University of València Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Logo del portal

Analysis of microbial cellular fatty acid composition (MIDI)

Determination of the cellular fatty acid composition of microbial strains using gas chromatography.

Aquarium sample laboratory

Equipment of the Experimental Aquarium Plant Laboratory.

Aquarium systems

Nine water filtration and recirculation systems for the preservation of aquatic organisms.

BUXCO Nebuliser

Nebuliser system for respiratory exposure to nanoparticles.

Breeding and maintenance of aquatic invertebrates

Climate chamber equipped with photoperiod, humidity and temperature control for maintenance and breeding of aquatic invertebrates.


Laboratory equipped with optical material with photographic equipment, growth chamber, specialised bibliography in bryology and computer equipment.

Calibration laboratory

Radiometric calibration laboratory.

Cell Separator Flow Cytometer ARIA FUSION

Cell Separator equipped with 6 lasers, biosafety cabinet and aerosol extraction. It allows, firstly, the rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of a large number of individual cells suspended in liquid medium. For this, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies, or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

In addition, after analysis, it is possible to separate and collect subpopulations of interest from the sample for further studies.

Central Service for Experimental Research (UV)

Experimental Aquarium Plant, Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Inductively Couple Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (ET-AAS), Sequencing

Climatic chamber

Climatic chamber with 12 glass aquariums for pathology tests with aquatic organisms.

Collection of parasites of marine species (Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology)

It contains more than 10,000 samples of parasites (helminths and arthropods) from cetaceans, pinnipeds, sea turtles and fish from the Mediterranean, North Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific, Arctic and Antarctic.

Collection of rotifer strains

A collection of rotifer strains characterised ecologically is available and can be used for basic research, aquaculture centres and toxicity assays.


Cryptogam collections of the VAL Herbarium

Collections of seaweed sheets, lichens, lichenicolous fungi and bryophytes included in the VAL herbarium.

Cultivation of plankton populations

Isolated populations from the field or well supplied by reputable collections can be cultivated in our chambers in order to be used in research. Different types of culture techniques are used: individual, mass, semi-continuous and continuous (chemostats).

Custody of biological material

Storage service for biological material under controlled conditions.

Cytometry laboratory

Fully equipped laboratory for sample preparation, acquisition, separation and analysis by flow cytometry.

DNA and RNA molecular analysis and bioinformatics

Genetic analysis with high-performance servers, server-attached computers, bioinformatics software, development of working algorithms.

Demographic techniques

Life table analysis, monitoring of experimental dynamics, population viability analysis...

Experimental Research Support Service

This service provides the group with an aquaria plant, mass spectrometry analysis, electron microscopy and genomics.

Five Laboratories

Laboratories with gas extraction and laminar flow seeding chamber, equipped with optical and inverted microscopy, centrifuges, spectrophotometer, rotary evaporator, tissue homogeniser, precision scales and other equipment.

Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS)

Equipment for the analysis of metals and inorganic elements.

Flow Cytometer Analyser FORTESSA

A 5-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in a liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow Cytometer Analyser VERSE

A three-laser analysing cytometer for rapid measurement of morphological and functional parameters of large numbers of single cells suspended in liquid medium. For this purpose, cells are initially labelled with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies or fluorescent probes that bind to proteins located on the cell surface or inside the cell. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted by the markers as the cells are passed one by one through the different lasers allows simultaneous measurement of structural features and various parameters in each of these cells.

Flow cytometry

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of microbial populations by flow cytometry.

Fluorescence Spectrometer

Equipment that determines the fluorescence of a substance or material that is capable of absorbing energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation and then emitting part of that energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation of a different wavelength.

Four large climate chambers

Large climatic chambers where large-capacity microcosm experiments, as well as the cultivation and maintenance of planktonic and macrophyte populations, can be carried out. These cameras allow us to control the light conditions and temperature of the environment and the installation of lamps to obtain radiation of different light spectrum.

Gas-mass Chromatographer, GC-MS

Gas chromatographer with single quadrupole mass spectrometry detector, GC-MS, applying volatile compound analysis.


Genotipado de organismos del plancton (SNPs, microsatélites, RFLPs...).

Geographic information systems (GIS)

Servers and software for spatially explicit cataloguing and integration of environmental information.


Water and sediment analysis laboratory.

Immunoassay development for toxins and agrichemicals

Ability to perform all stages involved in the development of immunoassays for small molecules of the type of natural toxins and agrichemical compounds.

Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometer with Mass Detector (ICP-MS)

Equipment for the analysis of metals and inorganic elements at trace level.

Insect rearing and maintenance

Air-conditioned chamber equipped with photoperiod, humidity and temperature control for insect maintenance and breeding.

LC-MS and GC-MS (UHPLC/GC-MS-Q-TOF) Bruker IMPACT II Chromatography Equipment

Equipment that quantitatively determines the concentrations of one, several or many substances in a biological (serum, plasma, tissue or urine), food or environmental sample. This is achieved by chromatographic separation of the compounds present in the matrix to be studied, either by liquid chromatography or gas chromatography and their subsequent nebulisation with fragmentation to detect the components according to their molecular weight.

LC-MS/MS Spectrometer (triple quadrupole)

Mass spectrometer with TQ Detector triple quadrupole analyser. Metabolite quantification.

Large culture chamber

Chamber that allows experimentation with large aquariums and plant cultures.

Level 2 microbiological research laboratory

Research laboratory with a level 2 biosafety chamber.


Laboratory equipped with optical material with photographic equipment, laminar flow cabinet, specialised bibliography on lichens and lichenicolous fungi; TLC equipment (thin layer chromatography) equipped with drying oven, cuvettes and ultraviolet lamp and computer equipment.

Live macrophyte cultures

Macrophyte live cultures resource.


Technique that allows the lyophilisation of biological material.

Mass spectrometer QTOF 6600+ and UHPLC

High resolution hybrid mass spectrometer and quadrupole time-of-flight analyser TRIPLETOF 6600+ and UHPLC (QTOF6600+).

Massarray Platform

The Massarray platform is responsible for the research study of biological samples through the fine mapping of DNA sequences and the analysis of methylation phenomena. With this equipment, dozens of DNA variants such as SNPs, insertions or deletions can be analysed in hundreds of samples in a short time with a high degree of precision and sensitivity. It is also possible to analyse somatic mutations such as those present in samples of cancerous origin. Finally, the degree of methylation of individual CpGs in short DNA sequences can be quantitatively quantified.

Massive DNA sequencing system

Massive DNA sequencing equipment based on sequencing by synthesis, using nucleotides labelled with fluorophores of different colours, and capturing images of the emitted fluorescence.

Measurement of carbonate greenhouse gas fluxes

Gas accumulation chambers and tubes for experimental measurements, various CO₂ and CH4 measurement systems (absorption spectroscopy, infrared detection -IRGA, semi-conduction).

Microbial characterisation (bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts)

Microbial characterisation using several approaches.

Microbial collection

Collection of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria isolated from different types of samples. Collection of Vibrio vulnificus mutants deficient in virulence genes.

Microbial identification (bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts) by sequencing of essential genes.

Microbial identification by essential gene sequencing.

Microbial identification and characterisation by MALDI-TOF MS (matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry)

The MALDI-TOF MS technique allows obtaining the characteristic protein profile of a microbial strain from the analysis of its ribosomal proteins, mainly.

Microbial strain deposit
  • Deposit of strains of archaea, bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts up to risk group 3* according to the definition of Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997.
  • Deposit of phages of microbial strains up to risk group 2 according to the definition of Royal Decree 664/1997 of 12 May 1997.
Microbiological reference material

The CECT has a public catalogue that includes more than 8000 strains of bacteria, archaea, filamentous fungi and yeasts. It also has the Mengovirus vMCO and will soon incorporate some phage strains.


Research optical and fluorescence microscopes and stereo microscopes.

Molecular taxonomy and functional microbial ecology

Molecular biology tools.

Multielemental Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS)

Equipment that performs analysis of metals and inorganic elements.

Observation, description and measurement of behaviour

Standard techniques for observing, describing and measuring animal behaviour.

Organic products synthesis and scaling

Ability to design, plan and develop the synthesis of any organic molecule at both laboratory and pilot plant scale.

Phycology and Marine Botany

Laboratory equipped with optical material (binocular magnifying glass and microscope) with digital photographic equipment, specialised bibliography.

Phytoplankton and zooplankton samples and cultures

Collection of samples and cultures of the different species of Iberian inland waters.

Plant Ecology

Laboratory equipped with ULT freezer, equipment for molecular biology studies, optical and bibliographic material, computer equipment.

Preparation, assembly and analysis of microbial genomes

DNA extraction, whole genome sequencing (WGS), assembling, determination of quality parameters, genomic analysis...

QTRAP 6500+

A more sensitive and selective piece of equipment, faster in carrying out analysis and a solid service improver for the analysis of trace-level samples (pico-nanograms levels) of a great metabolite number in complex matrices such as biofluids and tissues, in an automated and relatively fast manner, generating a profile by multivariate statistical techniques, etc.

Real-Time PCR System

Real-time PCR is a technique that combines amplification and detection in a single step by correlating the PCR product of each cycle with a fluorescence intensity signal. They consist of a thermal cycler coupled to an optical system, which monitors the signal of the fluorophores used to detect the amplified product. Because the fluorescence of the fluorophores increases as the product is amplified, the amplification and detection processes are combined in a single step.

Satellite image reception station

The UCG has, among other scientific instrumentation, two satellite image reception antennas corresponding to the MSG (Meteosat Second Generation) and NOAA satellites, as well as a reception station for obtaining images from the TERRA, AQUA and NPP satellites (



The UCG has software licences for satellite image processing.


High-precision spectrofluorometer.

Spectrophotometers and multi-measurement readers

Fluorescence and luminescence diode-array spectrophotometers and multiwell plate readers.


Spectrophotometry (reflectance, transmittance and irradiance) applied to the objective measurement of animal colouration.

Standard sampling techniques for aquatic organisms and sediment (mechanisms of resistance)

Method of sampling aquatic organisms (plankton and charophytes) and their mechanisms of resistance.

Statistical analysis

The UV Statistics Unit works with experts in the use of computer equipment and specific software. The main software used for data analysis is the free R Software.

Thermal cameras

The UCG has thermal cameras working in the 8-14 micrometre band for in situ measurement of the earth’s surface temperature.

Thermal radiometers

The UCG has numerous thermal radiometers working in the 8-14 micrometre band for in situ measurement of the earth’s surface temperature.


Table top ultra-centrifuge for small volumes.

Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-vis)

UV-Vis spectroscopy equipment based on the process of absorption of ultraviolet-visible radiation (radiation with a wavelength between 160 and 780 nm) by a molecule, which allows us to identify the functional groups present in a molecule.