University of València Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Agri-food Industry Scientific and Technological Offer Logo del portal

Calibration and Validation of Earth Observation Data and Products

Using the Valencia and Alacant Anchor Stations, provide surface values of parameters of interest integrated over larger or smaller areas, depending on the spatial resolution of the remote sensing sensor, mainly net radiation, soil moisture and biophysical parameters.

Development of experimental campaigns for testing new thermal infrared sensors, validation of algorithms and remote sensing techniques.

Development of experimental campaigns for testing new sensors in the thermal infrared, as well as validation of remote sensing algorithms and techniques.

Development of methodologies that allow estimation of energy fluxes from land surface temperature measurements.

Development and improvement of methodologies that allow the estimation of energy fluxes from land surface temperature measurements.

Development, improvement and validation of atmospheric and emissivity correction and emissivity-temperature separation methods.

Remote sensing, temperature, emissivity, energy fluxes, chlorophyll-a, seston particles, transparency.

Modelling of temperature and emissivity in the thermal infrared, especially on heterogeneous surfaces.

Modelling of temperature and emissivity in the thermal infrared, and obtaining radiative properties of natural surfaces by characterising the dependencies of emissivity on the angle of observation, surface roughness, cavity effects, humidity and components present.

Remote sensing and remote sensing techniques

Development of remote sensing and remote sensing techniques to improve the observational capacity of the climate system.

Remote sensing techniques for validation and evaluation of LST algorithms and products

Improvement and adaptation of LST algorithms for various satellites, mainly MSG-SEVIRI, EOS-MODIS, and ENVISAT-AATSR. Design and development of angular field radiometry systems.