A debate and a conference address legal interpretation from a gender perspective at La Nau

Claustre de La Nau.

Ana Rubio Castro, full university professor of the Philosophy of Law of the Universidad de Granada and former chief executive officer of the State School Council, will give a conference and a seminar at the Cultural Centre La Nau about the challenges of the genre perspective according to the legal and political science. The events are part of the activities of the Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives.

The conference, titled ‘Haciendo real el principio de igualdad. Interpretación jurídica con perspectiva de género’, takes place on Thursday (25 May) at 18:30h in the Aula Magna of La Nau.

On Friday there will be a seminar titled ‘El valor de la utopía para el cambio social’ (Aulas Seminari, from 11:00 to 13:00h). The registration is free (http://www.escoladepensamentlluisvives.com/). Some of the issues that will be addressed during this two days are the following: what representation and participation political model requires parity democracy, what changes are in the personal basic categories at a legal level or how to eradicate the gender violence.

Both events are organized by the Escola and the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València in collaboration with the Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies of Gender Violence and the Graduate Institute for Women’s Studies.

The Escola Europea de Pensament Lluís Vives is a cultural Project promoted by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Equality of the Universitat de València with the management of the UV General Foundation, which is considered a space for considerations and open, participative and critical debate about the current issues at an international level for Valencian society.

Furthermore, the Escuela counts on the participation of people from the Public Administration and civil society: President of the Valencian Government, the City Council of Valencia, Ministry for Transparency and Education, Research, Culture and Sport; Alfons el Magnànim Institute, European Humanities School and Caixa Popular.

Ana Rubio Castro

Full-University Professor of Legal Philosophy of the University of Granada.  Former State School Board, collaborator of the Equality Commission of the General Council of the Judiciary, President of the Spanish Society of Legal and Political Philosophy and Director of the Francisco Suarez Chair of the University of Granada. Principal researcher of the research group SEJ 135. Member of the editorial board of several national and international magazines,

She is author of a hundred of publications in the recent years such as ‘Los costes sociales de la desigualdad y el proceso de individuación en la familia’ (2008), ‘Ciudadanía y participación política de las mujeres en España’ (2010), ‘La dignidad y la igualdad en el trabajo: acoso sexual y acoso por razón de sexo’ (2012), ‘Los efectos jurídicos del soft law en materia de igualdad efectiva. La experiencia española’ (2014 i 2015), ‘La justicia restaurativa. El protagonismo de las víctimas de violencia de género’ (2014), ‘Sobre las dificultades de definición y conceptualización del acoso sexual y por razón de sexo’ (2015), ‘El sujeto cuerpo y mercado, una relación compleja’ (2016).

For her current and rich debates, one of her books deserves special mention. It’s titled 'Las innovaciones en la medición de la desigualdad' (2013), in which she analyses the past and present of the women’s human rights, the parity democracy and the challenges of the current constitutionalism we have to face. For the time being, she is carrying out a multidisciplinary and interuniversity research project in R+D. She analyses the basis of the Spanish legal culture from the 18th century to the 20th.

Last update: 24 de may de 2017 10:27.

News release