Master's Degree in Drug Dependence: Research, Treatment and Drug Pathologies

Degree number of credits: 120

Compulsory credits: 90

Final project: 12

Work placements/Internships: 18

Degree code: 2225

Years: 2

Teaching type: Presencial

Knowledge branch: HEALTH SCIENCES

Master degree website:

Places available for new students: 20

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 36

Price per credit
[2024-2025 academic year]:

Management Centre: Faculty of Psychology

Languages used in class: Spanish

Participating Universities: University of Valencia

Academic Coordinating Committee: José Miñarro López (Co-director)
Carmen Manzanedo Pérez (Co-directora)
M. Carmen Arenas Fenollar
María Teresa Cortés Tomás
Javier Pons Diez
Marta Rodríguez Arias
Inmaculada Montoya Castilla
Julia Aguilar Izquierdo (PTGAS)

Academic, scientific or professional interest: Drug addiction is the main public health problem in developed countries. Drug abuse affects the entire population, and illegal drugs are more prevalent among the younger population, which can cause disability and great morbidity for the suffering of many different diseases, including neuropsychiatric ones, of which we are still far from knowing what influences their cause and development. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease, characterised by loss of control over the use of a substance by the patient. This substance (or behaviour) occupies then a prominent place in the person’s life, affecting not only the normal balance of their vital functions, but the homeostatic role of their behaviors and their environment, through the problems generated by the behaviours that this drug imposes on the person. The health and social demand in drug addiction is faced by multiple professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, etc.) from more generic specialties. However, the complexity of managing drug addicts requires a specialisation with strong multidisciplinary character. For psychology, professional development in the field of drug addiction may encourage future specialisation with various professionals, particularly of health sciences, which will improve the clinic projection and therefore the professional demands of the profession.

PhD programme linked to this Master’s programme: Doctoral Programme in Research in Psychology and Doctoral Programme in Medicine

Pre-enrolment information: Student Information Service

Academic information:,