‘El món canta davant d’un bressol’ opens the events to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Orfeó Universitari de València on Christmas

Concierto de Navidad 2016 en el Palau de la Música.

The Christmas Concerts, which are organised by the Music Club of the Universitat de València, finish on Friday, 23rd December, with the traditional performances of the Orfeó Universitari de València at the Palau de la Música (20:00) and the Chamber Section of the Philharmonic orchestra of the Universitat de València at the Charles Darwin Hall of the Burjassot Campus (13:00).

The Orfeó, which is directed by Francesc Valldecabres, will play the 57th edition of ‘El món canta davant d’un bressol’. According to Valldecabres, it is an ‘important’ concert with which the 70th anniversary of the choir starts.

The concert will gather around 300 people on stage and it is divided into two parts. The first one, ‘Saint Nicolas, a cantata op.42’, is a 1948 work of Benjamin Britten. It has been selected by Valldecabres because ‘apart from having almost the same life as the Orfeó, it is an icon of the Christmas parties that narrates the history of Saint Nicolas’, explains the director. It is written for two choirs, an orchestra and a tenor. The performance at the Palau de la Música will count on the participation of Pequeños Cantores de Valencia, the Orchestra and the Choir of the Catarroja Music School and Vicent Romero as a soloist.

The second part, which is entitled ‘Un pessebre molt coral’, includes ten Christmas carols each of which ‘will be devoted to a character of the manger’, says the director.

The special feature of this Christmas concert is that it combines music and painting. The Orfeó’s resident artist of this year is the Valencian illustrator Jesús Huguet, who has designed the poster and the programme of the Christmas show. More information about the artist: https://eloctavomono.wordpress.com

Francesc Valldecabres says that the Orfeó Universitari de València continues with its residence project that consist in the establishment of links with Valencian artists (experts or new talents) to link the musical field with other artistic fields of the Valencian culture.

Detailed programme

Tickets are now available at Palau de la Música box office or at www.entradas.com (from 5 to 10 euros).

Chamber section Philharmonic Orchestra of the University of Valencia

The Chamber Section of the Philharmonic orchestra of the Universitat de València will perform an special Christmas concert on the same day, at 13:00, at the Charles Darwin Hall of the Burjassot Campus (13:00). According to the director of the Orchestra, Hilari Garcia, the concert will be directed by the students of the Orchestra Conducting course given by him.

The Chamber Section will be accompanied by two pianos, Ferran Ruiz and Sergio Campayo. This concert was first played last month in Xàtiva in a concert dedicated to Associació d’Amics de la Costera.

The programme, which is designed with an educational approach, is made up by the play of Ígor Stravinski ‘Ocho miniaturas instrumentales’; of Claude Debussy and arranged by Arnold Schönberg, ‘Preludio a la siesta de un fauno’; and of Camille Saint-Saëns, with ‘El carnaval de los animales’.

The entry to the performance is free with limited capacity.

Detailed programme

Last update: 21 de december de 2016 12:23.

News release