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Once  the official degree studies are completed, the person concerned can request the issuance of the corresponding degree.

If you completed your Doctorate after the publication of RD 99/2011, you may apply to the issuance of the certificate by contacting the Doctoral School.

If you completed your Doctorate before the publication of RD 99/2011, you may apply and collect the certificate at the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, by following these instructions:

The  following  documents should be submitted:

  • Valid ID copy (or Passport).
  • Copy of the Degree. 
  • Birth certificate.
  • Receipt of the corresponding fee, if proceeds. The receipt  will be hand out at the Office of the Secretary.
  • Request to the Dean.
  • Request to the Principal.

The person interested should collect the ID at the Office of the Secretary.

When the applicant cannot attend personally, they could authorise to other person,  who have to hand in:

  • Power of Attorney
  • ID of the person represented. 
  • Identification of the person  who carries out the procedure.

If  the person interested lives in other autonomous community or abroad can request the shipment of the degree in the  Government Representation, Embassy  Consular Office of your residence. For the shipment of degrees the fees will be set by the autonomous community:

Shipments via Spain: 15, 00 euros
Shipments via Europa: 30,00
Shipments via other countries: 50,00 euros

The receipt may be requested face-to-face at the Office of the Secretary or by email and it should be attached once paid to the application form.