University of València Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Logo del portal

Active and healthy ageing, affordable social tourism and sustainable urban development, intelligent cities

Ageing and the promotion of personal autonomy. Reorientation of the tourism sector towards new consumers of products with special needs. Economic, environmental and social challenges of urban areas and their interrelationship, from an integrated and multidisciplinary approach.

Global Inequality in Historical Perspective

Analysis of the impact of growth processes on personal inequality in income distribution and on inequality between countries. Historical determinants of global inequality and the impact of public policies.

Adaptation mechanisms of higher plants to adverse environmental conditions

Plants have developed mechanisms to deal with adverse environmental conditions, like storing up polyamines (PAs). We intend to characterise the role of PAs as molecules that regulate the response to stress and their interactions with other phytohormones.

Aerospace power converters

Research and development of batteries charge/discharge regulators, solar panels regulators, power sources in the aerospace field.

Agrarian law

The group, through various OTRI agreements, has collaborated with the Agricultural Associations (AVA-ASAJA and COAG) and ASOVAV, and has collaborated in matters of agricultural contracting and plant variety protection. It also participated in the drafting of the Law on shared agricultural ownership.

Agricultural and food history

This line studies the agricultural transformations in contemporary Spain, with the aim of influencing recent debates on the degree of development of the primary sector, its characteristics and its contribution to the industrialisation process.

Analysis and characterisation of biosignals

Obtaining new specific parameters for the diagnosis of pathologies by processing biosignal recordings in humans and test animals. Risk prediction of sudden death (malignant arrhythmias or heart attacks). Support systems for neurosurgery through the analysis, prediction and detection of pathologies by means of intracerebral MER and cortical EEG recordings.

Analysis of bioactive molecules

Chemical assays of bioactive molecules (in urine, plasma, saliva, etc.). Added value In vitro estimation of ADME/TOX indicators.

Analysis of biostimulants of organic origin and their effect on crops

Line of work carried out in collaboration with the company DADELOS SA. Two approaches are developed: The identification and semi-quantitative analysis by mass spectrometry of the chemical components of the different products. The analysis of the effect of the products on crops.

Analysis of environmental samples

Chemical assays of relevant compounds in environmental samples (water, sludge, soil, etc.). Added value: In vitro estimation of ecotoxicological parameters.

Analysis of innovative, sustainable and global service models and impact on welfare

To analyse innovation as a key strategic element for competitiveness and the improvement of social welfare, integrating multidisciplinary models and incorporating sustainability, technology and global coverage in a cross-cutting way, from a supply and demand approach.

Analytical applications of ion mobility spectroscopy

Development and tune-up of analysis methods based on the use of ion mobility spectroscopy for detection and quantification of substances of interest.


Recognition of plant organs and tissues that help to understand adaptation mechanisms, physiological processes, structural alterations, ontogenetic processes as well as to establish relationships between species, gender and families.

Animal Parasitology

Study of amphibian and reptile parasites from different aspects: taxonomy, morphology, ecology, phylogeography, evolution.

Animal Toxicology

Ecotoxicity bioassays. Toxic accumulation in living organisms. Toxicity in environmental matrices. Biomarkers of oxidative stress and xenobiotic exposure.

Animal behaviour and communication

Social behaviour and communication in lizards. Chemical communication in lacertids. Evolution of colour vision and colour patterns in lacertids. Dynamic visual signals in lacertids. Acoustic communication in the Iberian wolf. Pheromones and chemical communication in beetles. Mechanisms of colour production.

Anion recognition

Development and synthesis of compounds capable of recognising anions of biological and/or environmental interest.

Annual accounts audit

Auditor independence is a cornerstone of the audit. Our work analyses ways of presenting the outcome of their work in a more transparent way, showing among other things the key audit matters, in line with the approach followed by other countries.

Anthropometry and clothing design

Application of statistical techniques to shape modelling with special attention to apparel design and human organ modelling. We use mean and confidence sets to describe the 3D shapes; also, clustering techniques are used to provide alternative sizing systems and more reliable anatomical models.

Análisis de todo el genoma de las respuestas de la vid a las tensiones ambientales, incluidas las influenciadas por el cambio climático

We are interested in addressing different bioinformatics data coupled with experimental data to model plant stress responses, using grapevine as a model for non-climacteric fleshy fruits.



Application of GIS tools in palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction based on fossil microvertebrate remains

Microvertebrates are distributed according to a few bioclimatic variables, and these conditions can be characterised according to the area occupied by their populations. GIS makes it possible to relate the area of distribution and the bioclimatic variables, which allows us to know the real conditions of the past.

Application studies and characterisation of electrolysed water

Electrolysed water generation, analysis, stability and application studies of electrolysed water.

Applied industrial economics and quantitative methods

The most recent econometric methods to analise the economic theories of industrial organisation are applied in this area.


Applications of analytical techniques to the study of archaeological and of historical interest samples.

Assessment of anthropometric, nutritional and ergogenic aids in sport

Assessment of the body composition, the nutritional status and the effectiveness of substances that increase sports performance. Assessment and development of products aimed at ergogenic aid and high competition.

Assessment of the nutritional and functional quality of food and diets

Assessment of: a) Nutritional and functional quality of formulations, food, ingredients, diets and/or menus and b) Food information: mandatory and nutritional labelling, nutrition and health claims.

Assessment of the nutritional status of groups

The intake and nutritional status of different groups (schoolchildren, elderly people, sportsmen and women, etc.) is assessed.

Assurance of non-financial information

Our research on assurance of non-financial information is in line with showing the struggle of auditors and consultants to shape an incipient market for services by gaining an in-depth understanding of the corporate characteristics that define business performance.

Atmospheric correction

Development of correction methods for atmospheric disturbance in the data provided by artificial satellites.

Augmented reality

Research in the field of Augmented Reality, where real world information is increased with synthetic information. Augmented Reality systems require position locators, creation of synthetic information (usually 3D environments), and systems that integrate the real world with the synthetic one.

Automation in analysis

Development of analytical methods based on flow analysis (FA), sequential injection analysis (SIA), multicommutation and the use of mini pumps, aiming to improve the analytical characteristics and safeguard the operator and the environment.

Behaviour and evolution

Sexual conflict and sexual selection. Kin selection and sexual conflict. Ecology of sexual selection. Ecology of sexual conflict. Evolution of ageing and life histories in sexes. Drosophila melanogaster.

Behavioural economics

Analysis through Experimental Economics, using laboratory experiments, of economic and social phenomena that are difficult to observe in a natural way.

Big Data

Large database analysis in which there are three characteristics that make them special: growth velocity, variety in the data classes and volume.

Big data applied to the creative industries

Development of empirical quantitative and qualitative methodologies using data generated on digital platforms.

Bio- and computational and theoretical chemiluminescence

Determination of chemiluminescence and bioluminescence mechanisms. Understanding of electronic structure properties necessary to produce an efficient chemical excitation. Characterisation of different mechanisms (non-catalysed, intra- and intermolecular catalysed, etc.)

Bioindication of atmospheric pollution, detection of environmental risk areas and conservation of natural spaces.

The detailed description of the content of this line of research is included in the description of the group's research activity.

Biological monitoring of epicontinental water quality

Biotic indices in inland waters. Water quality. Bioremediation.

Biomimetic chemistry of copper. Application to NMR

Study of biomimetic compounds and copper enzymes by paramagnetic NMR.

Biotechnological applications of environmental microorganisms

Isolation and characterisation of environmental microorganisms of biotechnological interest: bacteriophages, microorganisms producing antimicrobial compounds, siderophores, degrader microorganisms. Biological control of bacteriosis in plants.

Biotechnological applications of lichen microalgae

Lichen microalgae are able to grow in solid or liquid environments under conditions that are difficult for other organisms to grow in. This fact makes them candidates for being used in bioreactors or for producing biomass and compounds obtained by transformation.

Biotreatments for volatile organic compounds (VOC) and odours removal from air

Biofiltration and biotrickling filter technologies for the treatment of industrial emissions contaminated with VOCs and odours are investigated. The operating parameters, mathematical modelling and microbiology of the process are studied on a laboratory, pilot and industrial scale.

Biowater and nanowater

Photophysics and photochemistry of water aggregates and their relevance to biological and nanotechnological systems.

Brand positioning

Competitor analysis, market segmentation, positioning strategy design, creation of perceptual maps of competitors based on their positioning, brand design based on visual identity (form) and message (content).


Analysing the branding process. Notoriety, image, loyalty, brand value, trust, commitment, involvement, sustainability, anthropomorphism.


Study of the bryophyte flora of Mediterranean environments. Biogeography of mosses and liverworts. Systematics and phylogeny of bryophytes. Assessment of the conservation status of bryophyte species.

Calibration / validation

Calibration of remote sensing satellites by carrying out in situ measurements simultaneously with passing satellites. Implementation of in situ measurement stations in different parts of Spain (Doñana Natural Area, Almería, Barrax, etc.) and the world (Peru, Chile, etc.). Validation of algorithms.

Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation Data and Products

Using the Valencia and Alacant Anchor Stations, provide surface values of parameters of interest integrated over larger or smaller areas, depending on the spatial resolution of the remote sensing sensor, mainly net radiation, soil moisture and biophysical parameters.

Calibration and validation (CAL/VAL) of remote sensing satellite derived products

The calibration and validation of products allows quantifying the accuracy and quality of the satellite derived products in order to provide us a temporal and spatial consistency against reference values and existing satellite products.

Carbon flux estimation from satellite images

The main purpose is to take full advantage of remotely sensed data to map Essential Climate Variables (ECVs): LAI, FAPAR, PAR, canopy water content, biomass and land cover and/or ecosystem functional type. Maps of ECVs are produced from EO reflectance and other auxiliary data.

Catalysis: petroleum and natural gas:

In this line, the aim is to:

  • Improve the quality of motor fuels, by means of different processes (cracking, alkylation, isomerisation...).
  • Obtaining high added value products from petroleum/natural gas and its derivatives.
Characterisation and diagnosis of plants pathogenic bacteria

Diagnosis, characterisation, and conventional and molecular identification of plants phatogenic bacteria (phytopathogen). Molecular typing and epidemiology.

Characterisation of the mode of action of Bacillus thurigiensis toxins on pest insects

Identification of B. thuringiensis toxin receptors. Ligand-receptor binding assays. Gene silencing experiments. Performance of toxicity assays. Analysis of insect immune response to B. thuringiensis intoxication.

Characterization of metabolic changes associated with floral transition

We are interested in the characterization of internal signals controlling development in plants, with a particular focus on flowering. We have used Arabidopsis thaliana to characterize metabolic changes associated with floral transition by using a metabolomics and lipidomics approach.

Chromatographic column characterisation

Classical methods to characterise chromatographic columns are based on the measure of retention and the use of a selected group of compounds. The validity of these approaches is investigated and new, more reliable strategies based on retention, selectivity and peak shape are proposed.

Citoprotection and citotoxic effects evaluation througth in vitro method

Assessment of biological effects of components of food and food ingredients: cytoprotection and/or cytotoxicity, markers of oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis, using cell cultures.

Climatology from satellites

Application of remote sensing techniques in the study of climatic processes, especially those related to radiation, energy and water balances on the Earth's Surface.

Clinical studies

Nutritional assessment/intervention:

  • Study of the functionality of bioactive compounds in patients with certain pathologies and/or treatments; retrospective and prospective population studies.
  • Design and development of food products targeted to selected population groups.
Clustering and Marketing

Background, moderators and consequences of marketing and market orientation on the competitiveness of cluster companies.

Cognitive aspects of clustering

Perception of belonging and affiliation, influence of the manager's cognitive style, influential aspects in group decision making in the cluster, method of group decision making. Mimicry and managerial perceptions.

Combination of separation mechanisms

The combination of HPLC separation mechanisms allows unreachable selectivities with individual columns to be obtained. Several strategies are proposed, including the use of parallel columns, sequential column coupling and two-dimensional HPLC.

Combined application of GIS and Image Analysis tools in the study of shape in Palaeontology.

The use of image analysis tools and GIS makes it possible to recognise the shape of vertebrate cranial and postcranial skeletal remains. Vector analysis of shape, direct or based on statistical analysis, allows a novel approach to the theoretical study of shape.

Community Self-Development

Social involvement processes should result in the self-development of these communities that have been subjects of training, monitoring and planning. The self-development methodology has proven to be a positive strategy to cement social change in the municipalities with high rates of poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion.Involvement, self-development, strategic planning, social change.

Community Social Services of local authorities

Community Social Services are the gateway to the social welfare system and its different benefits and programmes that address the needs of the most vulnerable groups. Its analysis and evaluation allows to make improvements in local social welfare structures.

Community-led local development

Social Services are part of public policies for local development because they facilitate the social inclusion of groups with subjective difficulties in integrating into the labour market. Active employment policies aimed at the population at risk of social exclusion are the target population of this line.Local development, community-based social services, inclusion of vulnerable groups, active employment policiesLocal development, community-based social services, inclusion of vulnerable groups, active employment policies

Complex population dynamics

Time series analysis of planktonic populations. Non-linear modelling of population dynamics. Population growth equations for complex life cycles. Life table analysis. Age-structured population dynamics. Population viability analysis.

Comprehensive omics approaches to identify novel regulators and unknown enzymatic steps of secondary metabolic pathways

We associate transcriptomic and metabolic data in plant organs or cell cultures to isolate unknown secondary metabolic enzymes and their transcriptional regulators.

Computational Physiology

Modeling of multi-scale biological and medical processes from microscopy and medical imaging data by means of ICT tools to increase the understanding of the patho-physiology and improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Computational electromagnetics

Maxwell equations are solved numerically to take into account boundary conditions and complex materials. The FDTD and TLM techniques are used in combination with processing, optimisation and classification techniques such as neural networks.


Analyse different communication processes both at a business level, adopting an integrative perspective (integrated marketing communication) and focusing on the consumer, and at an interpersonal level, focusing on expressions that go beyond verbal elements (non-verbal communication).

Conservation Biology

Conservation biology research focuses on biological studies of cetaceans, pinnipeds and sea turtles in European waters or anywhere else, with the objective of trying to improve the conservation status of species and habitats.

Consolidation and legal protection of the values of the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU)

Identification and policy development of the values pursued by the UN. Legal protection (at an international, European and national level) of these values. Identification and policy development of the values pursued by the European Union. Legal protection (at an European and national level) of these values.

Consumer Behaviour 2.0

Study of the different dimensions of cultural consumption, their influence on the consumption experience (sensory, affective, behavioural, social and intellectual) and their implication on consumer satisfaction, well-being and loyalty.

Consumer behaviour in virtual environments

To research how consumers behave in the virtual shopping and communication environment. To what extent do they use the Internet as a purchasing channel or only for information and how do they use social networks in the purchasing process. How consumer satisfaction and loyalty are achieved in the virtual environment.

Consumer behaviour

Study the impact of communication on consumer behaviour. Analyse the proactive role of the consumer in the development of communication strategies. Special focus on the tourism sector (tourist behaviour) and the education sector (student behaviour).

Contrast agents

Development of new compounds capable of acting as contrast agents in biomedicine.

Control and optimization of wastewater treatment plants

Design and development of control systems for the primary sludge fermentation process, optimisation of volatile acid production, management of sludge streams to eliminate problems of uncontrolled struvite precipitation, aeration and nitrogen removal.

Controlled drug release

Study on the use of molecular gates in drug release. Application to different pathologies with emphasis inflammatory bowel disease.

Cooperation and cultural transmission

Dynamic analysis of the horizontal and vertical transmission of cultural values. Interaction and cooperation between individuals.


Investigate the impact of national culture on communication and consumer behaviour from a cross-cultural perspective. Adopt an intercultural dynamic in the development of different teaching innovation methodologies.

Damage and repair mechanisms in DNA/RNA

Study of photoinduced processes that lead to the production of lesions on the DNA. Determination of photostability and photoreactivity properties of the DNA/RNA components. Function of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species, low-energy electrons and other endogenous/exogenous reactive agents in DNA/RNA damage. Damage mechanisms by photosensitisation (photodynamic therapy for the treatment of cancer).

Decentralisation and good governance: Strategic planning and evaluation of local and regional development policies

A large part of the action of public administrations is carried out in the absence of protocols for the analysis and evaluation of their results. The aim is to improve existing evaluation systems and implement them in policies and programmes with an impact on local and regional development.

Design and application of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents as reaction media and catalysts

Synthesis of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents on demand as reaction media and/or catalysts. Study of the feasibility of the reaction process. Study of the feasibility of the solvent recovery process.

Design and characterisation of nanostructured (photo)catalysts obtained by electrochemical anodising of various metals and alloys

Synthesis, modification and characterisation of new (photo)nanostructured catalysts obtained by electrochemical anodising of metals and alloys. Validation in energy, environmental and biomedical applications.

Design and validation of polymeric and composite materials for membrane technology

Technology for the design of functionalised polymers and composites for the development of membranes in flat or fibre format. Control of parameters such as pore size, wettability, chemical affinity, thermal, chemical and mechanical stability.

Determinants of Long-term Economic Growth: Institutions, Economic Integration and Technology

Historical analysis of the profound determinants of economic growth in Europe and Latin America. Relations between institutional change and technological development.

Development and application of methods for the simulation of linear and non-linear optical spectroscopy in molecular systems

Theoretical development of methods for the precise simulation of linear and non-linear optical spectroscopy techniques and their application in molecular systems, particularly focused on the analysis of dynamic processes in the excited electronic state and the precise determination of absorption and emission intensities in condensed phases.

Development of 3-D simulation-based e-learning platforms

E-learning platforms design (that include simulation), based on web technologies. Use of Moodle and SCORM, as well as of simulation technology based on HTML-5, OpenSceneGraph for web and Unity-3D in order to implement 3D virtual environments executable from the browser.

Development of biotic and abiotic stress biomarkers in plants of agronomic interest

Expression analysis of genes involved in defence mechanisms against biotic and abiotic stresses. Identification at genomic level by massive sequencing of miRNAs related to biotic and abiotic stress situations in plants.

Development of clean analytical methods

The addition of additives to the mobile phase allows the volume of organic solvent to be reduced in conventional reversed-phase HPLC. When the additive is biodegradable, a clean method (classified as Green Chemistry) is achieved. In particular, by using microemulsions, water and soap separations are developed.

Development of experimental campaigns for testing new thermal infrared sensors, validation of algorithms and remote sensing techniques.

Development of experimental campaigns for testing new sensors in the thermal infrared, as well as validation of remote sensing algorithms and techniques.

Development of hybrid TiO2-polymeric membranes for water decontamination and compound purification applications

Development of self-cleaning hybrid membranes consisting of modified TiO2 nanotubes for application in the removal of emerging pollutants from water and purification of chemical compounds by pressure-driven filtration processes.

Development of immunoassays for pesticide determination: Hapten synthesis, standardisation and validation

The research line covers all stages involved in the development of an immunoassay, design and synthesis of target analyte analogues (haptens), preparation of immunisation and assay conjugates, production of antibodies, development and validation of the immunoassay.

Development of ingredients / products to reduce the growth of mycotoxin-producing fungi both in the field and in storage

It consists in the development of products based on bioactive ingredients of natural origin or of botanical or microbial origin with possible bio-stimulant / biocontrol effect in the field and to reduce the growth of toxin-producing fungi in fourth range fruit, cereals, dairy products, cured meat, nuts, etc.

Development of methodologies that allow estimation of energy fluxes from land surface temperature measurements.

Development and improvement of methodologies that allow the estimation of energy fluxes from land surface temperature measurements.

Development of new bioinsecticides
  • Isolation and characterisation of novel B. thuringiensis genes encoding proteins with high insecticidal action.
  • Use of natural or genetically modified isolates with high effectiveness and/or broader spectrum of action.
Development of new chiral catalysts

Design and synthesis of new chiral ligands capable of forming complexes with metal ions useful as chiral catalysts (Lewis acids). Design and synthesis of new chiral organic catalysts by proton transfer, hydrogen bridge formation or phase transfer.

Development of new methodologies for C-C bond formation by asymmetric catalysis

Use of chiral catalysts (metal complexes and organocatalysts) in new reactions of interest in organic synthesis in which C-C bonds and stereogenic centres are generated simultaneously. Synthesis of chiral building blocks.

Development of polymeric and composite materials with advanced properties for packaging applications

Development of new polymeric materials and composites with advanced properties: active, smart, biodegradable, recyclable, edible, nanocomposites and biocomposites, for application in food and pharmaceutical preservation systems.

Development of rapid analytical methods

Due to the increasing number of analyses performed in laboratories, there is an interest in reducing the analysis time. For this purpose, instrumental techniques and rapid columns, as well as direct injection strategies of the analysed samples, are used.

Development of specific models and strategies for the creation, development and implementation of new clusters, ecosystems and business groups

Second-tier and transversal clusters. Economic dynamisation of territories and their external markets.

Development, improvement and validation of atmospheric and emissivity correction and emissivity-temperature separation methods.

Remote sensing, temperature, emissivity, energy fluxes, chlorophyll-a, seston particles, transparency.

Developments in international and European law in the field of sustainable development: green economy and environment

Impact of the concept of sustainable development on the various sectors of international law (international economic law, international environmental law, international human rights law, etc.). International and European conceptual and normative developments.

Diversity in cultural markets

Study of the influence of gender, sexual orientation and belonging to minority groups in the context of creative projects and participation.

Ecology and Evolution of Symbionts

Processes of coevolution, cospeciation and codiversification in symbionts. Development of methods of cophylogenetic analysis. Ecology of symbiont communities. Use of bipartite networks and functional diversity indices for their characterisation. Study of the impact of invasive hosts on native parasite communities.

Ecology and diversity. Taxonomy. Detection and identification methods

Studies on the ecology of yeast and bacteria species in wine. Taxonomic analysis and description of new species. Development of various methodologies for the detection, identification and quantification of species present in wine: fluorescence in situ hybridisation, Enochip de det.

Economic and environmental sustainability

Assessment of the economic and environmental impact of technologies for the treatment of wastewater and other waste, as well as the study and evaluation of new alternatives to reduce the economic and environmental impact in the wastewater treatment sector, through the application of the Life Cycle Assessment Tool. This tool makes it possible to evaluate the sustainability of different technologies, both from an economic (LCC, Life Cycle Costing) and environmental (LCA, Life Cycle Assessment) point of view. These tools serve as a basis for the development of Decision Support Systems (DSS) for decision-making in the design and monitoring of treatment systems.

Economic and financial crises in the history of Spain

The main objective of this line of research is to analyse the main financial and economic crises and their impact and the economic policy responses adopted after the economic crises in Spain throughout history.

Economic growth: productivity and industrial location

Study of the causes of the economic growth of the Spanish economy and the way out of the vicious circle of backwardness in history. The research deals with different questions to explain economic growth and industrial progress in Spain.

Economics of Education and Culture

Application of theoretical literature on education and culture through different methodological approaches. The aim is to generate useful information for the policy-maker based on evidence, by adjusting the evaluation methodology to the educational or cultural policy under analysis. The aim is to apply qualitative and quantitative approaches in a complementary manner to determine the correct design of a policy or its impact on the objectives envisaged by the regulations that allowed its development.

Ecophysiology and ecotoxicology of cnidarians

Development and use of methodologies for the assessment of the effects of natural and anthropogenic environmental factors on cnidarians.

Ecosystem services and global change assessment

Ecosystem services and the direct or indirect contribution of ecosystems to human well-being lie precisely at the interphase between biophysical and social domains.

Effective process management in La Fe University and Polytechnic Hospital: application of tools from lean management and quality management to maximise the value of health services optimising the use of resources

Process management meta/routines, the core of quality management and lean management, allow staff to apply their creative ideas and to avoid errors and waste, improving healthcare quality, and the satisfaction of users and employees.

Effects of forest fires on soils

Erosion and degradation in soils affected by forest fires. Restoration and rehabilitation.

Electronic power devices

Static, dynamic and thermal characterisation of passive and active power devices (Si, SiC, GaN).

Elemental analysis and speciation in food and environment samples

Treatment of the samples and development of highly sensitive and selective methods to establish the concentration of species found at trace levels, by joining liquid chromatography and atomic fluorescence or using non-chromatographic methods.

Emerging pollulants

The current analytic chemistry and the adaptation of the new available instrumentation to research, allows the detection and characterisation of compounds at very low concentration levels, allowing the study of emerging pollulants, which only a few years ago was not possible to detect.

Enantioselective synthesis of compounds of biological and pharmacological interest

Enantioselective synthesis of compounds with known or potential biological or pharmacological activity by chemical transformation of chiral products obtained by asymmetric catalysis.


Study of predatory and parasitoid insects as natural enemies of pests caused by other insects from different aspects: systematics, morphology, anatomy, ecology and conservation. Methodologies for biological and integrated control of insect pests in agricultural, forestry and urban environments. Faunistics and conservation of diplurans, odonates and hymenopterans.

Entrepreneurship, growth and business survival

The international entrepreneur. Strategic effectiveness in new companies. Organisational alternatives in bankruptcy environments. Business reorganisation and restructuring. Decline, crisis and turnaround. Second Chance Policies.

Environment and economic resources

Analysis of the international cooperation for solving environmental problems (climate change), using methodology from game theory.

Environmental Economics

This research line focuses on problems related to the environment from the perspective of public economics. For instance, it addresses the problem of the spatial dispersion of certain pollutants; the role of public regulation instruments in the fight against pollution and the depletion of natural resources; or the role of taxes related to tourism, road transport or climate change.

Environmental catalysis

In this line, the elimination of polluting compounds, mainly volatile organic ones and carbon monoxide, is studied using catalysts that can work at the lowest possible temperatures with high catalytic activity.

Environmental regulation

Horizontal and sectoral legal techniques for environmental protection.


Environmental safety

Study of the presence, transport, fate and bioavailability of emerging and priority pollutants in environmental compartments. Environmental risk assessment. Development of methods for environmental forensics and sewage epidemiology.

Enzyme mimics

To develop different compounds or families of compounds whose purpose is the mimicry of enzymatic active centres.

Erosion and runoff rates

Erosion and runoff generation.


Erosion control on agricultural land

Field erosion to inform erosion rates and develop restoration and conservation strategies.

Erosion on footpaths and mountain roads

Erosion on mountain roads to inform rates and develop restoration and conservation strategies.

Estimation of Soil Moisture from Space

Development of soil moisture sensor networks to obtain area-integrated values comparable with soil moisture estimates from space. Obtaining surface water vapour fluxes. Transpiration and Evaporation.

European Private Law

This line derives from the integration in the Common Core of European Private Law Group, belonging to the "CoPECL Network of Excellence", and from the assignment of Springer's work, in English, on the Proposal for a European Sales Regulation, coordinating different European universities.


Legal analysis of the regulation on the end of life and dignified death.

Evaluation of antioxidant capacity and bioactive compounds in wines

Antioxidant capacity, phenolic compounds and resveratrol in wine are determined taking into account the grape variety and production process.

Evaluation of bioactive compounds and other nutrients in plant-based food

The content of nutrients, bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity in plant-based food is determined. The influence of harvesting, processing and storage is also studied. Antioxidant capacity, phenolic compounds and resveratrol in wine are determined taking into account the grape variety and production process.

Evaluation of the application of thermal and non-thermal technologies (high hydrostatic pressure and pulsed electric) in food processing

The content of nutrients, bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity when applying thermal and non-thermal technologies (electric pulses and high pressure) in the processing of plant-based food is studied.

Evolutionary Biology of Mediterranean Plants

The detailed description of the content of this line of research is included in the description of the group's research activity.

Evolutionary ecology of life cycles

Analysis of life history traits. Adaptive trade-offs and biological efficiency. Sex ecology and modes of reproduction. Sexual inversion in parthenogenetics. Dormancy states and adaptation to temporally variable environments. Multiple bet-hedging strategies and environmental unpredictability.

Ex-situ conservation

Application of conservation techniques for endangered species, viability studies, germination physiology and seed and spore ageing.

Extensions and brand transfer

Strategy analysis of the extension of a consolidated brand, creation of umbrella brands among several competitors, transfer of value and brand image through various communication tools. Brand registration and other legal aspects.

Field spectroscopy

Spectral characterization of natural surfaces is carried out by measuring the irradiance and radiance in the field by means of spectrorradiometers to obtain the bidirectional reflectance factor. It is used to better understand the nature of the interaction of solar radiation with Earth surface.

Financial, monetary and banking history

Analysis of the agents, markets and institutions that make up the modern financial system, i.e. from its beginnings in the 19th century to the present day.

Fish and aquatic invertebrates in the face of global warming and chemical pollution

Assessment of fish and aquatic invertebrate responses to global change considering both global warming and chemical pollution.


Floristics is the part of phytogeography dedicated to making inventory of systematic entities or taxa of a territory, i.e. the flora of that territory, as well as its area of distribution, which is fundamental for the development of plant conservation strategies.

Food fraud detection

Use of molecular markers based on DNA polymorphisms for the detection of food fraud of plant origin (food stabilisers, vegetable oils, spices).

Food quality and safety

Advanced chemical analysis. Characterisation of food quality and safety within the framework of food legislation. Foodomics: profiling and fingerprinting techniques for food characterisation, authenticity and origin characterisation.

Food quality and safety

Microbiological control of food- Traceability systems and HACCP- Analyses of pollutants through liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: Study of extraction techniques, Development of analytical methods, Interpretation of analytical data by means of chemometric techniques.

Formalisation and organisational culture as catalysts of the relations between quality management and ambidexterity ability ECO2015-71380-R

This project does research into ambidexterity ability, innovation and organisational learning, from the perspective of the routines and abilities theory, and it analyses deeply the influence that the application of quality management systems has on them.

Functional Inorganic Materials

Development of new advanced porous materials for implementation in applications of environmental interest, such as solar energy conversion or the development of a new generation of electronic devices combining porosity with electrical response.

Functionalisation of non-activated alkanes

Development of catalysts for the conversion of unactivated alkanes into industrially valuable products.

GPUs-based computing

Integration of high performance computing systems based on parallel processing on single or multiple GPU cores. Development of shaders for highly realistic graphical apps.

Gender and local financial activity

Gender policy must permeate all public policies, and legislators are increasingly obliged in their normative work to consider the interweaving of the different branches of law that may be affected.


Include a gender perspective in consumer behaviour studies. Integrate the gender-based approach in teaching innovation.

General entomology

General works on Entomology, including dissemination and training, in groups of insects and aspects that are not covered by the most specific lines of this laboratory. This includes, for example, works on Odonata (dragonflies), Díptera, Coleoptera, as well as works on conservation.

Genetic ecology

Genetic structure and population differentiation in continental zooplankton. Local adaptation. Genetic and genomic diversity. Genetic markers associated with adaptive traits. Gene dispersal and flow.

Genetics and genomics of yeasts of biotechnological interest

Analysis of molecular mechanisms involved in the adaptive processes that have shaped the yeast genome, giving them such peculiar properties of biotechnological interest.

Genetics, genomics and proteomics of O. oeni.

The aim is to develop tools for the genetic manipulation of this species: plasmids, malolactic mutants and DNA introduction systems. Comparative genomics to establish relationships between genome and resistance to wine stress factors.

Genome-wide characterisation of the R2R3-MYB family of transcription factors in plants

We attempted to characterise the MYB family in different plant species by combining genome-wide and plant functional characterisation studies.

Genomics applied to prokaryotic taxonomy

Studies on the application of comparative genomics to prokaryotic taxonomy. It includes both the collection of data (new sequences, extension and/or closing) of type strains and additional strains of interest to the group, as well as their subsequent analysis with computer tools and public sequences.


GEOPORTAL ( providing historical (since 2007) and real-time (less than 5 hours) products of the SEVIRI and MODIS sensors.

Global and regional governance in the field of sustainable development

Evolution of the institutional framework for sustainable development, both globally (United Nations system) and regionally (America, Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Arctic), with particular emphasis on the European Union and the Council of Europe.

Globalisation (1870-2000): pay gap and the labour market

The study of the impact of the first globalisation (1880-1913) and technology: on the labour market and on pay gap in the first and second globalisation (1980)

Graphical apps development for mobile devices.

Graphical apps development for mobile devices and PDAS. Includes both android and IOS apps. Features cloud computing.

Green analytical chemistry: samples preparation and automation of the determinations

Tune-up of sustainable analysis methods for developing a green analytical chemistry. These developments are based on direct measures, new samples preparation strategies, automation and miniaturisation, as well as the minimisation in waste creation.

Hardware design of architectures for digital signal processing

Hardware implementation of biosignal processing algorithms in FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) reconfigurable devices. Development of software tools for the fast migration (Rapid Prototyping) of certain computer-based algorithms to their hardware implementation in stand-alone electronic devices (embedded systems).

Health Economics, Social Services and Equality

Analysis and evaluation of health, care and social services policies, considering equality between people, through gender policies, social inclusion or equality in diversity, as the backbone. This line of research uses different economic evaluation techniques such as cost-benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-utility analysis and cost-efficiency analysis. Aspects of the provision, production, financing or regulation of health services, social services in general, or services aimed at vulnerable groups are evaluated.

Health Law

The group, through the "MCI Health Law, Genetics and Social Protection" within the VLC/CAMPUS, Campus of International Excellence, 2011, has been developing a special line in the field of medical responsibility and patient rights.


Health and law

Analysis of all legal implications related to health protection.

Health psychology

Analysis of health-related psychosocial factors that have an impact on people's quality of life. Prevention and treatment protocol for chronic patients. Especially in the areas of oncology, infertility and ageing.

Health technology evaluation

All types of health technology evaluation, taking into account the broad concept of health technology ranging from medicines and procedures to health technology and techniques.

Heavy metal removal from water by biosorption technology

The line studies the biosorption of heavy metals from industrial wastewater. The work focuses on the search and characterisation of waste materials for their use as biosorbents, in the study of the main operational parameters and mathematical modelling.


Study of amphibians and reptiles, their chorology, their parasites, the conservation state of their populations, their threats and the introduction of invasive species.

High power resonant converters

Research and development of industrial induction heaters, high power applications, high voltage applications and electronic systems for electric vehicles.

Histone modification during chronological yeast ageing

Analysis of histone marks during yeast cell ageing, globally and at the level of individual genes. Analysis of the enzyme complexes responsible for histone marks in old and young cells.

History of Economic Thought

Study of the historical evolution of economic theory and its impact on the process of economic development in Spain.

Human health risk assessment

Advanced analysis. Human diet studies. Integrated risk assessment.

Identification, quantification and stability of food components and ingredients

(a) components of the lipid fraction of foods/ingredients: fatty acids, volatile compounds (hexanal, nonanal, etc.), sterols, sialic acids, gangliosides, fat-soluble vitamins and other resulting compounds are identified, quantified and stability studies are performed.

Impact Assessment

Policy decisions have been and continue to be made for years on the basis of inertia and traditions unsubstantiated by empirical studies. With the aim of incorporating evidence-based information, this line of cross-sectional research has been created. It proposes the application of different parametric (instrumental variables, panel models, difference-in-differences) and non-parametric (quasi-experiments, regression discontinuities) approaches to the evaluation of different public policies.

Implications of the processes of globalisation and regional integration on economic policy

This research line aims to examine the long-term sustainability of current account deficits for a set of OECD countries.

In vivo and in vitro bioavalability of food components and ingredients

Bioavailability assessment: a) in vitro: gastrointestinal simulation and uptake and transport models with cell cultures and b) in vivo by determination of food components and metabolites in biological fluids and faeces, from clinical trials and animal experimentation.

Industrial Automation Systems

Electronic devices design and programming for the process automation in the industry. Equipment based on Programmable Logic Controllers supported by Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems, SCADA, industrial vision equipment, robotics, etc. Development of automated manufacturing and production systems using the technologies necessary for optimum factory operation. Applications in water treatment (drinking and waste water), automobile manufacturing and their components, food, and chemical processes (pharmacology, petrochemistry, cosmetics).

Industrial economics

Industrial Economics combines theories with empirical work on the organisation of enterprises, markets and industries.

Information and communications technology (ICT)

Design of tools based on ICT in the teaching, welfare and healthcare fields.


Examine the implementation of innovative practices in sectors such as tourism and education. Emphasis on teaching innovation. Analysis of the use and impact of new information and communication technologies (social networks, apps, smartphones, artificial intelligence, etc.).

Insect-pathogen interaction
  • To delve into the molecular mechanisms that control the interaction of insects with their viral and bacterial pathogens.
  • To develop strategies that enhance the use of bioinsecticides by modifying the immune response to pathogen attack.
Instrumentation and electronic measuring

Research and development of instrumentation systems and spintronic engineering.

Integration of remotely sensed data from new eo programs

The goal is to combine different satellite data, particularly to exploit a synergistic use of actual remotely sensing programs. This offers a great potential for updating the production of vegetation parameters in quasi-real-time for applications.

Integration of the Immersive real-time simulators for operators training

Development of simulator-based instructional systems. The hardware, instructional designs, dynamic models of simulation objects and 3-D scenarios.

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

We are currently working on forms of knowledge representation that allow the supervision of the students tasks resolution, as well as the incorporation of affective support through the detection of emotions by means of typical techniques within the field of computer vision

Intelligent data analysis

Application of automatic learning techniques for problems with prediction, classification and recognition of patterns or trends.

International cooperation for development. Participation and democracy. Social Security

Cooperation for the improvement of human development rates and social cohesion. Methodologies for carrying out participative citizen diagnoses, their systematisation and the elaboration of public policies from the citizen's proposal. Analysis of Social Security Systems.Cooperación para la mejora de los índices de desarrollo humano y la cohesión social. Metodologías para la realización de diagnósticos ciudadanos participativos, su sistematización y la elaboración de políticas públicas desde la propuesta ciudadana. Análisis de los Sistemas de Seguridad Social.

Internationalisation of retail companies

Identify internationalisation strategies of retail companies, investigate dynamic capabilities, processes of marketing adaptation to countries, optimal use of resources, reconfiguration of the company's offer in the markets and brand policy.

Introducing sustainability in university education

Curricular sustainability does not only imply including environmental contents in the syllabus of the different subjects, but it also entails another series of more global changes in the conception of the educational process.

Isotopic analysis of fossil micromammal remains

Bones and teeth are the only remains located in palaeontological contexts. The analysis of their chemical composition allows us to understand the palaeobiology, palaeoecology and habitat use of these organisms, reflecting environmental parameters and palaeoclimatic conditions.

Job insecurity and youth. Occupational health. Sport and integration

Access of young people to the labour market. Barriers and difficulties in worker participation and ways to improve working conditions. Sport as an instrument of integration in degraded urban contexts or with socially disadvantaged groups - immigrants, young people, women.

Law and New Technologies

Microcluster “Valenciatics" (Law and business studies on ICT) of the VLC/Campus, Aranzadi Journal of Law and New Technologies) and PROMETEO 2011/23, on the technological model of the Valencian Community has been developing a line of research covering ICTs for more than 15 years.

Lepidoptera systematics and biology

Taxonomy, phylogeny and ecology studies in Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), especially in the Tortricidae family. This includes aspects of its morphology, sexual selection and population dynamics, as well as studies in protected species.

Lichen bacteriology. Biotechnological applications

Isolation and characterisation of bacteria associated to lichen: diversity, contribution to lichen symbiosis and biotechnological applications.

Lichens and microalgae: Biodiversity and Biogeography. Ecophysiology. Biotechnological Applications

The detailed description of the content of this line of research is included in the description of the group's research activity.

Local Sustainable Development and Urban Planning

Analyses at different scales and in different thematic areas that allow for the design of recommendations to achieve greater social cohesion, a higher quality urban environment and sustainable economic development, all within the concept of local sustainability.

Local governance

New practices in territorial and urban governance, from the local scale, with an approach based on criteria of sustainability, participatory democracy and adequate planning and management of territorial resources (adapted to each specific context).

Local tax management acts

Analysis of regulatory sources, case law and administrative doctrine. Reviewing and debugging of Tax Ordinances, and their draft amendments, to detect and correct possible dysfunctions or weaknesses in the face of possible legal challenges by taxpayers.

Long-term Regional Economic Growth: Europe and Latin America

Analysis of the processes of regional economic growth in the historical experiences of European and Latin American countries. Impact of growth on territorial inequality. Impact of public policies on regional development in Europe and Latin America.

Macrovertebrates of the Cenozoic (Baetic Basins and Iberian Mountain Range)

The Taphonomy, Systematics, Biostratigraphy and Biogeography of large vertebrates are studied. Work is currently being carried out at different localities ranging from the Upper Miocene to the Pleistocene (Crevillent 2, Alicante; Venta del Moro, Valencia; Puerto de la Cadena and Quibas, Murcia).

Malolactic fermentation

Selection of Oenococcus oeni and Lactobacillus plantarum strains as malolactic cultures. Development of advanced strategies to carry out malolactic fermentation: immobilised cells, continuous deacidification, non-proliferating cells. Adaptation of strains to SO2 and pH.

Marine Parasitology

Parasitological studies focus on marine vertebrates (mammals, turtles and fish) and include taxonomic, ecological, evolutionary, biomarker, toxicological and pathological aspects, particularly in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

Marketing channels for agri-food products

It analyses how agri-food companies face the highly competitive environment, the profound changes in consumer behaviour, the concentration in large distribution companies, and the reasons of success or failure in their international expansion. Support policies.

Massive Sequencing of Chloroplasts from Vascular Plants

The detailed description of the content of this line of research is included in the description of the group's research activity.

Mathematical modelling

Development of mathematical models for sedimentation processes, primary sludge fermentation, two-stage nitrification, acid-base processes, precipitation processes, sulphurogenesis and filtration. The group has developed global models that incorporate the main physical, chemical and biological processes that take place in a WWTP, both in water and sludge lines. These models are: Biological Nutrient Removal Model No. 1 (BNRM1) and Biological Nutrient Removal Model No. 2 (BNRM2). The latter model is implemented in the DESASS software.

Measurements of antennas and telecommunication devices. Measurements of electromagnetic fields

Development and measurement of antennas and other radio-communication devices in the 300Mhz-110GHz band. Measurements of ambient electromagnetic field, geomagnetic and electric field, ELF fields. Measurements of environmental radiation levels associated with telecommunication equipment.

Medicinal plants

Study of medicinal plants, the structure of plant organs and the substances that provide medicinal, toxic or bromatological proprieties. This study is oriented towards the rational use of resources and its results can be directly applied to health, industry and agriculture.

Membranes for wastewater treatment

Development, both from a scientific and technology transfer point of view of membrane systems for the recovery of wastewater resources and for its reuse.

Metabolic adaptations associated to the adaptation of lichen microalgae to extreme environmental conditions

Lichen microalgae play a very active role in the ability of lichens to survive in extreme environmental conditions. The aim of this line of work is to determine the metabolites involved in the adaptation of lichen microalgae to extreme conditions such as desiccation or cold in order to develop possible biotechnological applications for crops tolerance.

Metabolism and transport in vegetals under abiotic stress

Study of the effects of several abiotic stresses, particularly salinity and heavy metals, on the metabolism and nutrients distribution in plants and its regulation. Determination of alterations in iron homeostasis in plants that present mutations of the membrane transporters of high affinity for copper.

Metabolism of sugars, acids and amino acids in lactic acid bacteria

This line of work is aimed at understanding the utilisation capacities of substrates present in must or wine and their effects on bacterial growth and wine characteristics.

Method development for the analysis of pharmaceutical, clinical and food samples

Based on the fundamental advances in HPLC made by the research group, analytical methods for several samples in the pharmaceutical, clinical and food fields are designed. Method development is accompanied by an extensive validation.


Aimed at developing the validation strategies for the analytical parameters of a procedure.

Micro-simulation of Taxes and Benefits

It deals with the analysis of different public policies that use microsimulation as their main instrument. This is a technique that analyses a large number of data from surveys or administrative records in order to obtain useful prescriptions for the decision-maker. In particular, microsimulation of tax and benefit policies (tax-benefit) is used to estimate the results of reforms in certain taxes and/or public benefits. From the analysis of these data, it is possible to obtain adjusted information on the cost of the reform, its effects on poverty, inequality, redistribution and progressivity. It also simulates the response of those affected, from the point of view of their labour, educational or family behaviour.

Microbial or enzymatic systems to remove toxic biogenic amines from foods

Search for strains of lactic acid bacteria capable of degrading biogenic amines in wines. Search for enzymes responsible for the degradation of biogenic amines. Development of cellular and enzymatic systems that allow their use in wines and other foods.

Microbiological and biokinetic analyses

Microbiological study of wastewater treatment systems by applying both basic techniques, such as observation by phase contrast or differential staining, and molecular techniques, including FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridisation) or qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction). Study of biological systems from the point of view of microbial diversity, applying massive NGS (next-generation sequencing) techniques.

Microbiomes (Bacteria and Yeasts) in Lichen Thalli: Biotechnological Applications

The detailed description of the content of this line of research is included in the description of the group's research activity.

Microeconometric models of cultural participation

Application of statistical and econometric methodologies for the analysis of data from cultural and other participation surveys.

Microeconomics and game theory

Analysis of the individual optimising behaviour and in strategic situations. Analysis of the strategic behaviour under uncertainty. Dynamic analysis of the creation of networks in complex processes of socioeconomic interaction.

Microwave-based chemical synthesis

Development of molecule and nanomaterial synthesis using solid-state microwaves.

Miniaturization in liquid chromatography

New analysis strategies in miniaturised chromatographic techniques which incorporate solid phase microextraction in tubes with new (nano)materials.

Mobility and transport

Study and analysis of forced mobility flows, for reasons of work or study, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS), to help decision making in territorial planning, from a socioeconomic perspective, and the provision of and access to services and facilities. Study of the transport flows of people and goods from a perspective of multiscale analysis of networks as a determining element of urban hierarchy and regional development.

Modeling essential climate variables (biophysical parameters)

The main purpose is to take full advantage of remotely sensed data to map Essential Climate Variables (ECVs): LAI, FAPAR, PAR, canopy water content, biomass and land cover and/or ecosystem functional type. Maps of ECVs are produced from EO reflectance and other auxiliary data.

Modelling and simulation of property transport in polymeric membranes.

Development of mathematical models, based on the finite element method (FEM), for the study of multicomponent matter transport, coupled or not to the transport of heat energy, through multilayer polymeric structures.

Modelling of temperature and emissivity in the thermal infrared, especially on heterogeneous surfaces.

Modelling of temperature and emissivity in the thermal infrared, and obtaining radiative properties of natural surfaces by characterising the dependencies of emissivity on the angle of observation, surface roughness, cavity effects, humidity and components present.

Modelling, signal processing and optimisation in liquid chromatography

Reliable optimisation of chromatographic separation conditions requires tools that use retention and peak shape models. Diverse tools and new strategies for the analysis of complex samples are developed, which consider one to three experimental factors.

Modernisation of the application of taxes and collection control in the regional and local Treasury.

Purification and articulation of management, inspection, sanctioning and collection procedures in order to secure and recover tax debts. Proposal of a general tax ordinance that constitutes a paradigm of adaptation of the regulation of the LGT on taxpayers.

Modes of localisation, entry and establishment of the cluster's international activity

Deciding factors of multi-localisation, agglomerations, compatriot and activity clusters. Generation and development of international social capital. Networks and guanxi. Distance and localisation-entry strategy.

Modification of solid surfaces

Development of oxide nanoparticles and their functionalisation with different receptors for catalysis, pharmacological application.

Molecular and computational biointeraction

Development of molecular biointeraction models. Computational simulation methods (“in silico” via “Molecular Docking”). Pharmacophores. QSAR.

Molecular evolution of nuclear ribosomal multigene families

Karyological and molecular study of the nuclear ribosomal 45S and 5S families, including their genomic location, molecular evolution, mechanisms of concerted evolution and phylogeographic and phylogenetic significance.

Molecular sensors

Design, synthesis and characterisation of sensors for the detection of molecules of biological and environmental interest. Among the molecules studied are nerve gases, pollutant gases and drugs of abuse.

Molecular study of the stress response of wine yeasts during their industrial use and its relevance to fermentation efficiency

Study at the molecular level of the stress response of wine yeasts during their industrial use and its relevance to fermentation efficiency. The group mainly focuses on the characterisation of the oxidative stress response and its relationship with yeast longevity.

Multi-channel distribution strategy of international companies

To understand the best practices for carrying out international distribution through multiple channels, which would include the physical shop channel and the online or Internet channel. It is about how to integrate both channels in a way that they complement each other and synergies are obtained.

Multi-temporal monitoring

Use of time series of satellite images from 1981 to the present to study the Earth's surface dynamics.

Multimodal interaction systems

Development of human-computer interaction technologies making use of different communication channels between user and computer.

Mycology included Lichenology

Systematics and identification of lichens (both fungus and lichenised algae) and non-lichenised fungi (including mushroom-forming fungi) of the Mediterranean area, as well as the identification of their secondary metabolism products. Conservation of species and their habitats. Biodeterioration of monuments.


Development of fast, accurate and selective analysis methods for the determination of mycotoxins in food to assess population intake.

Nanomaterials and analysis

The research is planned in two directions: nanomaterials characterisation including strategies for its detection and/or analytic determination and the study of its characteristics and its influence in the improvement of analytic parameters. 

Natural Language Processing

Extraction of structured information and knowledge from the analysis of free texts and a priori unstructured information.


Study of soil- and arthropod-associated nematodes taking into account their taxonomy, the trophic groups to which they belong to and the community indices derived from these.

Networks and Telecommunication Systems

This line of research focuses on the development of new network architectures and protocols, as well as on the creation of advanced telecommunication systems to improve communications between users. This work includes the development and implementation of our new services, technologies and network architectures centred on enhancing the quality of the final user’s experience.

New materials and more sustainable processes in the chemical and food industries

Development of strategies for more sustainable processes and products, in particular in the chemical, materials and food industries. It also includes dissemination and training in current aspects of bioeconomy, circular economy, climate change and life cycle analysis.

New products development in the agri-food industry

Design and adaptation of new food products from traditional foodstuffs, Food enrichment/fortification, Evaluation of the nutritional composition of food products and its improvement, Study of new materials, Study of stability.

Nuevas estrategias para el desarrollo de dispositivos para análisis in situ

Persigue desarrollar conocimiento científico que genere nuevas herramientas que se adapten a las necesidades actuales de la sociedad. Los beneficios que pueden aportar son: bajo coste, no consumen energía, versatilidad del emplazamiento, uso puntual, evaluación de grandes áreas con resolución específica.

Optimising Water Resources Management through Remote Sensing

Use of remote sensing for identification of water scarce areas, drought studies and monitoring, sustainable urban drainage systems.

Optimising the service experience through co-creation of value with the customer

To study the customer experience as the set of interactions between the customer and a product, company, or part of its organisation that cause a reaction at various levels -rational, emotional, sensory, physical and spiritual- under the framework of the dominant logic of the service.

Optimization of semen conservation techniques

Optimisation of semen preservation techniques.

Organic matter valorisation with anaerobic processes

Design and development of efficient technologies for the valorisation of organic waste from different sources, such as urban wastewater, industrial wastewater, municipal solid waste, algal biomass, etc. Depending on the type of waste to be recovered, CALAGUA evaluates the viability of different anaerobic treatment systems, such as mesophilic or thermophilic anaerobic digesters, or anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR), as well as the combination of different anaerobic systems to transform existing WWTPs into nutrient, reclaimed water and energy factories.

Packaging/Packing and branding

Analysis of point-of-sale positioning of tangible products through packaging to stimulate consumption. Key elements in packaging: visual and informative elements (colour, shape, label, images, etc.).

Parallel computing and Distributed systems

The line focuses on the application of high performance computing techniques, and the development and optimisation of distributed platforms within the cloud computing paradigm, for Big Data, multimedia applications and intelligent systems problem solving.

Parameter estimation from satellite data

Development of algorithms to estimate physical and biophysical parameters from satellite data, such as temperature, albedo, reflectivity, land surface emissivity, thermal inertia, evapotranspiration, atmospheric water-vapour content.

Parasitoid systematics and biology

Taxonomy, classification and phylogeny studies in Parasitic Hymenoptera, principally of the Braconidae family. This includes aspects of its morphology such as the study of the venom gland, and ecological aspects like the host parasitoid relationships.

Passive samplers of emerging pollutants for its analysis by chromatography and mass spectometry

Development and tune-up of sampling strategies based on the use of biomimetic systems, for the preconcentration of the analyte in aqueous or gaseous environments, the sample treatment for the extraction of analytes, its chromatographic separation and waste reduction.

Pathogens in Aquaculture

Pathogenic bacteria in aquaculture: fish and zoonotic pathogens. Biology of pathogen-host interaction. Immune response to pathogens. Diagnosis and control of fish diseases. Vaccines.

Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision

Recognition and machine learning techniques applied to linear and nonlinear models. Continuous Distance Learning. Heterogeneous and multi-dimensional data mining, with special emphasis on image analysis and recovery and the processing of audio and video signals.

Pensions and social protection

Financial-actuarial analysis of the pension systems and main contingencies: retirement, disability, widowhood, orphanage, family member, unemployment and dependency. It also studies the financial and insurance products that are best suited to the needs of individuals.

Pest control

Pest examination, detection and control. Natural enemies, biorational insecticides and pheromones included. Compatibility of insecticides with useful fauna. Especially in urban and agricultural environments. Primarily urban pests (cockroaches) and vectors (mosquitoes).

Photobioreactors & microalgae production

Design and development, both from a scientific and technology transfer point of view, conducting pilot-scale experiments on microalgae cultures for the removal of nutrients from urban wastewater.

Photochemistry and luminescence in nanotechnology

To determine the reasons of the emitter/non-emitter behaviour of organic and inorganic molecules of interest in optoelectronics and photovoltaic devices. To improve efficiency by identifying and eliminating unwanted photochemical processes. Photochemistry of boranes and organic molecules with great pi-type conjugation.

Photochemistry in the darkness - Relation between photochemistry and chemiluminescence

Prediction of phenomena in which a chemical reaction induces a photochemical process without the use of light, and of biological, medical and nanotechnological relevance. Examples: Creation of UV-type lesions in the darkness; Activation of the vision process in the darkness.

Photoionisation processes in DNA

Molecular mechanisms that mediate the absorption of high-energy light (VUV and higher) producing the loss of one or more electrons resulting in DNA photoionisation.


Molecular basis controlling the seasonal response in aphids or how short photoperiod induces the emergence of the sexual phase.

Phycology and marine Botany

Study of the biodiversity, systematics and nomenclature of Mediterranean benthic seaweeds and marine phanerogams. Conservation of species and their habitats.

Plant taxonomy and ecology

Plant ecology (dune vegetation, nitrophilous vegetation, scrubland, forest fires, bioclimatology and biogeography); plant taxonomy (cariology, phenology, phylogeography, nomenclature); conservation biology.

Plastidial glycolytic pathway, phosphorylated serine biosynthesis pathway, photorespiration and climate change

We are characterising the phosphorylated serine biosynthesis pathway and the plastidial glycolytic pathway. Basic knowledge of these pathways will help to increase the nutritional quality of crops.



Political science and local government

Analysis of the legal and institutional framework for local decision-making. Innovative forms of governance.

Polítiques familiars en l'àmbit local

Les polítiques de protecció a la família són una assignatura pendent per al sistema de benestar social espanyol. A més, tenim constància que són en les entitats socials on es poden generar resultats d'investigació aplicats a la solució de les problemàtiques de família i de conciliació entre vida laboral i familiar.

Population genomics

Study of the genetic diversity of non-model species. in natural populations, by sequencing representative portions of the genome. Speciation and introgression.

Preparation and application studies of Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs)

Preparation, characterisation and application studies of Covalent Organic Frameworks (COFs)

Preparation of materials under supercritical conditions

Obtaining the optimum supercritical operating conditions for the preparation of materials... Modelling and kinetics of the reaction process.

Priority and emerging pollutants

Development and application of analytical techniques aimed at the identification, detection, characterisation, quantification and behaviour of micropollutants in the water and sludge lines of current WWTPs, as well as in the new processes for the removal of organic matter (membrane reactors) and nutrients (microalgae cultivation). The presence of these micropollutants in the receiving natural environment is also studied, for which not only water samples are analysed, but also sediments and biota in contact with them. In this way, it is possible to monitor these substances in the receiving environment in order to evaluate the impact that their discharge causes in the aquatic environment.

Process optimisation

Development of reinforcement learning models and dynamic programming for cost reduction, the improvement of important parameters and the increase of efficiency.

Protein activity regulation

Development of molecules and materials with the ability to modulate (activate or inhibit) the activity of proteins. In particular of the enzymes polyphenol oxidase and lipase/pancreatin.

Protein trafficking in plant cells

Protein trafficking in plant cells, with special emphasis on functional studies of proteins of particular physiological relevance.

Public support for SMEs internationalisation

Study of public support measures to remove the barriers faced by companies, especially SMEs, in the internationalisation process, for which it is necessary to first identify the needs and expectations of companies at each stage of the process.

Quality and Metrology in Laboratories

ISO 17205 Standard. Development of ad hoc metrological tools, technical protocols, acceptance criteria, validation, quality assurance, control charts, uncertainty, including supporting software. Design of experiments, optimisation, simulation of future results.

Quantum machine learning

Use of formalism of quantum mechanics to improve the performance of machine learning algorithms. Use of machine learning for the description and extraction of quantum phenomena knowledge.

R&D in (bio)analytical methods

Research and development of high-throughput (bio)analysis methods (Liquid chromatography, Capillary electrophoresis, Mass spectrometry) for the separation and determination of molecules (including chiral) with analytical and bioanalytical applications. (Bio)sensors.

Recommender system

Development of product recommendation engines based on the characteristics of the customer and management of personalised promotions.

Regional Economics and Fiscal Federalism

The territorial perspective is key to tackling multiple problems and for this reason academic work is carried out related to studies at regional, county and urban level. Theoretical and applied analyses are also carried out from the perspective of Fiscal Federalism. From a theoretical point of view, we analyse which public expenditures should be provided by the different levels of government and also which should be the responsible administration of the different taxes. Regarding applied studies, we analyse the situation of sub-central treasuries in different federal or quasi-federal countries, with special reference to the Spanish case.

Relations between economic integration and environment

This research line, which joined the INTECO group in 2008, aims to analyse the interrelationship between environment and economic integration by answering various questions.

Remote sensing

Remote sensing applications to environment, agriculture and water quality. Development of new sensors and Earth observation missions.

Removal and recovery of nutrients

Study and optimisation in the laboratory and pilot plant of advanced configurations for the biological removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) to prevent their discharge and the eutrophication of rivers, lakes and coasts. Study of phosphorus recovery systems in the form of struvite by crystallisation processes and nitrogen recovery processes by means of membrane contactors.

Renewable energies

Techniques for regulating renewable energies.

Reproducció assistida

Anàlisi jurídica dels drets implicats en l'àmbit de la reproducció assistida.

Resistance to bioinsecticides
  • Study of resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxins in both biopesticide formulations and transgenic plants.
  • Study of the mechanisms of resistance to synthetic pesticides and promotion of their selectivity.
Resistance to synthetic pesticides

Study of the mechanisms of resistance to synthetic pesticides and promotion of their selectivity.

Revision and adaptation of Tax Ordinances to the LGT

Law 34/2015 and Laws 39/2015 and 40/2015 make it necessary to modify the by-laws. Currently, the Royal Decrees for the modification of all the Regulations for the development of the LGT are pending approval. The revision and adaptation of the Tax Ordinances must be undertaken immediately.

Risk of exposure to pollutants in food

Determine the toxicity of mycotoxins by in vivo methods, using different species of rodents, and alternative methods in vitro on mammalian cell lines (from ovary, kidney, liver, intestine, etc.)

Road and railway slope maintenance

Erosion and degradation of road and railway slopes. Restoration and conservation strategies.

Sales force and brand

Analysis of the role of human resources in brand positioning.

Science, democracy and citizen participation

The democratisation of scientific knowledge is a central instrument in processes aimed at ensuring sustainability. Universities and publicly owned research institutes are prime instruments in this regard.

Segmentation and registration of anatomical structures

Multiple sources of medical images are routinely used in clinical practise (MRI, TAC, PET, ECO...) Methods are needed to isolate the organs, analyse their deviation from normality and matching them with other cases or with explorations of the same patient to help doctors in the diagnosis of diseases.

Selection and adaptation of bacteria and yeasts to mitigate the effects of climate change

Selection of lactic bacteria and yeasts to correct imbalances in the composition of musts and wines. Microorganisms can transform part of the sugars in the must into acids (lactic acid, succinic acid, etc.) or glycerol. This leads to an increase in the acidity and smoothness of the wines and a reduction in the alcohol content. This is a line of work of eminently practical interest.


Development of sensors based on changes in optical or electrochemical properties, whether from molecules, materials or hybrid systems.

Signal capture and processing

Development of equipment and algorithms custom-made for their aqcuisition and signal processing. 

Signal processing (Sound)

Advanced methods for the capture, analysis and synthesis of acoustic signals, including musical and voice processes, acoustic simulation of rooms, 3D reproduction methods and intelligent monitoring of acoustic environments.

Signals controlling development and flowering in plants

We have developed a quantitative proteomics approach to identify phloem specific proteins and peptides that could represent mobiles signals controlling not only flowering but also other developmental processes.

Simulation of chemical processes in biological environments

Study by computational tools of chemical reactions in enzymes and aqueous solution by means of QM/MM Molecular Dynamica.

Social development from a historical perspective

The complexity of contemporary political and social processes must be explained at their roots, by looking at the origins of current development dynamics and their historical evolution. These processes allow us to learn about reality in a critical way, providing a better democratic culture.

Software Production Methods and interaction and usability modelling

Definition of software production methods based on the model-driven software development paradigm, which starts from a set of conceptual models representing a system in an abstract form to which transformation rules are applied to generate code automatically.

Spatial and landscape analysis and planning

Landscape analysis, in accordance with the European Landscape Convention. Identification, study, typologies and enhancement of the landscape. Application of its own evaluation system.

Spatial and urban planning

Legal techniques for spatial planning, including the coastal zone and the marine environment.

Spatial delimitation of clustering and its effect

Analysis of spatio-temporal models. To implement geographic information systems for the study of interorganisational relations: configuration, content, container and effect. Positive and negative externalities. Moderating and mediating factors. Knowledge transfer in clusters. Franchised relationships.

Spatial temporal stochastic models for the analysis of dynamics processes from image sequences

We model dynamic processes using spatial point processes and random closed sets. Descriptors for univariate and bivariate processes with an explicit statistical analysis of the time and tests for hypothesis testing are proposed. Software for simulation and analysis is developed. More info and applications to cell biology in

Species competition and coexistence

Cryptic rotifer species. Distribution and sympatry. Ecological differentiation of species. Competitive relationships and coexistence mediation. Environmental fluctuations and maintenance of diversity. Density-dependent reversal of diapause and competition.

Strategic planning and local development

Analysis and diagnosis of processes at local level. Implementation of participatory strategic plans both at territorial level (various scales) and sectoral level (tourism, industry, trade, etc.).

Strategy and decision-making

Corresponding to its complexity and wide range, it focuses on studies and developments concerning strategy (including tactical and operational levels) and all the components involved in the decision-making process, based on normative or descriptive models (mathematical versus psychological), as well as at the individual and group level.

Studies on interaction kinetics and its prediction in chromatographic columns

Fundamental studies are carried out to explain the shape of chromatographic peaks which continue or question historical studies by other authors on this subject. Peak models and peak prediction strategies are developed to optimise separation conditions.

Study and assessment of intakes, menus and their catering application

The nutritional value of menus offered in school canteens and residential centres is assessed. Restaurant menus and the necessary adaptations to make them healthy are studied.

Study of extracts and/or bioactive compounds of food origin

Functionality and bioavailability tests in cell cultures and in-vitro. Metabolomic analysis (LC-MS) and interpretation of results (Foodomics), Characterisation of bioactive compounds, Evaluation of stability in matrices, Bioavailability in vitro of bioactive compounds.

Study of the Mio-Pliocene transit in continental facies in the Valencian Community

Several outcrops are studied in CV containing palaeontological deposits from the Upper Miocene-Lower Pliocene (5-6 Ma), which record the so-called Messinian Salinity Crisis, which involved the drying of the Mediterranean and a faunal exchange between Africa and the Iberian Peninsula.

Study of the Tertiary and Quaternary faunas of Ecuador

A very limited number of Neogene sites in Ecuador host a rich and spectacular micro- and macrovertebrate fauna (Eocene cetaceans, Pleistocene megafauna). The data from these sites should allow us to delve deeper into the origins of cetaceans and the extinction of the South American megafauna.

Study of the chromatographic behaviour of ionisable compounds

Many compounds of pharmaceutical interest have an acid-base character, therefore the nature and concentration of the dominant species depend on pH. Models of mobile phase behaviour are developed in the absence and presence of additives, and with conventional or extended pH columns.

Study of the energy metabolism of sperm and its relationship to fertility in mammals

The general objective of this project is to study the evolution of different sperm parameters related to energy metabolism, under different physiological conditions, in order to optimise the production of seminal doses, as well as their predictive capacity for fertility.

Study of the natural defence mechanisms of plants against pathogen attack

Identification of new plant defence proteins against pathogens through massive and targeted proteomic analysis. Analysis of the potentiating effect of natural inducers of plant defences on the action of B. thuringiensis toxins.

Study of the vertebrate faunas of the Miocene of the Iberian Peninsula

In the area of Morteral (Magro) and Araia (Ribesalbes-Alcora), micromammals from the Aragonian period have been studied in high-resolution series. The results provide evidence of hitherto unknown paleontological information of great interest in the temporal context under study.

Study on the quality of legislation

Research is carried out on the instruments of legislative quality as a mechanism to improve legal certainty and thus enhance democratic quality, especially in the field of private law.

Sunlight induced chemistry in the Earth's atmosphere

Determination of sunlight absorption intensities of molecules in the atmosphere. Prediction of sunlight response mechanisms. Hg cycle in the Earth's atmosphere.

Surface Net Radiation Study

Study of the net radiation at the surface and the energy and water fluxes that influence it.

Survival strategies of plants phatogenic bacteria

Bacterial survival strategies in different environments [survival in oligotrophic conditions, viable non-culturable state (VNC) and inducer factors], reservoirs and transmission routes. Recovery of bacteria in VNC state. Gene expression and obtaining mutants in bacterial genes.

Sustainability in formal and non-formal education

For years now, the need for education to pay attention to preparing citizens to be able to face the situation of true planetary emergency that we are currently experiencing has been insisted on in different scopes.

Sustainability, ICT and social innovation in health care systems

The socio-technical processes applied to the sustainability of integrated social and health systems are investigated, based on the principles of user satisfaction and system efficiency.

Sustainable Tourism

Analysis and development of new criteria, methods and instruments for territorial tourism planning, from an integral perspective, aimed at facilitating the transversal incorporation of the concept of sustainable tourism.

Synthesis of polyamides

To synthesise different families of Polyamine/Polyamide compounds by new or already established synthetic routes for the development of the different lines of research.

Synthesis, scaling and applications of agrichemical compounds

The research line focuses on the optimisation of the synthesis of agrichemicals of the type of pheromones and parapheromones for their industrial scale-up and their application in the control of agricultural pests.

Taxonomy of marine bacteria

Classification, identification and nomenclature of marine bacteria: polyphasic 
characterisation (phenotypic, genomic and phylogenetic), especially of 
alpha/gamma-proteobacteria and bacteroidetes by MLSA, DNA-DNA hybridisation, taxogenomic indices and classical phenotyping.

Territorial development, institutional networks and socioeconomic innovation processes (Industrial Districts)

Analysis of the innovation flows that take place in a geographically localised production system, taking into account the concentration and cooperation of SMEs, social cohesion and interactions between companies, as well as formal and informal institutional relations.

Territorial diagnoses: inclusion and social cohesion plans, equality plans, work-family life conciliation plans

Municipal public policies require a territorial analysis to be able to implement plans, programmes and projects adapted to the emerging priority needs for citizens. The participatory action research methodology has been identified as strategic to provide a solution to this type of policy and relevant results have been produced in this regard.

The narrative perspective in community-based development

The constructivist paradigm is gaining ground among qualitative researchers and new methodologies such as the narrative are opening up for research in local communities. Especially on problems that are not usually visible and that, through the recognition of the strategy of the citizens’ involvement in the solution of them, it is possible to plan processes of social change that recognize the need to generate public policies of community development.

The paradigm of sustainable development in its international and European dimension

Legal nature of the concept of sustainable development; content of the notion of development in its economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects; basic characteristics of the criterion of sustainability; disparities in the development of towns; common but differentiated responsibilities, etc.

The study of traditional irrigation systems, their landscape and water heritage

Analysis of cultural heritage focusing on the traditional use of water. Reference is made to the elements of irrigation systems, irrigation systems and the resulting landscapes. System for the cataloguing of hydraulic heritage, as well as its evaluation by means of its own method.

Third sector and social economy: social innovation and socio-economic reengineering. CSR and entrepreneurship

Social Economy: strategies for sustainable economy and social cohesion. Design of indicators. Design, evaluation and promotion for the implementation of CSR strategies. Dissemination and consolidation of social entrepreneurship. Generation of motivation for entrepreneurship and employment M 3.0.

Three-phase power converters

Research and development of solar inverters for renewables, rectifiers for wind power generation, drivers for electric machines and digital control.

Tourism, environment and local taxation

Combine tourism promotion with sustainable development that preserves the environment as an intrinsic value, the search for new municipal financing formulas that pursue the above aims and an increase in the financial sufficiency of Local Corporations.

Towards Dyson Spheres or Back to the Caves: Limits to Growth and Scenarios for Sustainability beyond the 21st Century

Prospective line of thought/action aimed at imagining solutions to overcome the main constraints in the medium and long term in order to achieve a long-term sustainable development model. This line of research should permeate the conceptual frameworks of the other lines.

Toxicity of nanomaterials on insects and development of new pesticides.

Analysis of the possibility of using nanoparticles to combat insect pests, either the nanoparticle itself or as vehicles for transporting and distributing insecticides. Aspects of both their toxicology and their effects on insect development and reproduction are studied.

Trade and economic growth

The impact of international trade on economic growth through the construction of a highly disaggregated database. The higher level of disaggregation makes it possible to distinguish between the number of goods traded, as well as the destinations, and the values (unit quantities and values).

Trade implications of globalisation and regional integration processes

The objective of this research line is to determine the effect of continental and intercontinental integration agreements on trade.

Traffic and Road Safety

The topics of research and development are very broad and include epidemiological studies, accident research, causes of accidents, risk factors, risk groups, vulnerable users, driver behaviour, basic psychological processes, attitudes, motivations and values underlying behaviour, the special case of offenders and repeat offenders, as well as autonomous driving.

In addition to the human factor, the subject of study includes the roads (with special attention to black spots and accident hotspots, as well as signage, which is particularly variable), vehicles, and the condition of all of them.

Transcriptional mechanisms involved in the adaptation of lichen microalgae to extreme environmental conditions

Lichen microalgae play a very active role in the ability of lichens to survive in extreme environmental conditions. The aim of this line of work is to know the transcriptional mechanisms that modulate this response.

Transitions towards a post-carbon society

The basic concept of this line of research is that the transition towards a ‘post-carbon’ society will not take place through more energy efficiency or changes in government policies alone, but also requires profound transformations in lifestyles and consumption patterns.

Transport and Sustainable Mobility

The research and development topics are very broad and include studies of the travel habits or needs of users of a given territory or means of transport, user satisfaction, public transport, the impact of changes in supply, soft modes, freight, logistics, last mile, fares, accessibility, inclusiveness, gender, environment, electric mobility, etc.

Likewise, and even more so in the case of Road Safety, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are the object of study and development, as well as other means of land transport, such as rail, tram and metro, as well as maritime and air transport.

Transport economics

Analysis of the pricing systems, the impact of externalities on transport, the competitiveness between means of transport, the effects of changes in the regulator system in the transport market, the study of productivity and efficiency in the transport industry.

UGC (User generated content) analysis for understanding the online consumer behaviour in tourism and services

Study of the online content (eWOM, videos and images) generated by users about brands and institutions to progress in the understanding of consumers behaviour and thus develop innovations in the design of marketing strategies through the use of text mining techniques.

Urban structure, mobility and new data sources for Geography

Study of the relation between urban structure and the mobility of people in urban areas. Use of new data sources mainly from information and communication technologies for studying different spatial dynamics. Evaluation and management of the territory from a social, environmental and economic perspective.

Urban systems

Study of cities in their relation with other cities and with the rest of the territory. Their specialised functions and global relations are analysed, as well as their provision of public and private services and their appropriate planning by means of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Use of secondary equilibria in reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC)

Commercially available RPLC columns do not allow the analysis of charged or highly polar compounds. A line is developed to improve chromatographic performance using secondary equilibria, with special emphasis on the addition of surfactants and ionic liquids to the mobile phase.

Valencian Local Civil Law

The group has developed a research line that can be visualised in the portal, which is in its sixth year and provides doctrinal, legislative and jurisprudential information. It has the institutional support of the Valencian Ministry of Governance and Justice.

Valorisation of plastic waste by mechanical, chemical, thermal and biological processes

Development of methodologies and physico-chemical analysis of plastic waste to establish the most appropriate recovery strategies.

Vegetation and in-situ conservation

Study of plant communities and their relationship with environmental factors. In-situ conservation.

Vegetation dynamics. Time series analysis and change detection

Methodologies for the processing and analysis of time series using biophysical parameters and vegetation indices are developed to quantify changes. Vegetation dynamics is analyzed in terms of the intra-annual and inter-annual variability, which are related with vegetation phenology and trends.

Vegetation indices

Design of new vegetation indices relying on the use of canopy reflectance models as well as on field and laboratory spectroscopy. Vegetation indices are the most used parameters to study vegetation from remotely sensed data.

Vibrational spectometry: quantitative analysis, applications, automation and waste minimisation

Development of all types of applications for quantitative analysis by using near-infrared spectrometry (NIR) and, especially, mid-infrared (MIR), as well as Raman spectometry, all based on fast calibration strategies and direct analysis.

Virtual reality

Research in the interaction paradigm based on immersive virtual environments where the user is isolated from the environment and introduced in a synthetic environment in order to perform a training or live a different experience. Includes use of specific devices.

Visual Information Retrieval in image databases

The purpose of a content based image retrieval system is to retrieve all the images relevant to a user query. Our main goals are the study of new low level descriptors and relevant feedback procedures that are able to deal with the semantic gap, currently using also fusion with textual information.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) removal from air by photocatalytic oxidation

This line investigates photocatalytic oxidation for the treatment of VOC emissions and indoor air treatment applicable in solvent-using work environments. Different effective catalysts, reactor configurations and operating parameters are studied.

Water quality

Characterisation of wastewater from different sources, as well as the different flows that define a WWTP (influent, effluent, sludge, recirculations, etc.), analysing both conventional pollutants (COD, BOD, ammonium, etc.) and micropollutants (pesticides, herbicides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, volatile organic compounds, TBT, etc.). Development of new measurement techniques, fine-tuning of measurement methodologies and development of procedures and protocols for the evaluation of data quality, guaranteeing the quality, repeatability and reproducibility of each measurement.

Welfare Geography

Welfare state, Public services, social innovation and Tourism.

Welfare education and students with special educational needs

Research is conducted on: the improvement of the quality of life of people with disabilities (intellectual, brain damage, illness, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit and hyperactivity), the educational response to their special needs, and on the psychosocial impact on families.