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Tools and recommendations for adolescents and young people against gender-based cyberviolence
15 july 2024

This seminar aims to address the social concerns of gender-based cyberviolence among young people and the need for professional training in different areas. It will focus on matters such as the digital environment and the consumption of pornography linked to technologies, as well as the lack of prevention, information and permanent awareness on affective-sexual education.

The seminar is aimed at teaching staff, technical staff of local social and community services, law enforcement...

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Female creators in contemporary Europe
15 july 2024

This seminar will study the different activities of female artists in the Spanish, French and Italian cultural scenes, through a series of lectures. It will also provide a quantitative and qualitative analysis of their work, in order to understand the background and particularities that defined the greater professionalisation of the artists. This analysis will start from their participation in the art system and will also describe the...

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Progress in physical activity and health
16 july 2024

Daily physical activity can improve our quality of life and potential longevity, i.e., our ability to enjoy a full life with ourselves and our environment. Citizens usually do not have access to the concrete application aspects shown by new scientific evidence. And we in science and academia are not able to communicate this in a clear and direct way. Therefore, citizens learn about these concepts from the media, where information is not always...

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The chemistry of our lives. Can we live without chemistry?
17 july 2024

The main objective of the proposed activity is to offer a realistic and demystified vision (without prejudice) of the importance of chemistry in everyday life. In recent years, chemistry, despite being a crucial field of knowledge, has acquired a bad reputation due to messages that are far from reality. As a result, the concept of "chemophobia", which implies an irrational rejection of anything related to chemistry simply because it is...

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Social impact of civil guardianship of persons with disabilities
15 july 2024

The Law 8/2021 of 2 June, which reformed civil and procedural legislation to support people with disabilities in the exercise of their legal capacity, has extensively amended the articles of the Civil Code. Almost three years after the publication of the law, it is necessary to analyse the situation in order to determine whether it is being effectively complied with or whether, on the contrary, the necessary...

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Theatre and systematic reflexion for emotional well-being
15 july 2024

This proposal is part of a holistic, progressive and engaged approach to education, along the lines advocated by bell hooks (2021) (lower case at the author's discretion). That is, an education focused on well-being, which implies that teachers '(...) actively engage in the process of self-actualisation that promotes their own well-being in order to teach in a way that empowers students' (p.37). The main aims of this proposal are to provide teachers with practical strategies for...

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New trends in family relations – civil and labour perspectives
18 july 2024

The family continues to be the most important institution in socialisation. In this respect, there is a certain consensus in legal doctrine highlighting the crisis that this concept is currently undergoing, since certain affective relationships not based on marriage or kinship are increasingly causing certain legal effects. On the basis of the above considerations, and with an eminently practical and socially relevant character, this specialisation seminar proposes the need to reflect on the...

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Specialised seminar on medieval history
15 july 2024

This seminar aims to ensure the academic continuity of the Specialisation Course on Medieval History that has been taught at the Monastery of Santa Maria de Valldigna since 2007, funded by the Mancomunidad de la Valldigna under the academic direction, in its final phase, of the researchers Frederic Aparisi (UV), Vicent Baydal (chronicler of València) and Ferran Esquilache (UAB) (Grupo Harca).

The Specialisation Course in Medieval History is divided into two different parts....

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Psychology in primary health care in the Valencian Community Advances in research and treatment for anxiety and depression in primary health care
15 july 2024

Improving mental health is one of the greatest challenges facing our society given the devastating effects that mental disorders have on individuals and society as a whole. Emotional disorders, such as anxiety and depression, are the most common mental disorders and they are overwhelming primary care services in public health systems. This highly-specialised seminar aims to shape and implement a psychology project for primary care that provides scientific and professional support for the new...

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Forest fires – Environmental impacts, management and planning in the face of global changes
15 july 2024

Forest fires have always been a controversial topic in our society. Is fire good or bad? Should it be eliminated? Or do we need to accept fire as part of our ecosystems?

Fire is unique to Earth. The three components of the fire triangle are fuel, such as plants, heat in the form of sparks and oxygen. Humans are the only species that use fire as a tool. It has existed for more than 450 million years – since the first plants – and it has accompanied humankind since before...

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Convergent lines in modern Spanish poetry
16 july 2024

Modern Spanish poetry finds itself in a period of creative and editorial effervescence. Since the beginning of the 20th century, many new voices have emerged in the field of poetry, diversifying the panorama. Its purpose no longer corresponds to dual and reductionist interpretations, according to which a particular poetic tendency or group occupies the centre of the literary system, while the rest of the aesthetically or...

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Innovation in journalism in an era of information disorder
16 july 2024

This seminar opens up a space for learning and debate about the transformation and current challenges of journalism. This event brings together professionals and experts from the field to explore the current complications in the flow of information and their possible solutions, as well as the opportunities brought about by this dynamic process.

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