Gemma Fabregat, Professor of Labour Law, receives the award Aequitas from the Col.legi de Graduats Socials of Valencia

Gemma Fabregat.

Gemma Fabregat Monfort, Professor of Labour and Social Law and Vice-Dean of Economy and Sustainability of the Faculty of Law, has been honoured with one of the awards Aequitas of the Col.legi Oficial de Graduats Socials of Valencia (Official Hall of Residence of Social Graduates) in its thirteenth edition. The awards are a recognition to those people and organizations which its work it's important for Labour and Social Law and for the Hall of Residence. The ceremony will take place on 21 December at the Astoria Hotel of Valencia.

This annual award was agreed by the Board of Directors of the Col.legi Oficial de Graduats of Valencia in its meeting of 28 November. The other winners are Francisco José Pérez Navarro, president of the Sala Social del Tribunal Superior de Justicia of the Valencian Country (Social Chamber of the Court of Justice); Ignacio Sacristán Enciso, Director-General of the Inspecció de Treball y Seguretat Social (the Labour and Social Inspectorate); and María Luisa Segoviano Astaburuaga, judge of the Tribunal Suprem (Suprem Court).

Over the twelve past editions, the Col.legi de Graduats Socials has awarded personalities of social and political world, such as Jesús Caldera, Juan Luis de la Rúa, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, Enrique López López, Román Ceballos, Vicente Escrivà, Blanca Bertomeu, Fernando de Rosa o Maria Emilia Casas Baamonde, among others. Also organizations like the OIT, Unión de Mutuas, ANCED, the CES, Ibermutuamur, the Institut Nacional de la Seguretat Social, and FRESMAP.

Last update: 14 de december de 2012 09:39.

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