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Open field box Harvard Apparatus LE800SCW
Open field black and white
Brand: Open field box Harvard Apparatus LE800SCW
Type: Equipment

Equipment designed for open field experiments.


Open field experiments allow assessment of the animal's basal activity and its evolution in response to novelty or anxiogenic environment, drug treatment, injury or genetic modification.

Square open fields are available for rats and mice. The arena is made of a durable material that does not absorb odours and is easy to clean. The arena is surrounded by high walls and is available in different non-reflective colours for video tracking purposes.

The system is fully collapsible, allowing for easy storage in a minimum of space. This open arena can be coupled with our video tracking systems for detection and analysis of animal movements and behaviour during the test.

Practical implementation
  • Locomotor activity and exploration; open field test for basal activity.
  • Anxiety; open field test with centre and periphery, locomotor response to novelty.
  • Memory; object recognition test.
Quality certifications

Certificate ISO 9001

Terms of use

Reserve the equipment and the room.