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  • Degree in Biology
    imatge de la noticia

    This degree aims at training professionals in the area of biology and providing students with a broad and general base of knowledge base, as well as with solid experimental training to ensure they acquire the skills demanded in the labour sector. Taking into consideration the scientific nature of biology studies, the attainment of a scientific attitude to the interpretation of our environment is considered a priority objective, so as to produce professionals with a broad perspective on the role of science in current society.

  • Degree in Biology

    The Degree in Biology covers a broad area of life studies within the basic sciences and offers training for students to acquire skills and abilities in biological processes, in diversity and functioning of living organisms, as well as in communities and ecosystems. This training enables students to enter the world of business, management, research, teaching, and conservation of biological resources and also the health sector.

    • Complements of Biodiversity and Conservation
    • Fundamentals of Health Biology
  • Degree in Biology
    Useful information
    • Having a previous knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics and geology is recommendable to study biology.
    • The joint performance of field and laboratory practicum in different courses offer students a complete vision on the taxonomy of living beings.
    • Optional courses are divided into two thematic blocks or sections related to two of the most usual professional areas: biodiversity conservation and health and biomedical orientation.
    • Students can obtain a mention graduating within a specific academic pathway (in case they studied at least 25 credits of a pathway), but also combining courses from both pathways obtaining, thus, no mention.
    • The final project can be a research assignment or a theory scientific project; it can also be based on the compulsory external internships. Passing the first full academic year and a total of at least 150 credits is compulsory to enrol.
  • Degree in Biology
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 128
    Prize: 17,34 €/Credit
    Specific website:
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates7,8
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Biological Sciences
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 019Geolocation
  • Degree in Biology
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: 0'2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: 0'2
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: 0'2
    Geology: 0'2
    Chemistry: 0'2
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
    imatge de la noticia

    Biochemistry is the science that studies the chemical reactions and interactions that take place in living organisms. It includes the study of the structure of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other cell molecules. This degree aims at providing students with the conceptual tools and techniques needed to understand and use, from a molecular point of view, the transformation processes that living beings undergo to carry out their functions, as well as the integrated regulation of these processes. Students will apply this knowledge to understand and resolve problems related to human health and illness.

  • Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences

    This degree provides training for professional practice in the field of biomedical sciences, both in the basic scientific field and in the health, hospital and pharmaceutical fields, in order to meet the demand and adapt to the progress that this discipline has undergone in recent years. Graduates in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences can work in basic and/or biomedical research, in research centres, and in companies of the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry. Also, as hospital specialists in clinical biochemistry, microbiology and parasitology, immunology, etc., both for the development of new drugs and for diagnosis and treatment methods.

  • Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
    Useful information
    • Having previous knowledge on mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics is recommendable to study Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    • Laboratory practices are carried out in small groups and ICT is the usual teaching tool.
    • This degree and the one in Biotechnology have a high number of common credits: they share the 60 credits of basic training in their own branch and, additionally, graduates in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences can apply for the recognition of 148 credits for the degree in Biotechnology.
  • Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 80
    Language: English, Spanish, Valencian
    Prize: 17,34 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years6.45
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates8,97
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople11,835
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Biological Sciences
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 019Geolocation
  • Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: 0,2
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: 0,2
    Geology: 0,1
    Chemistry: 0,2
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Degree in Biotechnology
    imatge de la noticia

    Biotechnology is the set of disciplines aiming at studying living beings or parts of living beings to obtain goods and services through the use of genetic engineering techniques to modify genes and transfer them from one organism to another. This degree strives for ensuring students acquire the conceptual, manual and technical tools needed to improve current industrial processes and develop new ones, by applying what they have learnt about the transformations that living beings undergo and how these can be improved. Degree holders can draw on their knowledge in various areas such as chemistry, agriculture, health, etc.


  • Degree in Biotechnology

    The degree in Biotechnology is related to the training of professionals for the R+D+I sector due to its links with technological and innovative development in the field of biology and biomedical sciences. In addition to research and teaching, these studies enable for careers in public and private companies related to medicine, agriculture, non-food use of crops and other products (such as biodegradable plastics, vegetable oils or biofuels) and the environment, among others.

  • Degree in Biotechnology
    Useful information
    • Having a background in mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics is recommendable to study Biotechnology.
    • Graduates in Biotechnology use biology to improve people's quality of life through technology, so they must have an interest in scientific and technological subjects.
    • This degree and the one in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences have a high transferability (shared credits). They share 60 core credits, and in addition, degree holders in Biotechnology can ask for acknowledgement of a total of 148 credits towards the acquisition of the Degree in Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences.
    • The degree's area of study covers biology, biochemistry and chemical engineering. Furthermore, it has a notable repercussion in fields such as medicine, pharmacology, microbiology, agriculture or food science, among others.
  • Degree in Biotechnology
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 80
    Language: Spanish, Valencian
    Prize: 17,34 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates6,88
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Biological Sciences
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 019Geolocation
  • Degree in Biotechnology
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: 0,2
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: 0,2
    Geology: 0,1
    Chemistry: 0,2
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Degree in Environmental Sciences
    imatge de la noticia

    The Degree in Environmental Sciences offers a set of studies with a clear multidisciplinary content, which provide a training that will allow graduates to deal with environmental issues from diverse areas of knowledge. Degree holders know the theoretical and practical aspects of natural and social sciences, as well as the necessary tools to apply this knowledge in practical situations.

  • Degree in Environmental Sciences

    The curriculum is designed for training professionals with a multidisciplinary and global vision of environmental issues from different areas of knowledge. Courses provide training in the scientific, technical, social, economic and legal aspects of the environment. Taking sustainability as a point of departure, the degree trains professionals for the conservation and management of the natural environment, natural resources, territorial planning, environmental impact assessment, environmental management and quality in companies and administrations, environmental quality in relation to health, and environmental communication and education.

    Modules or thematic blocks
    • Environmental Assessment and Management
    • Environmental Management and Technology
  • Degree in Environmental Sciences
    Useful information
    • Background in biology, geology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, earth and environmental sciences is recommendable to study Environmental Sciences.
    • Degree holders in Environmental Sciences who work in activities related to the discipline are called environmentalists or environmental scientists.
    • Optional subjects are divided into two academic pathways (Evaluation and Administration of the Natural Environment and Environmental Administration and Technology), which are related to two of the most usual careers within this field. However, students can design their own curriculum by choosing up to 30 credits of optional subjects from either of these academic pathways.
  • Degree in Environmental Sciences
    Credit: 240
    Courses: 4
    Classes: face-to-face
    Places: 80
    Language: Spanish, Valencian
    Prize: 17,34 €/Credit
    Cut-off marks
    Over 25 years5
    Over 40 years5
    Univ. graduates5
    Over 45 years5
    Elite sportspeople5
    Func diversity ppl.5
    Faculty of Biological Sciences
    Burjassot/Paterna CampusC/ Dr. Moliner, 5046100 Burjassot (Valencia)
    +34 963 544 019Geolocation
  • Degree in Environmental Sciences
    General modality trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Foundations of Art II: -
    Latin: -
    Applied Mathematics to Social Sciences II: -
    Mathematics II: 0,2
    Option trunks
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Performing arts: -
    Business Economics: -
    Audiovisual Culture II: -
    Geography: -
    Design: -
    Greek II: -
    Art History: -
    Biology: 0,2
    History of Philosophy: -
    Technical Drawing II: -
    Physics: 0,2
    Geology: 0,2
    Chemistry: 0,2
    Foreign languages
    German: -
    English: -
    French: -
    Italian: -
  • Degree in Environmental Sciences