University of València Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Logo del portal

6 TB EditBOX EB800 MS Redundant array of independent disks (RAID)

RAID array of hard disks with 6 TB capacity, secure storage against hardware failure through redundancy and high speed access via dedicated HAB/RAID controller board with SAS interface.


2 high-performance digital oscilloscopes (with mixed analogue/digital inputs) ; 1 function generator; 2 dual power supplies ; 1 hand-held multimeter

Devices and equipment for electronic project development.

3 completely equipped entomology laboratories, including morphological and molecular techniques

The ICBiBE (Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology) is home to three laboratories destined to Entomology in which we can have access to microscopic and molecular techniques for studying insects.

300MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid-state samples

Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.

4x4 off-road vehicle

Land Rover Defender all-terrain vehicle with hitching system for prospecting, sampling, processing and transport of palaeontological samples in the field.

500MHz NMR spectrometer for liquid samples

Small molecule structure elucidation: elucidation of connectivity, stereochemical configuration and conformation.

Structural characterisation of nanoparticles and their interactions with substrates.

Mobility studies and molecular dynamics.

Monitoring of chemical processes: kinetics.

Determination of association and molecular interaction processes.

Studies at variable temperatures.

Mixture analysis, component quantification and determination.

Studies on molecular dissemination, size and mobility.

Studies on chemical reaction mechanisms, characterisation of reaction intermediates, acquisition of kinetic and thermodynamic reaction parameters.

Studies on molecular interactions, association processes determination and host-guest affinity molecular interaction, enzyme-substrate molecular recognition.

Accessible thermostatised chamber

Accessible thermostatised chamber with a capacity of 26 m3 for the development of controlled temperature assays, at laboratory and small pilot plant scale. The working temperature can be regulated between 15 and 40ºC. The chamber has a water main installation, its own electrical panel and a gas extraction system to renew the air and thus evacuate any gases generated. Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph with 5973 Inert mass detector.

Accreditation of performance against Decent Work criteria

Methodological model for the evaluation of the degree of compliance of a public administration, collective or company with the concept of Decent Work.

Acquisition system and biosignal processing
  • Multi-Channel GTEC biosignal amplifier for ECG, EEG, EOG and biomedical signal aquisition.
  • Multi-Channel Whole-Head EEG acquisition.
  • Wireless biosignal amplifiers for EOG.
  • NATIONAL INSTRUMENTS Acquisition Cards and Signal Digitizing.
Activated sludge pilot plant for biological removal of organic matter and nutrients

Pilot plant consisting of an 800 L reactor (84 L anaerobic zone, 332 L anoxic zone and 384 L aerobic zone) and an 80 L secondary decanter. The plant also has the necessary pumping and instrumentation systems for its operation.

Agilent 6850 Chromatograph with MIDI (Microbial Identification System)

Determination of cellular fatty acid composition for identification/characterisation of microbial strains, by comparison with appropriate databases.

Anaerobic Digestion Pilot Plant

Pilot plant with the necessary elements to carry out the study of anaerobic digestion of sludge. The main units that make up the pilot plant are: 43 L influent sludge thickener, 160 L thermostatised primary digester and secondary digester or buffer tank. The plant also has the necessary pumping and instrumentation systems for its operation.

Anaerobic Membrane Pilot Plant

Pilot plant for the anaerobic biological treatment of wastewater with separation by tangential filtration membranes of tubular type. The plant consists of: a wastewater pre-treatment system using a rotary sieve, a 300-litre regulation tank with thermo-resistance to control the temperature of the process, a reactor with a useful reaction volume of 1000 litres, two membrane tanks with a capacity of 500 litres each, two PURON submerged hollow fibre membrane modules with a filtration surface area of 30 m2 each and a 200-litre CIP tank. The plant also has the necessary pumping and instrumentation systems for its operation.

Analysis laboratory

The group has the laboratory 4.2.20 of the Chemical Engineering Dept. with the following equipment: - Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) (Thermo S4 Series, Thermo Fisher Scientifics, USA). - Ion Chromatograph (883 Basic IC Plus, Methrom, Switzerland) - UV-Visible Spectrometer (Spectroflex 6600, WTW, Germany) - Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC-VCSH, Shimazu, Japan) - Automatic Titrator (848 Titrino Plus, Metrohm, Switzerland) - pH meter/conductivity meter (pH/Cond 340i, WTW, Germany) - Oximeter (Oxi 340i, WTW, Germany) - Incubator/orbital shaker (G25KC incubator orbital shaker, New Brunswick Scientific, USA) - Centrifuge (5804 Eppendorf, USA) - Automatic methane potential test system (AMPTS II, Bioprocess control, Sweden) - Digester (Spectroquant TR 420, Merck, Spain) - Various general-purpose laboratory equipment.

Analysis of microbial cellular fatty acid composition (MIDI)

Determination of the cellular fatty acid composition of microbial strains using gas chromatography.

Andrology laboratory equipped with CASA system

Andrology laboratory equipped with CASA system.

Animal Parasitology Laboratory

Laboratory with basic optical equipment for microscopic research.

Aquarium sample laboratory

Equipment of the Experimental Aquarium Plant Laboratory.

Aquarium system with continuous flow toxic exposure

Aquarium system for pollutant toxicity tests. Recirculation and dosing system of pollutants by means of peristaltic pumps. System designed to work in a continental environment with zebrafish.

Aquarium systems

Nine water filtration and recirculation systems for the preservation of aquatic organisms.

Authorised laboratory for the management of quarantine phytopathogenic bacteria

Title: authorised laboratory for the management of quarantine phytopathogenic bacteria.
Management of quarantine bacteria in biological containment conditions.
Type: biosafety level 2.

BUXCO Nebuliser

Nebuliser system for respiratory exposure to nanoparticles.

Bibliographic database on Cenozoic fossil mammals

Database with more than 4,000 titles in different formats (paper, pdf....) of scientific documents (papers, theses, other documents) on the palaeontological record of Cenozoic fossil mammals.

Bibliographic services of the Faculty of Economics and the Department of Business Management of the Universitat de València

Library service and bibliographic resources from the Social Sciences Campus, of the Faculty of Economics and the Department of Business Management of the Universitat de València.


BioCalibra is an automated calibration device developed by CALAGUA that allows quantifying the kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of the WWTP simulation models most accepted by the scientific community. BioCalibra allows to perform in a highly automated way, the tests necessary for the calibration of the parameters of greater influence of the activated sludge models. In addition, it allows to carry out a great diversity of experiments designed to evaluate the biological process, such as: determination of the biodegradability of the wastewater, verification of the existence of toxic compounds and determination of possible interferences or potential impacts on the treatment processes. BioCalibra allows to optimize the calibration process, reducing both the analysis time, as well as, the human and technical resources required for its application.

Biochemical and Molecular Genetics Laboratory

Fully equipped laboratory for research in genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology of plants, insects and Bacillus thuringiensis:

  • Nucleic acid electrophoresis systems.
  • Protein electrophoresis systems.
  • Centrifuges.
  • Thermal cyclers for PCR.
  • Temperature controlled chambers.
  • Incubators.
  • Laminar flow cabinets.
Biological safety cabinet

Management of quarantine bacteria in biological containment conditions. Type: biosafety level 2.

Biology and molecular genetics laboratory


Bioreactor Infors HT/AG CH-4103 MINIFORS

Mycotoxin production from fungi typified in selected foods. Online simulation of intestinal digestion.

Breeding and maintenance of aquatic invertebrates

Climate chamber equipped with photoperiod, humidity and temperature control for maintenance and breeding of aquatic invertebrates.


Laboratory equipped with optical material with photographic equipment, growth chamber, specialised bibliography in bryology and computer equipment.

CAVE type inverse display system

Individual inverse visualisation system with 3D location systems and projection on three side screens and the floor.

CPA. Biochemical parameter analyser

Shinova model B200 biochemical parameter analysis equipment. Electrolyte analysis module for biological tissue and blood samples.

Calculation servers
  • Linux server 8 Core Intel Xeon X5450 3.0 GHz 16GB RAM 1.5TB hard disk in RAID5.
  • Linux server 8 Core Intel Xeon X5355 2.66 GHz 32GB RAM 2.5TB hard disk in RAID5
  • Linux server 16 Core Intel Xeon E5530 2.40 GHz 72 GB RAM 2.5TB hard disk in RAID5.
Calibration laboratory

Radiometric calibration laboratory.

Capillary Electrophoresis Sequencing System

The equipment allows DNA sequencing by the Sanger method and fragment size determination.

Capillary electrophoresis

Manufacturer: Beckman.

Capillary electrophoresis

Manufacturer: Agilent.

Capillary pumps of liquid chromatography, conventional chromatography and nanochromatography. Detectors: fluorescence, diode array, electrochemical, chemiluminescence and masses
Car driving simulator

Driving simulator to perform different tests related to car driving.

Cell Culture laboratory

Cell Culture laboratory of Biological Containment Level 2 (BCL2). It has several rooms: Cell Lines Room, Primary Cultures Room, Hypoxia Room and Viral Vectors Room (BCL2+), with 10 biosafety cabinets, 6 incubators and all the necessary equipment to work with eukaryotic cell cultures.

Prepared and controlled by technicians so the user just focuses on his experiment.

Cell Separator Flow Cytometer ARIA FUSION

Cell Separator equipped with 6 lasers, biosafety cabinet and aerosol extraction. It allows, firstly, the rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of a large number of individual cells suspended in liquid medium. For this, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies, or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

In addition, after analysis, it is possible to separate and collect subpopulations of interest from the sample for further studies.

Chef II Biorad Enochip

Chromosome and restriction fragment analysis (RFLP) to identify and type yeasts, lactic acid bacteria and acetic acid bacteria.

Chromatograph Äkta explorer

Biocompatible chromatographic equipment specially designed for protein purification.

Climate-controlled growth chambers

These are chambers with adjustable temperature and photoperiod. They are used for the growth of plants in controlled conditions. There are three of these chambers and two chambers that also have humidity control.

Climatic chamber

Climatic chamber with 12 glass aquariums for pathology tests with aquatic organisms.

Climatic chambers

The ICBiBE (Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology) includes among its services the Climatic Chambers Service, in which we can find several facilities for breeding colonies of insects used in different trials. Colonies of culicidae, cockroaches and stored products pests are especially outstanding.

Colección de oligonucleótidos para genes de S. cerevisiae

PCR oligos pairs amplifying genes or parts of genes of S. cerevisiae.

Collection of bacteria and yeasts of oenological origin. Approximately 2000 strains

Collection of bacteria and yeasts of oenological origin at the disposal of companies and research groups, under licence or biological material transfer agreements. 

Collection of live plants

It is a collection of living plant material held in cultivation, consisting of about 4,500 different species. It is useful in floral development studies, reproductive biology. It can be a source of material for plant research where fresh material is required.

Collection of rotifer strains

A collection of rotifer strains characterised ecologically is available and can be used for basic research, aquaculture centres and toxicity assays.


Colonies of aquatic organisms

Own colony of aquatic organisms for conducting bioassays.

Continuous atmospheric pressure reaction systems

Continuously operating gas-phase catalytic reaction systems that can operate at high temperatures above 800 ºC. It does not tolerate high pressures. Both gas and liquid supply.

Continuous reaction systems at high pressures

Continuously operating gas-phase catalytic reaction systems operating at high pressures and temperatures. Both gas and liquid supply.

Control microbiológico en bodegas

Control of the bottling line, evaluation of its microbiological safety and detection of problematic points, and based on this, appropriate decision making.

Creative Robotics System Llec Mindstorms

Five robotics systems are available to give courses on these topics.

Cryopreservation room

Cryopreservation room belonging to the Cell Culture laboratory for the storage and management of frozen samples from users and the section's cell bank.

Cryptogam collections of the VAL Herbarium

Collections of seaweed sheets, lichens, lichenicolous fungi and bryophytes included in the VAL herbarium.

Crystallisation Pilot Plant

The crystallisation pilot plant consists of a 20.6 L stirred-tank crystallisation reactor, two peristaltic pumps, a membrane pump, two balances and a computer. The reactor is equipped with conductivity, temperature and pH electrodes. The reactor operates in continuous mode for the liquid phase and in discontinuous mode for the solid phase.

Cultivation of plankton populations

Isolated populations from the field or well supplied by reputable collections can be cultivated in our chambers in order to be used in research. Different types of culture techniques are used: individual, mass, semi-continuous and continuous (chemostats).

Custody of biological material

Storage service for biological material under controlled conditions.

Cytometry laboratory

Fully equipped laboratory for sample preparation, acquisition, separation and analysis by flow cytometry.

Decent Work Certification Application

Programme for the evaluation of the degree of compliance of a public administration, collective or company with the concept of Decent Work.

Demographic techniques

Life table analysis, monitoring of experimental dynamics, population viability analysis...

Design and Simulation of Activated Sludge Systems-DESASS

Simulator of urban wastewater treatment plants set up under Windows, basically focused on personnel training and educational purposes. DESASS is designed and optimised for the simulation of the main physical, chemical and biological processes involved in a WWTP. In the design of DESASS a special emphasis has been placed on the speed of calculation, graphic presentation and user-friendliness. DESASS works in an intuitive environment and allows the evaluation of complete wastewater treatment schemes, allowing to represent from simple systems such as activated sludge for the removal of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus, to complete plants including anaerobic digesters, membrane reactors, etc. The programme has implemented a mathematical modelling algorithm based on the general biological model BNRM2 developed by CALAGUA.

Determination of metals by ICP-MS.

In collaboration with SCSIE, we quantify metals in biological samples, mainly yeast and plants, by mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Determination of molecular markers in plants based on DNA and chromosomal polymorphisms, using traditional and next generation sequencing techniques as well as in situ hybridisation on plant chromosomes (molecular cytogenetics)

Exploration of nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial genomes in order to obtain polymorphisms (genomic and cytogenetic) suitable for the distinction of individuals, populations, evolutionary units and species for phylogenetic, systematic and conservation purposes, as well as in the fight against food fraud and illegal trade in species subject to the regulations of international protection conventions (CITES).


Different mutation and overexpression plant lines of key enzymes from plastidial metabolism

In recent years we have identified and characterised different mutation and overexpression plant lines of key enzymes from plastidial metabolism that can be supplied to the scientific community.

Digital image processing and atmospheric simulation software

ENVI-IDL image processing softwareSimulation software for radiative transfer processes through the atmosphere MODTRAN 5.0


ERI Sustainability Studies

Seat for the group's research and transfer activities.

Electrochemical preparation of membranes

Pilot equipment for electrochemical preparation of ultra/nano-filtration membranes.

Elemental Analyser

Equipment that performs analysis of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulphur and oxygen.

Energy flow measurement station

A set of instruments for measuring the fluxes that make up the energy balance equation at the Earth's surface.

Entomology Laboratory

Laboratory with basic optical equipment for microscopic research, image capture and analysis equipment, and climatic chambers for insect rearing.

Environmentally controlled air-conditioned chamber

Isothermal chamber, with photoperiod, for maintenance of aquatic organisms.

Epifluorescence microscope

LEICA DM2500 epifluorescence microscope with digital image acquisition system for the identification and quantification of microorganisms.

Equipment for carrying out reactions under anhydrous conditions
Experimental Research Support Service

This service provides the group with an aquaria plant, mass spectrometry analysis, electron microscopy and genomics.

Facilities of the Department of Business Management of the Universitat de València

Facilities of the Faculty of Economics and the Department of Business Management of the Universitat de València.

Fast liquid chromatograph

Modular system composed of binary pump, degasser, thermostated column compartment, automatic injector and high sampling frequency variable wavelength ultraviolet detector, controlled by data station, Agilent 1200 and 1260 series.

Five Laboratories

Laboratories with gas extraction and laminar flow seeding chamber, equipped with optical and inverted microscopy, centrifuges, spectrophotometer, rotary evaporator, tissue homogeniser, precision scales and other equipment.

Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS)

Equipment for the analysis of metals and inorganic elements.

Flow Cytometer Analyser FORTESSA

A 5-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in a liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow Cytometer Analyser VERSE

A three-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Fluorescence Spectrometer

Equipment that determines the fluorescence of a substance or material that is capable of absorbing energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation and then emitting part of that energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation of a different wavelength.

Fluorescence microscope

Leika DMBR. High performance fluorescence microscopy system (optical) for the identification and enumeration of microorganisms by in situ hybridisation. Determination of the viability of microorganisms by fluorescence.

Four large climate chambers

Large climatic chambers where large-capacity microcosm experiments, as well as the cultivation and maintenance of planktonic and macrophyte populations, can be carried out. These cameras allow us to control the light conditions and temperature of the environment and the installation of lamps to obtain radiation of different light spectrum.


Freeze-drying is a process in which the product is frozen and subsequently introduced into a vacuum chamber to perform the separation of water by sublimation. In this way, water from the solid to the gaseous state is removed from the environment without going through the liquid state. To speed up the process, freeze-sublimation cycles are used to practically eliminate all the free water contained in the original product, while preserving the molecular structure of the lyophilised substance.

Functionalisation of polymers

Surface functionalisation of polymers by chemical and physical processes.

GC Agilent 7890A - Agilent 7000A triple quadrupole MS

Gas chromatography analysis – triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS QqQ) of micro-pollutants in food.

GC-ECD-FID gas chromatograph

Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph with electron capture detector (ECD) and flame ionisation detector (FID).

GC-MS gas chromatograph

Agilent 6890N gas chromatograph with 5973 Inert mass detector.

Gamma counter

Gamma counter to detect isotope decays emitted by these particles. Of particular application in ligand-receptor studies when the ligand is labelled with the isotope 125 of iodine.

Gas chromatographs with FID detector or mass spectrometer

Analysis of fat-fraction compounds.

Gas chromatographs with on-line and off-line power supply

Gas chromatographs with thermal conductivity and flame ionisation detectors (fif and tcd respectively), to analyse mainly hydrocarbons and permanent gases. possibility of continuous on-line feeding.

Gas chromatrograph - Mass spectrometer

The chromatograph is used for the identification of non-polar and volatile molecules. It is a conventional equipment with quadrupole and NIST library that allows to identify a wide variety of compounds, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Genomic and transcriptomic analysis system for single cells

Platform to carry out transcriptomic studies in the single cell field, allowing the study of transcriptomic and phenotypic variability among thousands of cells based on single cell RNA.


Genotipado de organismos del plancton (SNPs, microsatélites, RFLPs...).

Geographical information system of terrestrial mammals of Spain and Europe

A system composed of several databases and free software applications is available for the spatial analysis of the relationship between the biogeographical distribution of terrestrial vertebrate species and the bioclimatic variables of the territory they occupy.

Germination chambers

The group has seven growth chambers equipped with lightning and controlled temperature, capable of simultaneously performing seed and spore germination assays under different environmental conditions.

Germplasm bank

The Germplasm Bank is a collection of live plant matter, in the form of seeds and spores. Its general missions are: 1. Collect and conserve plants considered to be of priority importance to our society. 2. Work towards acquiring scientific knowledge aimed at optimizing the conservation and use of phytogenetic resources.All the work carried out at the Germplasm Bank aims to fulfil our commitment to the European Plant Conservation Strategy (EPCS). Currently, there are over 1500 samples conserved in the Germplasm Bank. This figure grows yearly with the new collections. Besides all the basic tasks leading to the collection and preparation of seeds for long-term conservation,  the following aspects are carried out: Search for optimal germination conditions of pteridophyte seeds and spores. Studies into loss of viability. Seed germination and seed dormancy breakage studies. Characterisation of seeds and spores, especially their type of covering and embryo.

Greenhouse cabin with Biological Containment Level 1 (NCB1)

Venlo greenhouse cabin with biological containment level 1 (NCB1), with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.

Greenhouse cabin with Biological Containment Level 2 (NCB2)

Venlo greenhouse cabin with biological containment level 1 (NCB1), with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.

Gregori Maians Library of Social Sciences

Economic and business databases. Scientific and academic journals.

HP workstation

HP workstation with two Intel Core i7 quad-core processors, 8 GB of RAM and 2 TB disk. Linux Operating System.

Handling of alcoholic and malolactic fermentation

Microbiological analysis to control alcoholic and malolactic fermentation. Microbiological control of the final product. Identification and quantification of microorganisms present in wine. Analysis of the implantation of commercial strains.

Herbarium VAL

An herbarium is a collection of dry plants, duly prepared to guarantee their conservation indefinitely. An important part of botanical research is based on the herbarium, overall taxonomy, although it is also handy for floristic, bio-geographic and even molecular studies. The herbarium provides the testimony of plant citations, descriptions and of the plant material used to propose them. The plant type (the material upon which a new name is based) is, in most cases, a dry plant, deposited and preserved in a public herbarium. The herbarium at El Botànic came about by bringing together the old herbariums of the School of Biological Sciences and Pharmacy with the Garden’s own. It is housed in properly equipped, researcher-friendly, installations that guarantee preservation. The vouchers are stored in compact cupboards which can hold some 350.000 vouchers. Uniting the aforementioned herbariums has created one of the most important herbariums is Spain, housing over 200.000 vouchers.

Herpetology Laboratory

Laboratory with basic optical equipment for microscopic research and aquaterrariums.

High pressure autoclave reactor

Autoclave capable of operating at high pressure where catalytic reactions are carried out in gas/liquid phase with discontinuous operation.

High resolution X-ray diffraction system

X-ray diffraction system multi-purpose diffractometer and Pre-FIX system has the unique ability to measure, with a single instrument, any type of sample: from powders to thin films and from nanomaterials to solid objects.

High-performance liquid chromatography with uv, fluorescence and ELSD detectors

Analysis of amino-acids, vitamins, sialic acids and phospholipids.

Hypoxia/hiperoxia room

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (BCL2) composed of a closed Hypoxia Station and necessary equipment for the maintenance of the cultures. The closed station allows a precise control of the percentage of hypoxia and/or hyperoxia, even at extreme values, keeping the culture conditions constant at all times, both during its handling and within the incubators. All of this ensures reproducible data.

Immunoassay development for toxins and agrichemicals

Ability to perform all stages involved in the development of immunoassays for small molecules of the type of natural toxins and agrichemical compounds.

Incidence of Inner Peripherality on its territory

Website and interactive smartphone application for the assessment of the situation of a territory or region of the European Union in relation to Inner Peripherality.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer with Mass Detector (ICP-MS)

Equipment for the analysis of metals and inorganic elements at trace level.

Insect rearing and maintenance

Air-conditioned chamber equipped with photoperiod, humidity and temperature control for insect maintenance and breeding.

LC-MS and GC-MS (UHPLC/GC-MS-Q-TOF) Bruker IMPACT II Chromatography Equipment

Equipment that quantitatively determines the concentrations of one, several or many substances in a biological (serum, plasma, tissue or urine), food or environmental sample. This is achieved by chromatographic separation of the compounds present in the matrix to be studied, either by liquid chromatography or gas chromatography and their subsequent nebulisation with fragmentation to detect the components according to their molecular weight.

LC-MS/MS Spectrometer (triple quadrupole)

Mass spectrometer with TQ Detector triple quadrupole analyser. Metabolite quantification.


Experimental Economics laboratory.

Laboratory for experimental set-ups and pilot plants

The group has the laboratory 4.2.22 of the Chemical Engineering Dept. with the following set-ups and equipment: - Experimental set-ups for biofiltration, biotrickling filter, EGSB anaerobic reactor, biosorption columns, and tubular heterogeneous photocatalysis reactor, equipped with peristaltic pumps, mass flow controllers, automatic samplers, automatic VOC feeding systems, etc. - Equipment for laboratory and industrial inoculum preparation – Fume cupboard for reagent handling - Total air hydrocarbons (FID) analyser (Nira Mercury 901) - Gas chromatograph (Agilent Technologies 7890A) to analyse organic compounds - Air temperature and humidity measuring equipment (Vaisala MI79) - Carbon dioxide analyser (Vaisala) - PID photoionisation detector (MiniRAE 2000) to analyse VOCs - Gasometer (BK-G4, Digital manometer (MP101, KIMO Intruments) - Biogas analyser (Combimass GA-m, Binder).

Laboratory for the processing of palaeontological samples

Laboratory for the processing of palaeontological samples. The laboratory has washing and processing facilities (basins, ovens, sieves, ....) for small and intermediate samples from either field washing or small-scale sampling.

Laboratory for working with infectious insect viruses

Fully equipped laboratory to work with viruses (harmless to human health) for the production of viral bioinsecticides or production of recombinant proteins in insect cells.

Level 2 microbiological research laboratory

Research laboratory with a level 2 biosafety chamber.


Laboratory equipped with optical material with photographic equipment, laminar flow cabinet, specialised bibliography on lichens and lichenicolous fungi; TLC equipment (thin layer chromatography) equipped with drying oven, cuvettes and ultraviolet lamp and computer equipment.

Liquid Chromatograph

Modular system composed of isocratic pump, quaternary pump, degasser, thermostatised column compartment, automatic injector and high sampling frequency diode array detector, controlled by Agilent 1200 series data station. Fluorescence and refractive index detectors are also available.

Liquid Chromatograph

Modular system composed of isocratic pump, quaternary pump, degasser, thermostatised column compartment, automatic injector and diode array detector, controlled by Agilent 1200 series data station.

Liquid Chromatograph

Modular system composed of quaternary pump, degasser, thermostated column compartment, automatic injector and UV detectors of variable wavelength and refractive index, controlled by data station, Agilent 1200 and 1260 series.

Liquid chromatograph - Mass spectrometer

Equipped with ultra-high resolution liquid chromatography (UHPLC) equipment, automatic injector for 100 samples and triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer that is connected by means of an electrospray source.

Liquid chromatograph

Manufacturer: Agilent.

Liquid chromatography LC1200-Agilent Quadrupole-Time of Fligh Mass Spectrometry G6540A

Liquid chromatography analysis accompanied by the detection in time of flight of bioactive compounds present in food.

Liquid chromatography LC1200-Agilent Quadrupole-Time of Fligh Mass Spectrometry G6546A

Metabolomics, peptidomics and proteomics analysis.

Liquid microchromatograph

Manufacturer: Agilent.

LoDif Biocontrol

The developed tool, known as "LoDif BioControl", consists of a computer application that incorporates the control algorithms developed by the research group CalAgua during the last few years. These control algorithms, based on fuzzy logic, allow for an efficient control of both the aeration system and the biological nutrient elimination process in Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP), optimising the activated sludge process, as they achieve to keep nitrogen below the discharge limits with minimum energy consumption. The uniqueness of this tool consists of the incorporation of nutrient control algorithms based on low cost probes: oxygen, ORP (redox potential) and pH (a system protected by the patent of invention with preliminary examination titled "Control system for the biological elimination of nitrogen of wastewater by using low cost probes ", Ref. ES 2 345 090 B2).

Luminescence, Fluorescence and uv-vis microplate reader

Viability measurement, mitochondrial activity in cell cultures, determination of ferritin, calcium and cytosolic zinc, evaluation of antioxidant capacity.


Technique that allows the lyophilisation of biological material.


Solvent removal and drying of samples under mild conditions.


Software for the measurement of chromatographic peaks of various asymmetries, retention modelling for hydro-organic and micellar reversed-phase liquid chromatography, as well as optimisation of chromatographic methods. It contains numerous functions for retention modelling and chromatographic resolution. The software was commercialised on an international level.

Mass spectrometer QTOF 6600+ and UHPLC

High resolution hybrid mass spectrometer and quadrupole time-of-flight analyser TRIPLETOF 6600+ and UHPLC (QTOF6600+).

Mass spectrometer

Manufacturer: Agilent.

Massive sequencing system

High-throughput sequencing equipment that allows obtaining short sequences of up to 300 bp.

Massive sequencing system

High-throughput sequencing equipment that allows obtaining sequences with an average length of more than 30 kb.

Methodology for Sustainable Strategic Planning at the Local Level

Model for the design and implementation of strategic thinking and planning processes for the achievement of more sustainable territories.

Microalgae Cultivation Pilot Plant

Pilot plant for the cultivation of microalgae with separation by hollow fibre ultrafiltration membranes. The pilot plant includes the following basic operating elements: a 300 L regulation tank, four flat photobioreactors of 500 L useful volume each, two membrane tanks with a useful volume of 600 L, two submerged hollow fibre membrane modules with an area of 30 m2 per module and a 200 L CIP tank. The plant also has the necessary pumping and instrumentation systems for its operation.

Microbial characterisation (bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts)

Microbial characterisation using several approaches.

Microbial collection

Collection of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria isolated from different types of samples. Collection of Vibrio vulnificus mutants deficient in virulence genes.

Microbial identification (bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts) by sequencing of essential genes.

Microbial identification by essential gene sequencing.

Microbial identification and characterisation by MALDI-TOF MS (matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry)

The MALDI-TOF MS technique allows obtaining the characteristic protein profile of a microbial strain from the analysis of its ribosomal proteins, mainly.

Microbial strain deposit
  • Deposit of strains of archaea, bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts up to risk group 3* according to the definition of Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997.
  • Deposit of phages of microbial strains up to risk group 2 according to the definition of Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997.
Microbial strains of bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts

Type and reference microbial strains in public repository. Microbial strains subject to patent and/or in restricted repository.

Microbiological reference material

The CECT has a public catalogue that includes more than 8000 strains of bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts. It also has the Mengovirus vMCO and will soon incorporate some phage strains.

Microbiology laboratory

The group has the laboratory 4.3.22 of the Department of Chemical Engineering with the following equipment: - Laminar flow cabinet (Telslar AV-100) - Horizontal electrophoresis chamber (Multi Sub Midi, Biocom) - DNA extraction system (Bead beater, Biospec Products) - Thermocycler (LongGene Scientific Instruments, Hangzhou) - DGGE system (KuroGel Verti 2020 DGGE system, Eurolab) - Image acquisition system (Bio-Imaging systems MiniBis Pro) - Minicentrifuge (Eppendorf) - Equipment for counting microorganisms by fluorochrome staining - Ultra-Turrax (IKA ®T18 basic) - Vortex (IKA ® MS2 Minishaker) - Incubator (Memmert, InCubator basic INB200).

Microplate reader with temperature control

For automated and miniaturised measurements, quick plate reading, luminescence measurement.


Ultracentrifuge for small volumes with 3 rotors: S55A2, S50A and swing-out rotor S52ST.

Microvertebrate Comparison Collection

Comparative collection of terrestrial microvertebrates from the Iberian Peninsula. The system is currently under development, with the participation of most of the members of the research team as well as staff from the Department of Zoology of the Faculty of Biology of the UV. We are currently (2016) developing two Final Degree Projects to update the database systems of this process, in collaboration with the Museu Valencià d'História Natural.

Microvine plants

MTA between the Universitat de València and 1) INRA and 2) CSIRO Australia for the work with protected varieties of cv. 'microvine'.

Molecular biology techniques applied to microbial identification of environmental samples

This technique consists in taking biological samples and applying advanced molecular biology techniques in the specialised laboratory of the research group. The laboratory is equipped with the necessary equipment and instrumentation to apply the techniques of fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), sequencing, cloning, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) and cell culture.


A tool written in C++ using programs implemented with the ITK toolkit and a graphical interface built on the Qt libraries. It is meant as an easy, graphical tool to manage, store and calculate statistics (univariate statistics but also mean set and confidence sets) of a collection of shapes. It allow the visualization, trimming, alineation and averaging of all or of a selected group of cases so that doctors, garment designers or other non-specializaed personnel can manage their data.

Multi-channel GTEC biosignal amplifiers for ECG, EEG, EOG and biomedical signal acquisition; Multi-channel whole-head EEG acquisition; Wireless biosignal amplifiers for EOG; National Instruments (NI) acquisition cards and signal digitising

Acquisition system and biosignal processing.

Multielemental Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS)

Equipment that performs analysis of metals and inorganic elements.

NCB2+ room for cell cultures

Room located inside the Cell Culture laboratory (NCB2), with its own equipment and higher level work protocols. Designed to work with viral vectors, GMOs or level 2 biological agents that require greater security.

Nematology Laboratory

Laboratory with basic optical equipment for microscopic research and incubator for nematode culture.

Network Attached Storage (Protocols FTP/HTTP & SAMBA) with redundant backup 24 TB capacity

Image storage server.

Nissan Patrol vehicle

For field trips and equipment transport. Also allows field measurement by placing the sensors on an additional articulated arm.

Nylon macroarrays for omics studies in S. cerevisiae

Collection of probes for the manufacture of macroarrays. Macroarrays on nylon support with 5400 probes for S. cerevisiae genes.

Observation, description and measurement of behaviour

Standard techniques for observing, describing and measuring animal behaviour.

Organic products synthesis and scaling

Ability to design, plan and develop the synthesis of any organic molecule at both laboratory and pilot plant scale.

Own methodologies for ongoing evaluation of policies and programmes at the local level

Model for the evaluation of strategies, policies and programmes in various areas of local and regional government.

Parallel computing architecture with GPU

Dual Xeon HPC server equipped with two Intel Xeon X5660 processors with six cores each, 24 GB of RAM and 2TB RAID mode 0 disk array, plus three NVIDA Tesla M2080 boards with 512 cores (GPU processing units) each, for a total of 768 cores. Linux Operating System and libraries for programming the GPUs.

Pen-tablet computer and assisted segmentation software

The computer is a HP touchsmart tm2 that allows the use of a stylus to write or mark lines in the tactile screen. It has been provided with a software done by the group that manages a MRI 3D image in order to show each slice in all projections and allow a physician to outline a region that he/she wishes to segment (usually, an organ like the heart or the liver). The following slice inherits the former mark and can be easily edited with minimal effort. The purpose is to obtain a set of manually segmented cases that can serve as a golden pattern to test automatic segmentation algorithms.

Photography equipment

High-quality photography equipment and mounting system for the reproduction of plant images.

Phycology and Marine Botany

Laboratory equipped with optical material (binocular magnifying glass and microscope) with digital photographic equipment, specialised bibliography.

Plant Ecology

Laboratory equipped with ULT freezer, equipment for molecular biology studies, optical and bibliographic material, computer equipment.

Plants growth chambers

Inoculations of vegetal material with quarantine bacteria.

Polymer preparation

Synthesis and preparation of polymeric blends and polymeric nanocomposites.

Polymer spinning

Pilot fibre manufacturing equipment for wet-spinning, wet-dry spinning and electrospinning.

Polysome fractionator

Equipment for the manufacture of density gradients and their subsequent fractionation used in the study of polysome profiling in cell extracts.

Potentiometric systems, steady-state fluorescence

Automatic evaluation for system stability characterisation.

Preparation, assembly and analysis of microbial genomes

DNA extraction, whole genome sequencing (WGS), assembling, determination of quality parameters, genomic analysis...


Press for compacting powdered materials.

QCEXVAL Computing Unit

The resources available to our research group can be grouped into our own resources and those of free access offered by the Universitat de València, such as the Lluis Vives and Tirant high-performance computing servers, managed by the Information Systems Service. Within our own servers, we have two computing clusters: the first one is composed of equipment with Intel i7, Intel i9 and Intel Xeon processors, as well as two Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080Ti GPUs, consisting of 28 nodes that provide 456 processors and 1332 GB of RAM. The second cluster, newly acquired, consists of three machines with AMD Threadripper PRO 3975WX processors, interconnected via a high-speed network (10 GB/s), providing a total of 192 processors and 768 GB of RAM. This is rounded off by a NAS backup system with 15 TB of storage space.

QTRAP 6500+

A more sensitive and selective piece of equipment, faster in carrying out analysis and a solid service improver for the analysis of trace-level samples (pico-nanograms levels) of a great metabolite number in complex matrices such as biofluids and tissues, in an automated and relatively fast manner, generating a profile by multivariate statistical techniques, etc.

Radiofrequency and Antenna Laboratory

The Radiofrequency and Antenna Laboratory is located in the ETSE of the Universitat de València. It has a 5x8x5m anechoic chamber that allows measuring antennas and devices for wireless sensors from 300MHz to 110GHz. The chamber can measure in spherical far-field and flat near-field.

Radiometers and spectroradiometers measuring in the thermal infrared

A set of instruments that measure infrared radiation (8-14 micrometres) emitted by surfaces under Planck's Law.


Rainfall simulator

Rainfall simulator to measure soil erosion under different scales and rainfall intensities.

Raman Emission Spectrometer

Equipment that performs determinations of materials by Raman Spectrophotometry coupled to a confocal microscope.

Real-time quantitative PCR system

Equipment for the realisation of quantitative PCR tests.

Real-time quantitative PCR system

Equipment for the realisation of digital quantitative PCR tests.

Reality room

Cylindrical immersive visualisation system with 3D stereoscopic projection and capacity for 40 people.

Research Group Laboratory

Six workstations with computers. Own software + 3 ENVI-IDL licences + 2 ARCGIS 8 licences.

Research laboratories

The group has five well-equipped laboratories for anatomy, molecular biology, microscopy, biosystematics, mapping and seed germination studies.

Research laboratory

Research laboratory with the necessary infrastructure to carry out the group's own lines of research.

Robot for macrochip printing

BioGrid II is a robot for the fabrication of macroarryas on nylon support or for the copying of collections of microorganism strains deposited on microtitre plates.

Robotics and Vision Laboratory

Laboratory 1.3.23 in Block 1 of the School of Engineering shared with the Robotics group. Dimensions: 50 m^2.

SAXS (Small Angle X-ray Scattering) X-ray diffraction system

Bruker N8 HORIZON X-ray diffraction system is a compact, specific and dedicated laboratory equipment for the analysis of Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) and Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS).

Small angle X-ray diffraction analysis allows to obtain values of particle size and distribution, distance between particles, as well as their arrangement. Establishing volume fractions and degree of crystallinity in materials, calculating porosity, shape and dimensions of nanoparticles.

SIG Unit

Its aim is to provide the IIDL researchers with the infrastructure necessary for the mapping associated with their research projects using Geographic Information Systems (SIG)

Sampling and physicochemical characterisation of industrial emissions to air of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

This technique consists in taking measurements at the source of air emissions and/or sampling with Tedlar bags or Dräger tubes and transferring the samples to the laboratory for treatment and analysis. The group has two laboratories equipped with advanced analytical techniques that give it a wide analytical capacity. Among the techniques available are the following: Total organic carbon (TOC) analyser in air with flame ionisation detector (FID); Photoionisation detector for measuring volatile organic compounds; Gas chromatograph equipped with a capillary column that allows the composition to be determined in organic compounds such as ethanol, isopropanol, styrene, xylene, toluene, butyl acetate, etc. Manual air temperature and humidity measuring equipment; carbon dioxide (CO2) analyser; gasometer for measuring air flow; digital manometer with a pressure sensor for measuring pressure losses; biogas analyser.

Scientific calculation cluster

Computer cluster for scientific calculation and data storage.

Search of viable solutions for the detection of specific chemical compounds, at the company’s request

System design for the detection of different species.

Selección de cultivos de levaduras y bacterias de interés enológico

Analysis of microbiological communities in the winemaking process. Selection of strains to improve the quality and healthiness of the wine.

Server calculator

Server Calculator MacOS 4 Core Intel Xeon 2.8GHz 16GB RAM SSD 128GB, 1TB HDD.

Server for software version management and shared documents

HP Intel Xeon Quad Core Server, 4GB of RAM and two 0.5 TB RAID array disks. Linux Operating System.

Simulation room

Test room with driving simulator.

Sludge Elutriation Pilot Plant

Pilot plant with the necessary elements to carry out the study of fermentation and elutriation of primary sludge. The pilot plant essentially consists of the following elements: a 100 L homogenisation and thermostatisation tank, a 112 L primary decanter, a 68 L fermentation tank and a 57 L gravity thickener. This series of main elements together with a series of auxiliary elements (pumps, pipes, valves) allows the use of different configurations or operating schemes.


A unique and versatile place for training in research and excellence in the field of social sciences. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructures and equipment, this laboratory is divided into three rooms, dedicated to the application of quantitative and qualitative social research techniques in all phases of the research process (collection, registration and data and information analysis)

Solid phase extraction (SPE) systems

Equipment for semi-automatic solid phase extraction. It allows simultaneous extraction and elution of 12 extraction cartridges using a conventional vacuum.

Spanish Type Culture Collection (CECT)

The CECT is a UVEG Service whose services include the activities listed in the previous section and which can be consulted on its website:

Spectrophotometers and multi-measurement readers

Fluorescence and luminescence diode-array spectrophotometers and multiwell plate readers.

Spectrophotometric reader for microplates and cuvettes

Spectrophotometric reader for multiwell plates and cuvettes. Measuring range of 200-1100nm. Nanodrop measurement system. Thermo brand MultiescanGo model.


Spectrophotometry (reflectance, transmittance and irradiance) applied to the objective measurement of animal colouration.

Standard greenhouse cabin

Standard greenhouse cabin type "venlo", with control of temperature, relative humidity, CO₂, lighting and irrigation through the Ridder Multima system for regulation, and climate and irrigation control.

Standard sampling techniques for aquatic organisms and sediment (mechanisms of resistance)

Method of sampling aquatic organisms (plankton and charophytes) and their mechanisms of resistance.

Statistical analysis

The UV Statistics Unit works with experts in the use of computer equipment and specific software. The main software used for data analysis is the free R Software.

Steady-state fluorescence, lifetimes

Steady-state fluorescence, lifetimes, etc.

Supercritical extraction

Supercritical CO2 extraction equipment.

Synthesis of organic compounds

Systems and fine-tuning of reactions for the preparation of organic compounds.

Systems for quantification, detection, identification and typing of micro-organisms

Systems for detection, identification and quantification of micro-organisms present in wine during fermentation or bottling. Detection and identification of microbial alterations. Analysis of the implantation of commercial strains.

Techniques mastered

Field sampling techniques, sample design and establishment of biological networks for environmental quality control and monitoring. Optical and electron microscopy, TEM LTSM, confocal. Cell culture chambers. Thin layer chromatography. HPLC. Spectrophotometry, Spectrofluorimeters. Chlorophyll modulated fluorescence. Fumigation systems with pollutant gases (ozone, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides). OTC (Open Top Chambers). Capillary electrophoresis. Isolation and axenic culture of lichenic symbiont algae. Microscopic techniques for ultrastructural characterisation. DNA extraction, primer design, conventional PCR amplification, qPCR, RT-PCR in Trebouxiophyceae symbiont algae. SANGER sequencing, phylogeny reconstruction and processing of massive sequencing data, Clustalw, MEGA, Chromas, PhymL, PAUP, LINUX, Arlequin, HYPHY, DNAsp. Massive NGS sequencing analysis and quality analysis of Roche 454 and Illumina reads. Comparative phylogenomics.

Technological resources

Different technological resources will be used in order to carry out studies related to the impact of communication and innovation.

Temporal Random Sets. A Matlab toolbox for simulation and estimation

Software in Matlab distributed under the GNU license that performs statistical analysis, simulation and application of temporal Boolean models to real data. It is mainly focused on the meassurement of spatial and spatial-temporal dependencies betweeen event types in bi-variate temporal random sets.

Texas Instruments (TI) DSP-based digital signal processing systems

Digital signal processors.

Thematic Network of Excellence

MCNN Thematic Network of Excellence, led by EHVALENCIA and bringing together researchers from 8 research projects of excellence in the State in the area of Economic History.

ToxRat v3.0

Software license for the toxicological data analysis programme ToxRat Pro v3.0. It allows the evaluation of raw data obtained in (eco) toxicological tests according to ISO/OECD procedures.

Toxicology in vivo and in vitro

Studies of toxic substances in cell cultures and experimental animals.

Truck driving simulator

Driving simulator to perform different tests related to truck driving.

Two Dell Precision T7400 Workstations

Workstations with Intel Xeon quad-core processors, 8GB RAM and 1TB hard disks.

UVEG entomological collection

The Entomology and Pest Control group manages the UVEG entomological collection, which includes reference material mainly on hymenopteran, coleopteran, odonate and lepidopteran insects.

Ultra-high resolution liquid chromatograph - High resolution mass spectrometer

It is an equipment focused on the identification of unknown polar compounds. The high resolution mass spectrometer (orbitrap) allows us to identify the most likely molecular formula and then identify the structure.


Table top ultra-centrifuge for small volumes.

Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-vis)

UV-Vis spectroscopy equipment based on the process of absorption of ultraviolet-visible radiation (radiation with a wavelength between 160 and 780 nm) by a molecule, which allows us to identify the functional groups present in a molecule.

València and Alacant Anchor Stations

The GCS is currently active in two large-scale scientific instruments or tools that have proven their effectiveness also for new Earth Observation remote sensing missions. These are the Valencia and the Alacant Anchor Stations, which are mainly dedicated to the validation of low spatial resolution remote sensing data and products. Both Anchor Stations are located in relatively large, reasonably homogeneous areas, with similar land uses, but with really different climatic conditions (annual rainfall of 450 mm in the area of the Valencia Anchor Station, VAS, in the natural region of Plana de Utiel-Requena, and only about 250 mm in the area of the Alacant Anchor Station, AAS, in the natural region of Vinalopo Mitja). The VAS belongs to the University of Valencia and the AAS belongs to the Consellería del Medio Ambiente, but is managed by the GCS.

Vision Laboratory

Laboratory 1.3.29 in Block 1 of the School of Engineering for the exclusive use of this group. Dimensions: 35 m^2.


Determination of redox potentials and mechanisms.

Washing and staining system Table

Sieve washing-screening structure plus complete infrastructure consisting of 2 four-stroke motor pumps with a pumping capacity of 30,000 litres of water per hour plus multi-hose system for washing-screening plus infrastructure of devices for field drying of large palaeontological samples for large campaigns.

Wastewater multiparametric analyser

Smartchem 200 multiparametric analyser for automated analysis of pollutants in wastewater.

Wine improvement

Yeast and lactic acid bacteria selection for use as starter cultures.

X-Ray Diffraction System Controller

Bruker D8 ADVANCE A25 X-ray diffraction system capable of measuring crystalline phases on powder samples, thin films and small heterogeneous solid samples.

X-Ray Diffraction System

Bruker D8 ADVANCE A25 X-ray diffraction system capable of measuring crystalline phases on powder samples, thin films and small heterogeneous solid samples.

Yeast and E. coli plasmid collection

Collection of plasmids with different yeast genes.

Yeast and E. coli strain collections

Collections of wild-type and mutant strains of S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and C. albicans and E. coli transformed with recombinant plasmids.

ampling and physicochemical characterisation of industrial emissions to water

This technique consists in sampling at the source of emissions and transferring the samples to the laboratory for processing and analysis. The group has two laboratories equipped with advanced analytical techniques that give it a wide analytical capacity. Among the techniques available are the following: Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer to analyse heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, Cr, Pb, Co, Mn, Fe, etc); Ion Chromatograph for analysis of anions (Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, PO42-, etc), and cations (NH4+, K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, etc. ); UV-Visible Spectrophotometry to determine organic matter (COD), nitrogen (NT), total phosphorus (TP), sulphide (S2-), sulphite (SO3-), etc. Total organic carbon (TOC) and inorganic carbon (IC) analyser; automatic titrator to analyse volatile acids and alkalinity; instruments to determine the concentration of solids (total, suspended, volatile); portable pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen meters.

heart rate monitor

In IDOCAL laboratory. Ability to measure physiological reactions of the individual (dermal response, heartbeat, sweating, etc.) to the presentation of various stimuli (brands, packaging, advertisements, etc.), in order to measure their effectiveness.