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Work and its new forms


This line of research aims to research the emerging forms of work both in terms of their material insecurity and in terms of the new configuration of subjectivities that are taking shape. The recent changes in the world of work linked to cognitive work, digital work, platform capitalism and new forms of work organisation that particularly affect young people - project work, the rise of independent forms of work and freelances- are giving room to new precariousness. The aim is to research the effects of jobs in which: 1) The frontier between work and personal life is narrowing; 2) Cognitive, creative and emotional skills are expanding; those that take advantage of personal qualities and open up a whole new scenario of cognitive exploitation; 3) New business demands are being made for involvement, vocation and dedication in these jobs, which call for a "psychological contract", for the identification with the company; 4) Work is recently identified as a space for recognition, reputation, the brand of the corresponding individualisation; 5) Autonomy is glorified as a competence and as an employment situation, which leads us towards the predominance of the entrepreneurial and the independent worker figures; 6) The capacity for negotiation on wages and working conditions is low and increases precarious situations. The weakness of the trade union movement and the protective family framework - which provides support for young people in precarious situations - strengthen the negotiating power of the company, which establishes precarious material conditions with little resistance. Initially, the qualitative approach will guide the research methodologically.


job insecurity, creativity and innovation, phenomenology of emerging forms of work

Manager UV
  • Santos Ortega, Antonio
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
  • Coordinador/a Curs
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