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It is a well-known presentation tool integrated in the Office package in which you can combine text, images, animations and video.


There are some basic aspects that need to be considered in order to make an effective presentation, for example:

  • What do I want to convey? What do they need and what will I offer? How long do I want the presentation to last? Where will I use the presentation? 
  • In a presentation it is necessary to have a good organisation and to explain from the beginning what the structure of the presentation will be, with an outline or narrating it, informing the students where they are at all times.


Once all the issues have been addressed, it is necessary to gather all the information and plan the structure. The most basic structure used in presentations consists of an introduction, body and conclusions, developing the body part with the information that needs to be conveyed. For the presentation to work, pay special attention to the language. It is preferable to use simple language that avoids complex syntactic constructions and highly technical words.

In order for the core message to be understood and to work, it has to fulfil a number of features: 

  • Must be clear
  • Must be brief
  • Must refer to students
  • Must be applicable to students 
  • Must convey an emotion
  • Must introduce action
  • Must be framed in a positive way 

As content, the emphasis is not only on textual content, but also on taking time to consider what media resources, quotations, practical examples, practices, etc. will be covered in each of them.


It is important to pay special attention to the text fonts chosen, their size, colour, the use of lists, graphics, etc., when presenting the information. Similarly, it is necessary to think about how to include the different media elements to be added to the presentation, such as audio, video, photos, graphics, etc. Do not overuse them and make sure that they make sense within the presentation.


If the presentation is well developed, it will help to understand and reinforce knowledge in a more engaging way than other formats.