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Youth response to the crisis


The latest economic recession that has hit the Western countries has revealed not only the fragility of the capitalist system and the social guarantees that have been associated for some years to Fordism, but also the existence of a deep systemic crisis of a structural rather than a conjunctural nature. Those who are young today have grown up immersed in this crisis and in the uncertainty that the ineffectiveness of social structures produces. In the face of the challenge of "growing up" in this context, young people are adopting the most diverse strategies. This line of research aims precisely to analyse what these strategies are by trying to identify the existence of patterns and construct some new theoretical categorisations.  Starting with Hirshman's famous "exit, voice or loyalty", protest or conformity, the studies carried out in this line analyse the phenomenology of these reactions: processes such as emigration, protest and participation that are manifested in the new social movements, innovation as the construction of new paths, are the central phenomena of this line. The destructuring of Western societies and their organisation is generating, on the one hand, a lack of univocal orientation in the processes of socialisation in favour of the pluralisation of life paths and, on the other hand, an urgent need to build new "solutions" in the life of the community in all areas. From the models of coexistence and the pluralisation of family models, to the ways in which work is organised, including training processes, the life of young people is characterised by a very interesting mixture of conservation and innovation, of ruptures and the emergence of new identities, where subjective processes and interpersonal relations take on great importance. Hence the key use of qualitative research methodologies.

Manager UV
  • Ingellis -, Anna Giulia
  • PDI-Titular d'Universitat
  • Vicedega/Vicedegana / Vicedirector/a Ets
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