The first empirical study at the field of psychoanalysis on the effects of the Civil War will be presented in some days at La Nau

Fotograma del documental.

On 20th, 21st and 23rd April Fòrum de Debats of Universitat de València will celebrate the “Historical Memory Days”. Through those three days, the effects of the Spanish Civil War will be analysed with the celebration of debates, book presentations and the projection of a documental. Every act will take place at the Cultural Centre La Nau (Aules Seminari), at 19h. Free entry until forum is completed.

On Monday 20th April, “Si tu vas à Paris” by Jacquie Chavance and Guillaume Mazeline will be projected. It is a documental which tells the story of seven Valencian women, between the ages of 18 and 20, which in the early 60’s emigrated to France in order to change their future. At the event, Bruno Tur, the documental collaborator, and the writer, Alfons Cervera, Fòrum de Debats leader at Universitat de València, will take a turn to speak 


On Tuesday 21st, a debate due to the book presentation “Trauma y Transmisión. Efectos de la guerra del 36, la postguerra, la dictadura y la transición en la subjetividad de los ciudadanos” (meaning Trauma and Transmission. Effects of the War from 1936, post-war, dictatorship and the transition in the subjectivity of the citizens) by Anna Miñarro and Teresa Morandi will be celebrated. This book is a selection of articles based in the first empirical qualitative study in the field of psychoanalysis and mental health on the effects of the war from 1936, the post-war, the dictatorship and the Transition, published in “Quaderns de Salut Mental”. Through all of these, we try to understand how that time was introduced in life and in fate of the characters, and how that time and all its symbolic meaning had an influence on subsequent generations. In the debate, the two authors of the book Anna Miñarro and Teresa Morandi, and the  psychologist Marina Albaladejo will participate. The event will be presented by Alfons Cervera. 


The days will end on 23rd April with the presentation of the book titled “Las Brigadas Internacionales en Benicàssim” (The International Brigades in Benicàssim), with the intervention of the coordinator of such book, Cristina Escrivà and Juan Carlos Colomer; and the historians of Universitat de València, Ricard Camil y Alfons Cervera.

Last update: 19 de april de 2015 08:00.

News release