Full University Professor of Inorganic chemistry Francesc Lloret, new member of the European Academy

Full University Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Francesc Lloret, a professor and a researcher of the Institute for Molecular Science (ICMol) of the UV, has been selected member of the European Academy, in their last meeting held in Darmstadt (Germany). This institution promotes learning, education and research in Europe.

The European Academy gathers distinguished researchers from the different branches of knowledge from the continent, among others 52 awarded with the Nobel Prize.
The election of Francesc Lloret has been due to his achievements as researcher, reflected on both the 500 articles published as joint author in scientific journals and on his elevated Hirsch-index h (h=69), which places himself in the elite of European Chemists.
Professor Lloret is the eight Spanish chemists who is a member of this Academy in the area of Chemist Sciences since its creation in 1988. Out of the eight Spanish academics, four of them are from Valencia (Professors Francesc Llorent, Miguel Julve y Eugenio Coronado, of the Institute of Molecular Science of the UV; and Professor Avelino Corma, from the ITQ-CSIC (Institute for Chemical Technology-Upper Committee for Scientific Research) of the Universitat Politecnica of Valencia, which confirms the prestige achieved by Chemistry in Valencia.
Last June, professor Lloret was invested doctor honoris causa by the University of Bucharest for its important contributions in the field of molecular magnetism, priority research area in the European Community.

Last update: 3 de september de 2014 11:41.

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