induced by different risk factors for atherosclerosis: angiotensin-II, menopause, cigarette smoke, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance or familial hypercholesterolemia. Search for biomarkers of cardiovascular pahtology.

Technological applications of Vision Sciences

Development and characterisation of devices, based on the processing carried out by the visual system: colourimetric characterisation of image capture and display devices, image processing. Characterisation of optical devices.

The shape of pain

Study of the geometric shape of the lumbar spine and its relationship with chronic non-specific low back pain.

To characterise alterations in inflammation, neuroinflammation and brain function associated with the onset of MHE

We characterise the changes in immunophenotype and inflammation associated with the onset of MHE. We analyse the microRNA and protein content of exosomes and their usefulness for diagnosing MHE. We analysed alterations in neuronal connectivity by functional MRI. Funded by: ISCIII (PI18/00150). 


To find out which variables of factors operate transdiagnostically in the various dimensions and/or subtypes of OCD and in other disorcers of the emotional spectrum (anxiety and mood disorders). Specifically, we focus the study on unpleasant mental intrusions (IMD for its Spanish acronym).

Translational Genomics

Our research activity focuses on studying mechanisms of pathogenesis and 
discovering potential drug therapies for diseases of genetic origin, in particular Myotonic Dystrophy (DM1 and DM2), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMDD2).

Translational research in hepatotoxicity and cell therapy

The results of the basic research carried out by the group are always analysed from multiple angles with the aim of seeking their clinical application. Within this more translational facet of our research, our main objectives are to develop new diagnostic, monitoring and clinical prognostic procedures for drug-induced liver injury. This research involves setting up several clinical trials to validate the proposed procedures. Another priority objective is to obtain induced stem cells from patients with various liver diseases for their correction and subsequent use in cell therapy. In this same context, the group has also pioneered human hepatocyte transplants as an alternative to orthotopic organ transplantation.

Tumour Stem Cell (CSC)

Characterisation and isolation of CSCs from tumour samples. Development of in vitro and in vivo models for the design of new therapeutic strategies to control the CSC population.

Tumour development and metastasis in mice expressing FN with inactivated synergistic site

We want to cross a strain of tumour-prone mice with our FN-syn mice and analyse the influence of this mutation on tumour development, migration and metastasis formation of tumour cells.

Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Study of molecular mechanisms potentially linking type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), as well as the study of new therapeutic pathways.

Use of Drosophila as a model for the study of human pathologies of genetic origin

We are using several approaches to study human genetic diseases in Drosophila in order to dissect their pathogenesis pathways and identify biomarkers for diagnosis and/or progression, as well as to discover molecules with therapeutic potential.

Utility of natural polyphenols as preventive agents for the development of eye diseases

To analyse the polyphenolic antioxidant capacity as protection against the development of retinopathies related to oxidative stress.

Vascular physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology

Study of mechanisms regulating vascular tone.

Weather, climate and health line

Evaluation of the relationship between climatic factors and weather variables, especially ambient temperature and health, as well as public health measures that can minimise the impact of foreseeable future climate changes.