University of València Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Logo del portal

Active and healthy ageing, affordable social tourism and sustainable urban development, intelligent cities

Ageing and the promotion of personal autonomy. Reorientation of the tourism sector towards new consumers of products with special needs. Economic, environmental and social challenges of urban areas and their interrelationship, from an integrated and multidisciplinary approach.

Advanced clinical simulation training

Assessment and improvement of advanced clinical simulation to improve the training of nursing students.

Assessment of anthropometric, nutritional and ergogenic aids in sport

Assessment of the body composition, the nutritional status and the effectiveness of substances that increase sports performance. Assessment and development of products aimed at ergogenic aid and high competition.

Bibliometrics and indicators of scientific activity

The main goal of this line is the development of bibliometric indicators useful in the evaluation of scientific activity that allow the easurement of research results and the performance of science, thus enabling public research policies to be better adapted.

Caring for people with chronic conditions

Study of the implications of caring for people with chronic conditions on the health of caregivers. Variables of vulnerability and protection. Application of intervention programmes for caregivers to prevent or improve their health.

Clinical studies

Nutritional assessment/intervention:

  • Study of the functionality of bioactive compounds in patients with certain pathologies and/or treatments; retrospective and prospective population studies.
  • Design and development of food products targeted to selected population groups.
Cognitive impairment

Characterisation of cognitive impairment, its relationship with the frailty syndrome and searches for diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. Study of effective interventions to prevent or delay the progression of cognitive impairment in vulnerable people.

Cooperation and empathy

Study of the neurobiological bases of cooperation and empathy, as well as the relationship between both and their social applications and inclusion in intervention programmes at different levels.


Legal analysis of the regulation on the end of life and dignified death.


Research on frailty sydnrome, a syndrome that appears as a response to different stressful situations and that can serve as a conceptual and experimental framework to explain some of the different pathways that lead to disability and dependence in elderly or vulnerable patients. Study of effective interventions to prevent or delay the progression of the frailty syndrome.

Health and law

Analysis of all legal implications related to health protection.

Health psychology

Analysis of health-related psychosocial factors that have an impact on people's quality of life. Prevention and treatment protocol for chronic patients. Especially in the areas of oncology, infertility and ageing.

Health technology evaluation

All types of health technology evaluation, taking into account the broad concept of health technology ranging from medicines and procedures to health technology and techniques.

Human and animal fascioliasis and Lymnaeidae vectors: molecular epidemiology and transmission

Molecular characterisation of Trematode Fasciolidae parasites of humans and animals from human endemic areas in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia and of Lymnaeidae molluscs transmitting Fascioliasis.

Information and Documentation in Health Sciences

Assessment of scientific activity and analysis of the sharing of raw research data in the health sciences.

Injury prevention at work

Study of injuries in the work environment (health and non-health), and action for their prevention through physical exercise programmes.

Integration of omics

Integration of different omics (genomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, metabolomics, proteomics) with environmental factors for the study of gene-diet interactions in different health-disease phenotypes.


Study of the biological bases of violent and criminal behaviour, with its applications at diagnosis, prevention and intervention levels in violence.


Study of the biological bases of happiness. Application of neurosciences to Positive Psychology. Intervention, prevention and other applications.

Palliative care training for nursing professionals

Analysis and study of the level of training of nursing staff and strategies for improvement.

Promoting active ageing through physical exercise programmes

Through the design of specific physical exercise programmes, the effect on the musculoskeletal system of elderly people is investigated, as well as the promotion of active ageing in this population.

Psico-social frailty

The psychological aspect of frailty includes clinical (cognitive and emotional), functional and socio-familial aspects as well as different demographic and lifestyle variables. The aim is to research and define the profile of these variables in different population groups. 

Psychobiology of stress

This research line studies the effects of the psychophysiological response to stress on behaviour, emotions and cognition, taking into account the adaptive/maladaptive value of these changes and their relationship with health/illness.

Risk of introduction and spread of vector-borne parasitic diseases due to the effects of climate change and global change.

Molecular characterisation of vectors: sequence analysis, phylogenies, population genetics and haplotyping using ribosomal and mitochondrial markers; influence of human migrations; analysis of potential risk of transmission.

Socio-health studies and indicators

To contribute to the body of knowledge on human behaviour and social interaction by collecting data of interest from different social sectors and decision-makers in the public and private spheres, as well as from research personnel.

Study of extracts and/or bioactive compounds of food origin

Functionality and bioavailability tests in cell cultures and in-vitro. Metabolomic analysis (LC-MS) and interpretation of results (Foodomics), Characterisation of bioactive compounds, Evaluation of stability in matrices, Bioavailability in vitro of bioactive compounds.

Study of the abdominolumbar musculature and various activation exercises

Study of the abdominolumbar musculature (also called core musculature) and its muscular activation, by means of specific exercises for this purpose.

Traffic and Road Safety

The topics of research and development are very broad and include epidemiological studies, accident research, causes of accidents, risk factors, risk groups, vulnerable users, driver behaviour, basic psychological processes, attitudes, motivations and values underlying behaviour, the special case of offenders and repeat offenders, as well as autonomous driving.

In addition to the human factor, the subject of study includes the roads (with special attention to black spots and accident hotspots, as well as signage, which is particularly variable), vehicles, and the condition of all of them.