Universitt d'Estiu de GandiaUniversitat de València Logo del portal

Trans-European Corridors in Spain: Gandia and the Mediterranean Corridor
09 july 2024

Participants: José Manuel Prieto – Mayor of Gandia, Josep Vicent Boira – Spanish Government Commissioner for the Mediterranean Corridor and José Antonio Sebastián, Spanish Government Commissioner for the Atlantic Corridor

Moderator: Carme Melo. Director of the Gandia International Center of the UV

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Conversation with Bob Pop
16 july 2024

Roberto Enríquez Higueras, better known as Bob Pop, is a TV critic, fashionista, columnist, writer, blogger, actor, screenwriter and TV collaborator. His famous for his collaboration on the show Late Motiv.

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Conversation with Pablo Simon
17 july 2024

Spanish political scientist and political commentator. He gained renown as the editor of the political analysis platform Politikon. He is currently a lecturer at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). As a specialist in political parties and electoral systems, Simón is a regular contributor to several media outlets.

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Conversation with Clara Serra
18 july 2024

Researcher, feminist activist and former Deputy of the Assembly of Madrid. She is currently a researcher in the Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality of the University of Barcelona (ADHUC), where she also teaches. She teaches in matters related to gender and feminism, and her research is focused on the construction and representation of identities and studies on masculinity. She has recently published El sentido de consentir (The...

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Conversation with Rosa Ribas and Alexandre Escrivà
19 july 2024

This afternoon, dedicated to crime fiction, will bring together two authors of the genre. Established author of crime novels Rosa Ribas and new author Alexandre Escrivà, who is enjoying great success.

Ribas, a Catalan writer, is the author of El pintor de FlandesSi no, lo matamos and Tres casos de la comisaria Cornelia-Weber-Tejedor.

Alexandre Escrivà, from Tavernes de la Valldigna, has...

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