The University honours first director of the Equality Unit, Olga Quiñones

From left to right Marina Subirats, Eduard Quiñones, Esteban Morcillo, Ernest Garcia and Carmen Tomás.

The University of Valencia has honoured Olga Quiñones, who died on the 6th. Olga Quiñones was first director of the Equality Unit of the University of Valencia. The session was held at the Aula Magna of the historic building of La Nau, and it has been enabled another space, in the Paranimf, to accommodate all those who have wanted to participate in the homage.

The event involved Principal Esteban Morcillo; Full University Professor of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Marina Subirats; Full University Professor of the University of Valencia Ernest Garcia; Carmen Tomás, current director of the Equality Unit; and Eduardo Quiñones, brother of the honouree. 

The video of the event can be found at:

During his speech, all the speakers have recalled with emotion and affection the figure, personality and work of Olga Quiñones in defense of the equality between women and men, and in the service of public education. 

Thus, Principal Esteban Morcillo has highlighted his commitment to education, to the university institution and to gender equality. “She was an extraordinary woman, brave and generous and that is why the entire university community is here this afternoon to honour her and to give her thanks”, he said.

In the same vein, Carmen Tomás and Marina Subirats, friends and colleagues of Olga Quinones have spoken. Both have delivered an emotional speech in memory of the first director of the Equality Unit of the University of Valencia. “Olga Quiñones is an essential part to the history of women of this university”, said Carmen Tomás. “Olga took three basic commitments to public service, with the knowledge and feminism linked to changes in society, and to them she devoted part of her life”, has recalled Marina Subirats. For his part, Ernest García has praised “the enthusiasm that she never lost in defending her values, that conviction that never abandoned her and took with her to all public places she occupied”. Finally, Eduardo Quiñones said “this tribute serves to thank all the tokens of affection that my sister received during her illness and us after her death”.

The University of Valencia thanks the large attendance at the ceremony in honour to Professor Olga Quiñones as well as the notes of condolence received by: Carmen Vela, María Ángeles Durán, Madalen López, Teresa Yeves, Mercedes Bengoechea, Joan Romero, Eulalia Lledó, Rosario Segura, María Antonia Pujol, Pilar Pérez Cantó, Yolanda Guerrero, Elena Beltrán, Sonsoles Sanromán, Matilde Fernández, María José Rodríguez Santiago, Elena Sansegundo and of the Equality Unit Network of Spanish universities, among others.

Olga Quiñones turned 73 years old on 2 November. Born in Salinas (Asturias), SHE was tenured Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Valencia and she had developed her activities in the University Teacher Training School Ausiàs March, as well as in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Valencia.

In the field of university management she was Vice-Director of University Teacher Training School Ausiàs March, Secretary of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Vice-Dean of the same.

As Director of the Equality Unit she coordinated the diagnostic study ‘Dones i homes en la Universitat de València’ and she coordinated, also, the elaboration and drafting of the I Equality Plan which was approved by resolution of the Governing Council on 1 December 2009.

Professor Quiñones was founder and Vice-President of the University Women Association (1974-76), President of the Valencian School Board (1985-88), member of the Feminist Studies Seminar (1983) (today, University Institute of Women’s Studies at the University of Valencia) and Deputy Director-General of the Institute for Women (1993-96).

She was also a member of the Advisory Committee of the Principal of the University of Valencia for Equality policies 2002-2007, of the Observatory of Gender of the Valencian Government and of the Observatory of Non-Sexist Advertising of the Valencian Government.

She has been co-author of several investigations including ‘Las Mujeres en la Comunidad Valenciana Informe Sociológico’, ‘La situación de las mujeres en la administración pública valenciana’, ‘L’elecció d’estudis universitaris: preferències dels estudiants de Secundària’, ‘Las Mujeres en la Comunidad Valenciana: Educación y familia’; ‘Profesoras y alumnas en la Comunidad Valenciana’ and ‘Universidad y feminismo en España. Situación de los estudios de las mujeres en los años 90. Actualización del libro blanco de estudios de las mujeres en las universidades españolas’.

In recognition of her work and constant commitment in Equality policies she was awarded with the Prize ‘Dona compromesa en les polítiques d’Igualtat’ (Woman committed to Equality policies) of Progressive Women 2012.

Last update: 17 de june de 2014 08:00.

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