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This is how the UV prfessors stays have been in cooperation countries

  • September 27th, 2023
Image de la noticia

At the Cooperation Unit of the University of Valencia we also have mobility aid for Professors and Research Staff. Specifically, we offer:

  • Cooperation aid from staff of the University of Valencia, to cover travel, accommodation and maintenance expenses for mobility stays for cooperation purposes carried out by UV staff.
  • Mobility aid under an agreement, to promote the promotion of academic exchange activities, coordination actions or joint projects of the staff of the University of Valencia with institutions with which the university has signed a framework collaboration agreement.

Although this aid and the previous one have the application period closed, they will be called again next year.

  • Cooperation aid for visiting staff, to cover the stay expenses of teaching and research staff, administration and service staff and doctoral students from cooperation countries who spent a stay at the University of Valencia.

The deadline for submitting applications for this aid ends next  November 15.

In the following gallery we show you some examples of professors  who, thanks to these grants, have done stays in different cooperation countries and also teachers from developing countries who have visited the University of Valencia.

Pictures 1-2: Professor Sofía Buelga giving a class at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of La Habana, in Cuba.

Pictures 3-5: Professor Mariano Chóliz during his stay at the Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación in Paraguay. In addition, he signed an agreement for the inclusion of Paraguay in the Ludens gambling action prevention program.

Pictures 6-9: Ignacio García Ferrandis, teacher of the teaching faculty, at the Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación de Paraguay where he held different conferences and workshops.

Pictures 10-13: Professors Juan Rodríguez del Pino and Susana Marín Traura, from the Faculty of Social Sciences, at the Universidad de Matanzas, Cuba, where they taught and visited different cultural sites as a gift from their hosts.

Pictures 14-17: Professor Cristóbal Suárez at the Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac, Peru, where he gave different presentations and met with the Rector and Vice-Rector of Research.

Pictures 18-20: We finish with the aid for visiting staff, with which Mónica Cárdenas and Varinia Bustos, from ESAN in Peru, have spent a stay at the University of Valencia invited by professors Trinidad Sentandreu and Gabriel Vidal
